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Everything posted by DJDerp

  1. With all the new weapons and robots and stuff and coming from 50 years from the other games is very tricky. Although, should be interesting. As prestiging 15 times in BO I look forward to BOII MP.
  2. Welcome back, well a few things happened. Also since I don't know when you left I am going to throw down a few things that happened: 1. Carbon got a job at 3arc and handed the site over to Covert Gunman. 2. Just a few days ago Covert Gunman left on a Mission for his religion. 3. Covert handed the site over to Phxtxm. 4. While transfering files, some of them were corrupt and ended up messing the site up and crashing it. 5. We are still in the process of restoring the site. So as you can see, stuff did happen, aswell as the UOTM and great theories and GREAT new members. But all in all, welcome back!
  3. Well everything else has saved on the database, I'm assuming this has too That's good, I know I don't have much but people with 1,000's of brains would really be upset if they were reset. I guess now only time will tell...
  4. Welcome to CoDz! Enjoy your stay, if you have any problems just contact a Moderator or an Admin! Hope you have a splendid time here!
  5. You will know about it before they release it. Somehow, someway it ALWAYS gets leaked.
  6. With the brains, are they saved somewhere on the database? Or will they be reset when you re-install that plugin for it? Because that would really suck ass if all the brains were reset.
  7. Unless they say "Call of duty: Black Ops II Zombie Mode will be revealed on August 11th, 2012. Please, everyone join us!" There are probably 300 DIFFERENT theories out there people have come up with. Only about 25 have actually been true. Odds are not in your favor. So I highly doubt that this is real.
  8. Just a few things that I have noticed: 1. The homepage (www.callofdutyzombies.com) used to link to the forum until the homepage was finished. Will that be coming back just until the homepage is finished? 2. Will the BOII symbols becoming back as forum sub-category emblems? 3. The "light effect" is really hard to read names. Maybe tone it down? I like it, but it is just too bright and overpowering. 4. The forum options (under the box that you write your reply in) box needs to be changed to red. Just trying to help! I am glad to see that it is coming back pretty fast.
  9. Let me explain a few things that don't have to really do with the story line. #1. Kino was meant to be in a fourth map pack for WaW and instead of Kino and Five it was supposed to be Kino and Ascension. A paris map was made and was supposed to be put in as a map pack instead of Ascension. This is confirmed by Zombie devs. #2. I'm pretty sure that "Dentist Chair" Is a refernece to the start menu, not Verruckt. So I am pretty sure that this theory is busted.
  10. Could you repost? Image seemed not to of worked.
  11. I highly doubt dubstep, I think that it will be the normal rock, hardcore music. I do think that Avenged sevenfold will come back and do an Easter Egg song.
  12. If you have any more questions on rules of the forums please read the Code of Conduct. :P
  13. Does the video HAVE to be HD? Or can I just record it in standard def?
  14. Does the video HAVE to be HD? Or can I just record it in standard def?
  15. It's too enclosed and a lot of secret passages and too many special zombies. Just not my type of zombie gameplay style. My favorite map is Ascension hands down! So I prefer maps like that one. I also love Kino (As a map) but the gameplay is not very good. The nova zombies just destroyed that map for me.
  16. So could this be "The iPhone of the future"? But that is just ONE thing. Also, why would woods be in Germany? He served and seems like a patriot. So why would he relocate himself? The only thing I can think of is that he needs to go there for some type of meeting or special medical care? Just a few ideas I though up about.
  17. I know this is very far fetched, but what if it was the Avenged Sevenfold's easter egg. Remember in one of the trailers they said there was the Avenged Sevenfold symbol on the map somewhere. Maybe when you find it you can activate it and then ignitiate this turret of some sort. Like I said, very far fetched. But with 3ARC, anything can happen.
  18. This is a good find. As much as I want it to be something, I really don't think it is. All in all, great find and I will google some stuff aswell and get back to what I find.
  19. We don't know how 4v4 will work in BOII. Maybe they will have 4 people be boss zombies and the other 4, regular Tank, Richtofen, Dempsey, and Nikolai. So you can't assume and stick to it. There is still too much to come to start that.
  20. So your saying, while they were on the moon, years and years passed on earth and it repopulated and then they shot the missiles? First off, after a diesease spreads like that, it would take a VERY, VERY long time to repopulate. Second, time on the moon and on earth are calculated and are aligned with the same time pattern (sorta). So I really doubt this is what happened. I think it happened, lets say 3 hours after you got to moon! I don't think the time on moon and on earth have much effect on the storyline.
  21. Here are the images you requested.
  22. I see that aswell, it also shows a bunch of zombies laying on the ground and such. Great Find!
  23. Most glitches/mods/hacks are patched before anyone even hears about them. David Vondehear gets spammed on twitter the SECOND something comes out. It would be a surprise if the they still come here often when BO II is out, they will have so much other stuff to worry about. Worth a try, but I dont think it will really work... sorry.
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