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xFaTaLx RaMpAgE

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Everything posted by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE

  1. I was referring to way's post about village being the worst; no need to get all riled up.
  2. Ehh, 32 on underground is just average. It is like the easiest map other than seatown. 30 on any other map is pretty good though.
  3. The hardest solo map is hardhat, hands down.
  4. I'd say it is more skill than anything else. Yes there is obviously patience involved but no matter what you say you need a ton of skill. If skill didn't matter than why has nobody hit round 200? Almost all of the high round runs end in death or g spawn errors, not suicide. It also depends on the map, take verruckt for example; there's been plenty of people who have been to 30 or 40 on co-op. but just because they get ere doesn't mean they can get to 50, 60, or 70. Look at the number of people above 60 on verruckt, it's only like 10 or so. I think your overall skill includes your ability to focus over a long period of time and not slack off.
  5. Can we get this moved to the treyarch's next game sub-forum? It seems like a more appropriate spot for this thread.
  6. The last time I played they got you points that were the same as you got for kills, so I would say yes, they do count as kills.
  7. It's actually way easier solo. You don't have to worry about other people screwing the loop up or making crawlers. Crawlers are an absolute killer, so that's why I suggest not using bouncing betties or explosives. Read Superhands guide for more info. I know its not a loop, but I can never manage to spin around it in a way that prevents my escapes being blocked. If I go down in my other spots, I always hope to see a remaining player running up there, but typically the runner in that spot goes down before anyone in my spots (I imagine it is an experience thing since I know people swear by that spot and wouldn't dream of the STG), so I ever get much of a chance. I could show you what I do if you want me to.
  8. Call of Duty 2 had the best campaign ever, hands down. The problem is that not many people have played it. I kind of want a new game though, as in neither black ops or WaW.
  9. Im going to have to go with mule kick on moon, it's just soooo soothing.
  10. I think that having black holes and monkeys are enough. I would like to see a new effect. Here's an example, you would throw this grenade called the shrieker which makes a loud shrieking sound and makes all the zombies run away for say 15 seconds. The monkey idea is getting a little old IMHO.
  11. Wow that's pretty good but what about after wave 30? That is when this information becomes most valuable.
  12. For the DoA record the entire 48 hour game was uPloaded, so no glitches there. ;)
  13. That's what I was just trying to explain, so either I was unclear or you skimmed it. Simply put, you get 1 prestige token for each game you prestige in. Sorry for the confusion. :)
  14. I think they should add a mystery wonder weapon. What I mean by this is that each shot will have the effect of a random wonder weapon, including grenades. Now wouldn't that be cool?
  15. How can you say it takes no skill? If getting high with perks takes skill, then how does it not require skill to not use perks? Btw the "poster above you" has a name for a reason, and it isn't so you can call him the poster above you .
  16. That's why it's a challenge! ;)
  17. I can train in there, but the only problem I have is killing them. It is definitely doable up until at least round 16 when the dogs spawn in wih zombies.
  18. First of all, it won't be the next Call o Duty game. They release them once every year, always in November. Also keep in mind that if they released it then they would lose a ton of money. With no advertising for the game, there would be no anticipation of it. They would also lose customers due to the fact that MW3 came out just 6 months before. With the 2 bullets my guess would be they are releasing another army of 2 game. Second of all, I really hope that it isn't black ops 2. If they released it in May it would absolutely suck. The production would have been rushed, and try wouldn't have time to put in new things or improve the gameplay. It would essentially be BO1.5
  19. There are 2 ways to earn prestige tokens: the first is by prestiging on MW3. The other way is by prestiging on another CoD game. However, you can only get 1 token from each of the older games. For example, if you prestiged 9 times on MW2 you would only get 1 token. If you prestiged on MW2 prior to the release of MW3, then you would have started off with your prestige token in MW3. Hope this helps :)
  20. Just think about how good it would be to switch faster though. If you are cornered and you can instantly whip your thundergun out then you will never die. I really think people underestimate what it would do for them. I also think that speed cola is over-priced, 3000 really isn't worth it IMHO. It would be worth it if they decreased swap time. But I think it should be its own perk. If they do what I suggested before there is no reason why they can't add new perks.
  21. Here is a challenge I am going to put out there for the whole community. I have tried it a couple times and I believe it is the hardest thing I have ever run. I got to round 12 a ways back, can you beat that? So I remember someone somewhere posting a comment that said relaxing end could train in a shoebox. Here is your chance to try it out! Der Riese Quick Revive Challenge Description: You will stay in the quick revive room for the entire game, attempting to train zombies and stay alive. Whoever gets to the highest round wins. *You must record the whole challenge from round 10 and up to be in the running* Rules: 1. This is a solo only challenge. 2. You have the first 10 rounds to build up points and get perks and weapons. 3. At the start of round 11 you must go into the quick revive room and every round after. (except dogs) 4. Zombies may only be killed while you are in the quick revive room. 5. You can leave the quick revive room only When: a. On a dog only round you can leave to buy guns/perks b. If you run out of ammo completely. This means using all 4 grenades as well. You may then go and hit the box 3 times to get 3 new weapons. You must take what you get. 6.Guns NOT allowed AFTER round 10 are the wunderwaffe and upgraded crossbow. These may be used up until round 10 but then must be traded in. 7. Monkeys ARE allowed. 8. You can buy all perks EXCEPT quick revive. (Yep, you get to run a train and watch it the entire time) Good luck, you're gonna need it.
  22. The kiting spot by the bar isn't actually a loop, which is probably why you struggle there. What you do is mainly cut backs and a crescent shaped spot in the large area by the brick wall. You don't want to loop around the stairs because it gets really tight and you can easily get trapped. Maybe Superhands could supply a pic for this? I he usually has some pretty good drawings.
  23. If they did that stamin-up would be way overpowered an they would have to raise the price to at least 3000. I just say add 1 new perk, 9 isn't all that much. Plus what I think they should do is only include some perks in each map. This way it adds challenge to it. I personally like ascension's set up, with the blend of old and new perks. If they make it like this then there can still be new perks without there being too many.
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