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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Phxntxm, thank you for the explanation, and not to seem mean, but my question was rhetorical. I have seen that question and the accompanying answer many times, I merely said it in sort of a "I wish I could do this stuff and have it be official," kind of way.
  2. Why can't there be an Xbox Ambassador! :x then I would not feel like such a poser for wanting to do this stuff for the Xbox! Way to step up to your title Eye. You took the 115 community play idea and expanded on it greatly! I think this is a great idea you have here, and I think only good things can come out of having this community of players we have here, slaying zombies together! It allows us to not only know how we all write and think, but also to see these strategies in action, and plus it offers opportunities for conversation and relaxation that are not already present on the site. I am jealous of you PS3 players. EDIT* during the time it took me to type that message, I saw 4 new messages posted! This thread is insanely active! It's gonna explode!!!
  3. I also have considered this, as I do feel like I know some of you, and like that this is more of a community, than just a forum, but I think the new people who become regulars will probably be quite cooperative, I mean if they have the dedication to come on and post almost everyday, they probably will not be trolling constantly, or they would get locked, and eventually banned quite quickly. The people who post one or two times, can go ahead and do that, because during that period of time the regulars and truly dedicated members here will probably be creating so many threads,and that will eventually push the pointless ones off of the page. I welcome the appearance of new members to the forum, as a few of them will eventually become new members of the community.
  4. Greetings Librarian, I am MegaAfroMan, and I would like to welcome you to the site. It is nice to see new users, and even nicer when they make their first post in the introduction section instead of the teammate finder section... I hope you figure out everything about the site and how it works, if you need help just click the large red link in my signature. Then perhaps my Manual can achieve its intended purpose, and actually help a new user. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask. Otherwise, just enjoy reading some of the many great things on the forum, and perhaps even grace us with some of your own work. Good luck and happy slaying.
  5. That was almost exactly my thought process too!
  6. Okay, well there will be room for you if you decide to join us! Otherwise that sounds like a great way to celebrate 115 day! As long as you're having fun and killing the un-dead you are definitely doing a great job.
  7. Well then mix you should consider signing up for the Xbox community playdate! I will ask all who sign up later via PM specific things about time, time zone, maps, and mic.
  8. Great finds! I really wish I could give you brains, but it says I have to spread my points before giving to you. Sorry, I will try remember to come back and do so later though! I really like the amount of effort you are putting into these theories!
  9. I would love to play with some of our great PS3 users, however I am an Xbox player. I am not fortunate enough to have both though either.
  10. The CoDz User's Manual is now complete and can be found stickied in the site news section. I also added a link in my signature. It has been roughly 48 hours since it started from an idea and after a lot of work, it is now a reality. Enjoy!
  11. Hello there, and welcome to CoDz! I hope you enjoy your time here, and I am sure you will find plenty of people to play online with here. It is what we do. Anyways to help you get situated here is your users manual! CoDz User's Manual I hope that you read it, and if you do I hope it helps you understand the forums a bit better! Otherwise if you don't I am sure you can figure things out just fine. Welcome to CoDz and have a wonderful stay!
  12. After roughly 7 hours of typing yesterday, and at least 5 total hours of editing today my guide is finished and should be posted by morning. Enjoy my first major thread. It will be in Site News titled "CoDz User Manual"
  13. Thats alright, I really like the pictures I am adding. In my opinion it makes it a lot less monotonous and better looking.
  14. I am now adding pictures to the guide. A last minute decision that I think will really make it look better, besides, Covert must not be coming on anymore tonight so I need something to do until he okays it.
  15. Don't worry, you guys are mentioned in the Teammate Finder Section. I do not go in depth really, but I am sure those who are curious enough will check out your threads.
  16. It actually is somewhere around 200 full lines of text. I think, took about 7 hours of straight typing last night and 3ish hours of editing today.
  17. I think it is a great Theory, and probably one of the best we have, and probably the closest to being correct, out of anything. However, I wonder if we have been ignoring, much more elegant solutions, just in order to keep everything we are finding in line with what we have already found? Perhaps if someone looked at all the evidence now, and tried to craft a new theory that used it all and answered as much as possible without leaving loose ends, we might be in for a surprising revelation or two. Who knows? Sometimes, it is better to start over from scratch when presented new data, instead of just adding it to the old data set, and fitting it with the old story. However, sometimes this really is just a waste of time. It would be interesting to see if anyone could craft a non-mainstream theory that uses all the evidence (or at least most) to its advantage, while maintaining several major differences from the current ideas. But if his goal was to try to destroy population, it can indeed be assumed he targeted major cities, however it appears that the Earth took heavier damage to which ever side is facing the moon, (honestly even with today's nuclear capabilities I do not think three rockets could cause that much devastation across the whole globe) Someone should examine the image of the earth and try to determine what appears to be the most affected or changed after the rockets hit, and perhaps even try to locate where the rockets hit (based on the impact flashes). The information could be quite helpful. And yes nuked Paris would be nice, and now that they have introduced equipment (hacker, PES) a radiation suit is very probable. I want to see the final show down inside a dimension of the Aether, some strange shifting dream world type map, the egg would be designed to kill Richtofen/Samantha/???, and then sever all connection to the Aether from Earth. It would be the largest most intense I think they could go (where can you go from an alternate dimension that would be more intense?) and it would provide a clean end to the story.
  18. You haven't even read it yet. It's been only about 28 hours since I came up with the idea, for all you know it could be three lines of text, a big picture, and some flashy animation. It's not though... ;)
  19. That may be the mainstream idea, and I personally agree with it, but you cam always find ways to make the facts say interesting things. Sadly this thread appears to be dying.
  20. The Guide is in the Final stages of completion! Awaiting word form Covert now to see if I missed anything important. Coming soon, to forums near you!
  21. Very nice, I just read the Dempsey section and this one is also quite nice, and it does not leave too many loose ends, which can be a big problem with some theories. I look forward to seeing your other two.
  22. Being a support player is actually sometimes a really good role to play when trying to go high rounds, a lot of people neglect that role themselves. I actually personally enjoy using the Lawton a lot, and the PaP'ed Ballistics. They become ridiculously unhelpful kill-wise past 25ish, but reviving with them is a good time, and actually has increased my aiming abilities in black ops significantly. I've got to say though, the T-Gun and Wave-gun are great, just wonderful.
  23. Welcome! It really will be nice to have you on board here, so I hope you do not drift away like some of our new members do. You did a very good job with your first post. I would hope to see more in the future! I hope you are adjusting well to being a member of the site. You will find that we are quite friendly here at CoDz, and as I said before, if you have a question, just feel free to ask!
  24. It can always come back again! You are welcome though!
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