Hey everyone! My name is Daxton, but my nickname is Barry Sanders. Cause its a term me and my friends use when you are being cornered by a crap load of zombies but you manage to 'juke' your way out untouched! I do it the best out of my friends so they call me Barry! Im a huge achievement whore. Haha my Gamertag is 'TheBlackbirdIII' if you want to do some easter eggs, achievements, or just play to ge high rounds add me! Anyways my Statistics are;
CodWaW - Nacht Der Untoten: 23, with 4
CodWaW - Verruckt: 18, with 3
CodWaw - Shi No Numa: 21, with 4
CodWaw - Der Riese: 28, with 3
Kino Der Toten: 28, with 3
Five: 14, with 2 (Hate this map)
Ascension: 31, with 4
Call of the Dead: 14, with 4
Shangra La: N/A (Dont really play this)
Moon: 17, with 1