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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. So, after playing many, many games with randoms, I have come to question whether or not there even is a proper way to play fairly in zombies. I like running. However, is this fair to everyone else? In a map such as Kino there are not that many commonly known easy places to run. So if you are running in the lobby and getting half the zombies every round and point spamming them with an SMG is that really fair to the other three players trying to survive in the stage? Zombies is a team game is it not? I know I found myself getting frustrated that this one player had nearly 60,000 points by round 20 or something similar when I had only near 20,000 because all of the places I knew how to survive in were already being used, and not wanting (yet) to be rude and kill steal I tried to survive in the aisle in the theater between the stage and lobby. I could not go anywhere either, as someone was running the stage and someone was running the alley and someone was running the lobby I was stuck in place. I know that if I was in any of their positions I probably would not being questioning the fairness of it all, however now I think about it often. Is it really fair to horde the zombies and complain when someone kills them, even if you have a lead of one-hundred or more kills than the next closest guy? Is it really fair to extend the round so long, because you want to squeeze every last point out of the zombies with your SMG? Is it even fair to split up and leave your "team mates"? Granted camping will not allow long term survival, but the game itself really is not built to be team friendly, or at least, not in the way that it has come to be played. As fair as we try to be, does buying that extra 1250 point door really make up for the fact that you will be later taking more than half the zombies every round and quickly tripling everyone else's points and kills? Some may say that it is fair because knowing how to run properly is a skill, therefore you deserve those points. What if it is a map that has a few running spots? Like my above Kino situation. On Der Riese I have discovered that running in the spawn location will almost always give you more zombies than others will see in the map, due to the shaping of the map. There are many, more zombies spawns that would be closer to the lobby than most other running or camping locations. I have actually been asked not to run in that location when playing with my friends, and it is very noticable in our scores if I do or not. If running is fair, regardless of the huge point leads, is it still fair in the Der Riese situation? Is that still skill? Or does it come down to a game of 'who gets there first' or 'who leaves first' if a stand off should occur? I would like to hear input on this matter very much. Until then, MegaAfroMan
  2. I personally do not like it as much as the other forms of CoD zombies but there really is nothing wrong with it, and the people that I find that say they hate it are the ones who have not even gotten to the room of fate yet (round 15ish I think?) and that is where it hooked me, allowing for that alternate style of gameplay was quite nice. Sadly I am disappointed in this thread. There are insults and challenges and all sorts of un-friendly things being said here. We are better than this. When you have an opinion to sound, direct ALL of your arguments towards the idea, NOT the people presenting the idea. There is nothing wrong with saying "dead-ops sucks" sure you should probably AT LEAST give a few reasons, with explainations would be even better. What is NOT acceptable is saying "dead-ops is boring and all the players who like it are idiots and suck at regular zombies" that is entirely unacceptable and should be (and could be) considered unnecessary harassment, and should get you on the track to being banned from this community. If it is a slip of the tongue (or rather, hands) then apologize for your rude behavior. If you do not see that you did wrong to your fellow human beings, then I would suggest counseling and perhaps a time-out. Come on CoDz do not let me down. -MegaAfroMan
  3. That is very true. For example, I used to hate the map FIVE. But I gave it one serious attempt with a buddy of mine and now I actually think it is a very nice map, I used to think the wall guns were completely useless but now that I know how to run trains and use cheap smg's (Pm63 or MPL with double tap and you will definitely make your money back and more with those guns.) I use that as one of my main strategies for the first 20-25 rounds which can sometimes (if I am lucky enough) get me up to 50-100 thousand points with 4 perks already under my belt I can spam the box for whatever gun I could want (if we get a crawler). I used to think the VR-11 was a complete waste of time until I found out about its effects on your teammates when it is pack-a-punched. I used to think the Matryoshka Dolls were a useless secondary grenade... well maybe that one was kind of right...
  4. You know, Superhands, I remember having a debate with you on the thunderguns effectiveness once upon a time. I think I should inform you that perhaps you may have been right about it being one of the best wonderweapons. I realize now that I was not very effective with it because I ran my trains too long so they were not bunched up right for a thundergun blast. Now however I have begun to run trains in the lobby in Kino and have found that the entire room can usually be cleared by one blast (unless it does that random fail glitch) so I stand corrected on my previous outlook of the thundergun, but in the end it really depends on how you use any wonderweapon that determines how good it is. If you upgrade the VR-11 and shoot each of your teammates with it then you can make the rounds go by much, much faster and easier than you could with a lone thundergun. And if you do run long trains or camp then the WunderWaffe will do you better than the thundergun would, and ect...
  5. Exactly I believe this was probably the safest perk to add without affecting the overall dificulty of most of the maps. On Nacht its ability is offset by the fact that it is the only perk so you'll still go down and die in two hits and lose the perk and your third gun, so unless you are camping with four people that have it or are running a train with three smg/assult rifles it will be difficult to keep the perk for an extended time. On the maps that previously had the 4 original perks it forces you to choose a perk to be excluded which could change many peoples views on the maps. On the maps that had 6 or 7 perks it just kind of adds a nice variety and bit of change to the game play. And on moon it does nothing (it was already there) I think the other three added perks would probably be slightly more game changing than mule kick.
  6. It is long but sometimes people are looking for that. Not a bad review, you should list some of your "classes" Ex. In kino, five,and Der Riese I used to use all four perks 99% of the time but with Mule Kick added my goal class includes, MK, Jug, DT, SC, and the Upgraded ballistic knifes. Otherwise if I cannot get the knives I replace DT with quick revive unless I have the HK21 AND a pump action shot gun (trench preferably) or ray gun or thundergun with it. Otherwise I just live with the sluggish RoF that the HK21 has because I personally believe Quick Revive is quite important. Losing a teamate is not helpful to the team 90% of the time. Plus in the later rounds reviving actually makes a lot of money.
  7. I believe I have been a member here on CoDz for almost a month and I realized just now that I never posted an introduction here. I am MegaAfroMan, it is my username here and my gamertag for Xbox 360. I have been playing zombies since day one on World at War and have all the maps for both games. I am sadly not online much or for long enough intervals to go for high round games during the week so my records will not be changing much, however I love the game and am always willing to play with anyone who is interested, considering I am able to, of course.
  8. The wave gun if used the same as the will be able to eliminate entire hordes of 24 with each shot and it has the exact same amount of ammo as the thundergun before and after each are pack-a-punched. Plus it gets the extra 60 zap shots which makes it stronger than the thundergun and the PaPed version stronger than the zeus cannon. I still dont know if its better than the W@W Dg3 but otherwise I think it is capable of getting the most kills out of any gun. Plus its very easy to use. Reload time isnt too long in either form, its range is longer than the thundergun (although it can be easier to miss) and you dual wield the zap guns when youre downed. The zap guns can be fired one entire clip at a time so you can always have one gun reloaded and arent highly accurate but at medium to close ranges its not too hard to hit with, and it is an insta kill. The wave gun is simply beast. However moon does have things that break up late game monotony, the astronauts get much stronger in the later rounds, the excavators can force you to stop mid round or get a crawler as they can ruin strategies, and decompressing rooms accidently with guns or grenades can also cause problems in later rounds, and there is the difficult placement of juggernog that makes this one of the only maps where jug isnt my first perk or even on me untill the teens. Overall though I believe that the moon map is quite challenging and entertaining.
  9. It doesnt have to be perfect, this isnt english class, but if you want everyone to understand it then you have to make it kinda neat and tidy, again I dont mean to be a nazi, just want you and everybody else to be able to enjoy whatever contributions you can make to the forum.
  10. Now for my response, I remember how easy zombies were back when It was only good ol' Nacht. They were much slower and weaker than they are now and the rounds flew by, It always seemed like the teens were harder than the 20's for me, although I cant explain why. I remember the text at the bottom of the screen that said "Insta- Kill" and had a 30 second timer. I sort of automatically knew what the tally marks were and I've only recently been a member of this forum so I cannot tell you what kind of speculation existed during those days, but I do remember that was the reason I bought World at War, I played zombies with a buddy and just had to go buy it myself. Its one video game I can proudly say I believe I've gotten my money's worth of entertainment out of.
  11. Wunderpancake, not to be rude, but I think you should put a little more effort towards typing in a way that everyone can understand. I'd really love to answer your question but I can not understand most of it. I am not usually a grammar nazi but still, proofread your posts quickly before you submit. Here is an attempt at what I think it probably should say Could you guys tell me what you talked about when Carbon first knew about the storyline? What was it like when Nacht Der Untoten was the only map, when you thought you had to hold B to board up windows or even when you didn't know what the tally marks in the bottom left corner of your screen meant? Please share!
  12. What you are referring to is the Astronaut Zombie. The Phasing Zombies are the Nova Crawlers that... well, phase. The astronaut zombie is seemingly like a cross between george and the napalm zombies. The astronauts can spawn really frequently (not always though) and are about as slow and tough, but they do not count towards the round and you do not get points from them. They are pretty annoying if they happen to show up in a narrow area of the map but otherwise are pretty harmless and managable in most cases.
  13. Hit 37 with a friend in private match before he had to leave and I believe, with a little luck, i could do just as well on solo (we were mostly staying out of each others ways anyway) This map is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. My only complaint is I havent not seen nor heard of a knife upgrade. Is there really no Bowie or Sickle? Top 1/4 of 1% on moon! Rank 3922 1525031 total moon players (on XBL)
  14. It is 100% random. I've played through enough to say no matter which doors you open it will randomly pick out of the three. It may seem more likely if you only open tunnel 6 and not the biodome or tunnel 11 but even then it is still random. I had a match where tunnel 6 was assulted 3 times by the excavator and tunnel 11 twice and the biodome was never threatened. Ive had both tunnels been destroyed regardless of whether or not any of the doors in them were opened. Just keep trying games and eventually it will happen.
  15. I've always wondered about the laughter. Makes it almost seem like treyarch knew this would happen someday. I've had 3 experiences with Treyarch glitiching and ruining a game, all followed by the laughter of samantha. All 3 happened to my friend while we were playing 2 player private match. The first I dont really understand, but the upshot is we were on acsension and he went down and when I revived him he didnt have any guns but was holding his knife like a gun. Then he went to spin the box and samantha laughed and he was holding a pistol and lost the ability to knife or have a second gun slot for the rest of the game. The second was on Kino, same friend went down inside the teleporter so i began reviving him in the projection booth, and he thought it'd be fun and harmless to knife at the air in my direction and there was a thud noise and i immediately died. He had an upgraded bowie/ballistic but im not sure if thaat makes a difference. The third also happened on Acsension. My friend (again same one) was running and diving off the lander platform by Flopper and during one of the leaps his body didnt stop when it hit the ground. He just went right through it and instantly died and samantha thought it was funny. See the laughter makes me wonder how accidental is it?
  16. The caption was the same as it was in WaW. It was the last zombies map in WaW (the end) and it was where the zombies were first created and experimented with (where it all started) Nothing too mysterious. I'd love it just as much as anyone if Der Riese held new secrets to uncover but its still the half-finished story it always was. I kinda wished they couldve done more to explain the fly trap though. Now this is all my opinions as I personally have only watched, not done, the Easter Egg missions on the Black Ops maps.
  17. I do not play solo too much more myself, but from what running routes I use when other players are downed I can possibly say two strategies. 1. You need to have opened the 1250 door that leads to teleport C(? by the bowie knife and STG-44) stand down by the STG and wait. zombies will run up the small stairs to get to you. you jump off the ledge closest to the STG and run to the wall across from you (under the Catwalk) and then immediately turn towards your left and run that way being sure to avoid zombies and then turn left and run back up towards the STG. I did this in co-op while my friend shot at the crowd with a WunderWaffe and it worked quite well. I did occasionally have to run farther though through back up routes, one of which was up the stairs to the cat walk and continuing straight onto the little balcony by the window and jumping down and then running across into the quick revive room and dropping down the hole into the tunnel and then SPRINTING (very very important to sprint here) back into the room with the STG. I only ran those bigger circles when I was alone or if too many zombies were coming in the main doorway at once, blocking my circle. This one is risky and Juggernot is more than required. 2. I've never used this strategy myself as I am too much of a point hoarder and Samantha hates me, but, You can esssentially survive for a long time using the teleporters. This is very expensive so you'll want a cheap wall SMG. pretty much just pick a teleporter room to start in. (i'd recommend the one by the STG so you can use the 1st strategy to gather a sufficient crowd.) and then when you cant hold off anymore teleport to the mainframe. You can possibly risk staying to see what the power up is (she never gives me one) but thats a risk you'll have to figure yourself. Otherwise pick a different teleporter and run towards that one. then repeat the hold out and teleport process. Cycle between all of the teleporters if you can, im not entirely sure what the cool down times are but im pretty sure the 1st will be cooled by the time youve used the other 2. If the cool down times are short enough ( I'm just brain storming here) then the best combo would be to use C (stg) then the one near double tap because they are the farthest from each other so if you run up to the other teleporter (by double tap) through the furnace room then you shouldnt run into any of the zombies that didnt get friend by the teleporter, which would ensure a slightly safer trip. I dont do much solo but I've found Kino has ruined my abilities to camp in zombies. I get restless when camping on the cat walk in Der Riese. Anyways Good Luck! XBL GT: MegaAfroMan
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