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Everything posted by DJDerp

  1. Also, as far as I am concerned on Area 51 behind the Hangar you can see "Earth". Yet another question not answered. Also they make too much money to just, "Give Up". There will be Zombies, I'm sure of it! Same character's? No. But I think what they did will have something to do with the new "Zombies". Heck! Maybe an all Zombies game. WHO KNOWS?! (Well Treyarch of course) But that is just my opinion on what will happen.
  2. This is quite old But yes I like this very interesting
  3. DJDerp


    It sure is LOL
  4. So me and my step brother found that when you dolphin dive on top of each other you dont go down please comment and tell me what you think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IycNnhp2Idw
  5. Well I think Ascension there is SO much to do in ascension
  6. I think it definitely will! Maybe in December they release an update that puts PaP on Shi No Numa! Wouldn't surprise me. Actually on Shi No Numa you can, when you open up the doors and it does the thing where it changes through all the perks and stuff you can see PaP
  7. It's a map that is hard to play constantly, I think Ascension is easy to play non stop it is just a fun map.
  8. Hey man, I have to try this although I dont have Shangri- La on PS3 only xbox but I will try this maybe with my brother
  9. DJDerp


    Ha yea I have been on many other sites I dont plan to do anything stupid
  10. All the maps are decent.
  11. DJDerp


    Lol no My brother got me to make an account but I didnt really know what to do. But no you dont have to treat me nice weeeell on ssecond thought...
  12. I think the best map is Ascension. It just plays out SO good I love it. But Kino if it wasnt for the stupid crawler things I would absolutely LOVE it.
  13. Yea thanks man I didnt know exactly what to beleive and what not to.
  14. DJDerp


    Hey guys, My name is DJDerp I have had a couple accounts on here but was never active but on this one I hope to be very active.
  15. So I have heard rumors about a new gamemode on MW3 called Dog Tags and you have to pick up peoples dog tags once you kill them to get the kill. Is this true. Anything else I need to know?
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