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Everything posted by Phat130y69ps4

  1. Sounds possible. I have a feel black ops 3 will have cut scenes and reproductions of most maps to make things clearer .
  2. Phat130y69ps4


    Or even better like the galvaknuckles! Or upgradeable like origins.
  3. 007 classic....am I the only one who noticed one of the specialists has a one shot one kill gun.. .golden gun anyone?
  4. Lucky for us they likely will learn from beta. Hope it happens from now on. And if anyone who wasent lucky enough to participate in beta or for any Xbox users who want to learn early I have several safeguard videos on my YouTube page
  5. So I think it's a good guess it'll b in zombies.......but I feel bad for them....after me n my team sharing a volt or two of it it really posses u off....sorry zombies for all the shocks I've given u over the years
  6. Damn you black hand! Last few games the team was doing what u said they spawn trapped and were not moving the robot and racking up kills one guy had 100. I was the only one moving the robot got over a minutes of escort time.
  7. It can become that but with the specialists and they do seem to rotate your spawn well in those cases I think it won't become that. People seem to be playing to the objective. Look at this 53-29 game I just had.
  8. Can anyone tell me why my embeded videos don't seem to work? Never mind I fixed it
  9. Yea it is glitchy but it's beta as u said. And I think in time or at least in black ops 3 it'll be played often. It's a really fun mode and you really need to be a team to win. It fits well with the specialists as well. I'll b honest the beta to me was a letdown until they released this mode.
  10. I been playing it and it's awesome! Meant for high kills and loads of fun. Anyone unfamiliar here's a game. U pretty much escort a robot. It's amazing. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tCP67XLh8IU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Embeded video not working here's the link
  11. That was just amazing. Treyarch needs to use this!
  12. This seems solid but I think they are doing a back to future/terminator genysis type of deal . What I mean is the even coming in black ops 3 will change/rewrite the present pretty much altering everything from past codz. I feel like origins was used to do this which will make it easier to create and recreate future maps. This also gives more creative freedoms while being able to fix plot holes being they will finally be giving cutscenes with definite plots instead of our theories alone. Again this is as always speculation. Only time will tell . Either way good work!
  13. To answer your question I think it's less than a week ps4 will have it exclusively. Forgot the time frame but its very short. Hope dlc is the same. Ima ps4 guy but I believe the time frame should be small that the Xbox guys should have to wait
  14. Holy disconnected projectors bat man!
  15. Yea I'm sorry for getting hype. I know being on the other side as a Sony guy always sucked. Even though we are first now I would prefer an equal date for everyone. Again sorry for my celebration definitely not cool of me!!
  16. Confirmed ps4 first....whooooooooooooo
  17. I dont know if anyone has pointed this out you can get behind certain doors by using protals and than using the same to come back with someone picking up grampahone and u placing it back down. Can someone confirm this works? will save money on doors early!
  18. I feel ya man. I never met the man but hearing his commentaries so much I feel like he taught me the game. I never really saw how this community really was a community until today. Seeing how this effects so many really does make me appreciate this site even more.
  19. I dont know about the rest of you.....But i am going for my all time high round tonight in his memory! He is one of the ones who made me love zombies and everything about it! I am sure im not alone when I say that either!
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