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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Well then I have no excuse for being at 219, just me choking! I usually (using your strategy 8-) ) PaP around 90-100 seconds and have a good 40 or so at that time. I guess I just need to step it up a notch when I am on my way to get jug. I have not timed myself there yet though.
  2. Welcome back! I'd offer you the user's manual but you probably do not even need it! Enjoy your time here! Until then, happy slaying!
  3. Hello Retro! I am MegaAfroMan, I would like to welcome you to the site and present you with your CoDz users manual. The red text in my signature is a link to some information that you may find helpful during your time at this site. Other wise, take off your shoes, hang up your coat, and enjoy your time here! Feel free to ask anyone here any questions you may have. Until then, happy slaying!
  4. See, I was thinking about all of the timed PaP's the other day while playing, and I thought "you know when you PaP is not really important, it is when you use MS and when you get jug that really maters." I planned on timing myself, but then forgot. Now I know 90 kills, jug, 3 min.
  5. Congrats! Making my poor 219 look even worse! I will try to beat you someday, but first I hae to beat MixMaster as he is currently the only person on my friends list higher than me. I hope to eventually get a 300 game. If you discover any new secrets you should let me know 8-)
  6. I actually came to conclude that Kino is up there with those two in being the easiest map. Kino's only downside is no Flopper, which kind of reduces MS capabilities, but it does not have the con's of either map, and it has the pros of traps, and max ammo rounds. It has the thundergun, and many nice running spots, and an easy full map circle. Der Riese sadly has too many con's as there is no flopper, and the Dogs mid round can be painful. It can be worked around, but it can not be the easiest map because of that, and the lack of a full spawn killing WW.
  7. Shangri-la. Fun. Not as fun as Nacht though! Who needs PaP and Jug and Quick Revive. NOT ME! :twisted: I AM THE BEST!!!! :twisted: No. Of course not. Just trying 30 with Mlindy, Ghostknight (sir NotAppearingInThisForum) and Krazy cookies was difficult enough. We tried me and mlindy, me, mlindy, and Krazy, and all four of us and the highest we got was 18 (which was interestingly enough the match with 4 of us, and about 2 rounds after we accidentally ruined the upstairs camping spot by accidentally clearing the barrier when trying to repair the window.) It was fun though.
  8. Or you could be like Wikipedia, and post very serious looking "please donate" messages to replace the CoDz forum banner on the top of the page. I seriously just found our donate button a week or two ago, when I made my Manual. It is hiding on the bottom of the index page.
  9. [tab][/tab]So after reading the various guides on here about the maps, and about solo play (and Superhands recently released guide) I have decided I want to set a goal to reach 50+ on a map solo, just to do it. I am having trouble trying to figure out the better of the two maps for solo play though. Here is what I have come up with as pro's and con's for both maps. Ascension! Pro's Traps Possibility of more than 4 perks Thunder Gun Super easy running locations Max Ammo Rounds Con's Possibility of losing perks. Normal start. Moon Pro's Possibility of MS, Jug, and Tons of points at round 1. Many easy running spots Max Ammo's on demand Cheap Upgraded Wall gun Ammo. Con's Astronaut zombie. Excavators (somewhat) So I am not really sure which is easier, but I think I might be leaning towards Moon ever so slightly. Losing perks in Ascension could be bad, MS is beast, and if I lose focus and flopper goes without my noticing that could be horrible. Jug, Quick revive, Flopper, and Mule Kick are all at fairly decent distances from each other, and my preferred running area is the MPL room, (although I have not done that higher than 27 solo.) so if I were to go there I would not open the bottom door, which would separate quick revive, and jug, making protecting both difficult. Moon's main issue's are the excavator, and the Astronaut. The excavators can be easily handled. By hording behind you, sprinting there, and going back through the opposite tunnel. The astro can be a pain if he ends up in the labs however during this. What do you guys think the easier of the two is?
  10. You could perhaps try to put in on Richtofen, but then that would mean that he wants the Characters to succeed. So you have to question whether or not he really is as evil as we would think. Then again, helping them helps himself, so who knows?
  11. Thank you for your wise words senior Doggy... Anyhow, I would say that it could be an interesting theory, but lately I have been told that this kind of thing does not need to be over thought, and we should just assume it is for gameplay purposes. However, I personally think it is a possibility, but even if it is, it really does not imply anything new to the story. Still, interesting thoughts Fatal.
  12. True, but from the point of view of the map most of those other weapons do not exist yet either. What about the PaP'ed versions of the guns? None of those exist, are they still unimportant? If the result of PaP'ing is unimportant than is the PaP itself really important? I just really do not know where we can draw a line stating "this is strictly for gameplay" and "this is story related". And I do not know the timeline of the campaign, but I seriously hope that Treyarch would have had viable reasoning for including certain guns in the campaign levels, and multiplayer has no really timeline or story. The events in Multiplayer could be occuring right now in a field somewhere. Dang LARP'ers....
  13. But where exactly should we draw the line? If you remember the debate about the importance of the Kookaburra sound file versus the Hyena sound file in Shi no numa, why can we cast out one sound file and all of these guns but keep the other sound file and say that it is viable evidence? I really think that is being a tad too selective. Sure it fits, but in my opinion, when you are presented with new evidence you should reconstruct your case, not squeeze it in if it fits, or discredit it if it does not.
  14. Yes you could think that it does not matter, but then to be fair we should really decide that nothing matters. No background noises should matter, they are only for gameplay purposes, no perks matter, only for gameplay purposes, no environments would matter, only for gameplay purposes. Dismissing this, would be lazy. We need an explanation, you can not just look at any wrinkles in what we thought we knew and just dismiss it by saying that it does not matter because it does not fit with what we already have. People have so many interesting theories about the Wonder Weapons, well if none of these guns matter because Sam can just pull them from anywhere, then none of those guns matter either. It really is that simple.
  15. [tab][/tab]Well, hello there! I welcome you to the site! Feel free to ask anyone here any questions you may have. I now present you with your CoDz user's manual. (click the red text in my signature) In it you will find a lot of helpful (hopefully) information about the forum! Also feel free to add me on xbox, (GT is my username) and enjoy your stay here at CoDz. Until then, happy slaying!
  16. Actually yes, I thought about that, but forgot to post it! I did sign up there when CoDz was down, and I made a few posts here and there. Not many, but probably enough to get my name into your memory.
  17. I will try my best to make it to these, and if you need any help at all with organizing or hosting these, I will proudly step up to the challenge! That way I can actually do something useful around here! :lol:
  18. [tab][/tab]Hello Marshmellow! I welcome you to this site gladly! Go ahead and take off your shoes, hang up your coat and relax! If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Oh and by the way, if you need help understanding anything about the forum (sorry if it sounds like I am copying KillAllZombies) Click the large red lettering in my signature, there you will find your CoDz User's Manual! Good luck, and happy slaying!
  19. Hmm, well I can not think of where you might have seen it. I am an Xbox gamer and you are PS3/PC. So unless you have been stalking the forums without knowing it sometime since August, there is, in theory, no way in which you should know me.
  20. Why do the slower zombies get to you before the fast sprinting zombies? To make sense it would have to be the other way around right? Imagine the gameplay if round one was all sprinters and round 30 was super slow walking zombies Example two: Why can these characters open doors, but not close them? Clearly the zombies can not go through these doors, so why not save themselves a lot of trouble and just close the door behind them? Also, why are there never any zombies waiting for you in the room when you open it? It does not make sense why tons of zombies could be pouring in the entrances to the room you are in, but none of them had the idea to try to enter in from that room, and end up stuck behind their worst enemy, a closed door. Example four: Well that is all I got, I would really like to hear more illogical things with zombie gameplay as some of them are actually quite funny to think about in the context of an actual zombie apocalypse! Until next time, Happy Slaying!
  21. Well hello there! I am MegaAfroMan, and I am at a loss how to respond to the introduction post of a Vet. I would normal talk about how you can ask the users with pretty colored names for help but alas you ARE a user with a pretty colored name... I am somewhat new so you probably do not know me, yet... I will change that! On a side note, it is really great to see old users coming back. CoDz is really on the rise recently so many returns and new users, and a lot more guests than usual. I think this is just the start. Glad to have you back!
  22. It is possible, but the largest evidence against this, is that richtofen is still richtofen, and samantha is still samantha, the zombies eyes are still yellow, and therefor the events of Moon can be assumed to have not occurred yet.
  23. I actually think it would disappoint me the most to see the zombies multiplayer servers being just as bad as they are now. If the way zombies multiplayer matches are found, hosted, and recorded does not change and they continue to use the same system and format I think I would be upset. They should have player stats as extensive for zombies as there is for multiplayer. Or at least close to it. Plus hosts should be able to migrate, I do not care if it causes a pause and a little spinny wheel, I do not want the game to end because the host leaves. This is already a feature in the multiplayer, it should be applicable in zombies too.
  24. So then are the "xbox ambassadors" really just supposed to be Carbon, and Covert? Or were some of the mod's given the responsibility of organizing Xbox Play dates as well? Or has that responsibility never been given? Sorry I know I said I would stop but you provoked it!
  25. Well hey, better safe than sorry right? I am personally not sure if the title still needs to exist, but I do not think the site is balanced in terms of consoles yet. The 115 xbox thread had more responses than the PS3 one did by a decent amount. However none of the actual "xbox ambassadors" (admins I believe) have been trying to make gaming sessions! Wonder what they ARE doing... :? ? EDIT* I think I should probably stop posting off topic things in this thread I will try to stop now.
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