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Posts posted by Maxjadams

  1. If new maps did ever come out on Treyach's next game (black ops 2?) then they could base it on stages in-between maps


    -How did the zombies crew ever get from Kino Der Toten to Ascension on a lander pad? They could make a map in between these two stages

    -How did Richtofen ever lose the focusing stone between shangri la and moon

    These are only 2 reasons why they should make new maps and answer these questions I have and some questions you guys have to.

    Leave some comments below on other reasons you have why they should carry on the zombies series

  2. I have done both shangri la and call of the dead Easter egg co-op so I can complete all of the moon Easter including the achievements "Cryogenic Slumber Party" & "Big Bang Theory" which is a total 175 gamer score. I need help from you guys to complete this and I don't see why we can't pick up a few other achievements on the way ;)

    My gamer tag = The Sweaty Bean

    Send me a message along with the friend request say that you would like to do the Easter egg

    I am sorry if I have already found my 3 partners to play with Or have already finished the Easter egg

    If this post is still up while you are reading this. It means I'm still looking for people. I will remove this post as soon as I've finished the Easter egg so that I don't rais any hopes up just to let you down so BE QUICK!!!!

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