Hey guys, I am totally new to this site. Surprised it took me this long to find it because I am a huge fan of zombies and friends with a lot of the zombie legends (Yoteslaya - Record holder, TheSyndicateProject and MurkaDurkah), So I am glad to have found this place to discuss zombies more often...
Anyway my video series started early this morning is a Snipers Only live commentary on Call of the Dead (Please dont troll, obviously I couldnt start out with two snipers, they come in at around round 8 and goes FAR)
My YouTube: http://youtube.com/DrCoffeeMD
Hopefully you can leave me some feedback, enjoy
Snipers Only: Call of the Dead! "WTF!!!" - Part 1
Snipers Only: Call of the Dead! "Worst Ever...Fail" - Part 2
Future Episodes Coming Soon...