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Everything posted by DJDerp

  1. DJDerp


    Yes, the MP-7(?) is a very good long range and powerful sub machine gun
  2. Here is my theory Solo: Jug, Speed, Mule Kick, Double Tap, Stamin-up, etc. Co-Op: Same
  3. People have to relize, this IS a GAME, its not real life. No matter how stupid people are in real life that would just never happen, a nuclear bomb blowing up the WHOLE world that is stupid and practically impossible. But it's still just a game.
  4. Good then maybe we could get one going :D
  5. Oh in on active topics :D
  6. Map?
  7. Especially when you start out always that one person who never gets on, For example: 5 days ago (the day I bought Moon) We started and this guy would not get on the teleporter havent played with randy's yet. My highest round is 1 lol
  8. Testing this in about an hour, will have a response
  9. Best idea I have heard yet!
  10. Yea its sad
  11. Well it is a Zombies site...
  12. Thank you, You know what I'm talking about!
  13. Oh yea no problem never want to leave them out
  14. They were both deleted by me since I guess they were random
  15. It all comes down to COTD. Thats all I got to say, I am sure that all the anwser's are in COTD
  16. Yea but how? What could we do?
  17. Yea it would be nice if we could organize one...
  18. this ????????????? I know. This guy seems to have posted lots of random stuff lately. viewtopic.php?f=65&t=18700 viewtopic.php?f=65&t=18692 Sir they are not random, thank you very much!
  19. I know that in the past there has been some failed playdates but what if we could do one. Just the community, no need for Official stuff just we get alot of people together and play zombies? PS3 Ambassadors can do PS3. XBOX Ambassadors can do XBOX We could all put our Clan Tags as CoDz. How does this sound? Anyone up for it?
  20. I know that in the past there has been some failed playdates but what if we could do one. Just the community, no need for Official stuff just we get alot of people together and play zombies? PS3 Ambassadors can do PS3. XBOX Ambassadors can do XBOX We could all put our Clan Tags as CoDz. How does this sound? Anyone up for it?
  21. Yea agreed if you dont have "xxproxelitexzombiexmlgxithinkimcoolbecauseidothiscrapandreallyitisgayx HD" in your name, your not good at all. I wish I had that name... ;)
  22. I have heard this alot and I think we came to a conclusion that it changed the round after they left but if any of you want to try it on PS3 add me! (PSN in sig)
  23. They should do MP, In my opinion still one of the best CoD MPs EVER!
  24. So I have heard that there will be no MLG circuit for MW3? Not sure if it is confirmed, but what do you guys think?
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