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Posts posted by DrEdwardRichtofen

  1. Shrieker, napalm, george, astronaut. also not sure if the nove 6 crawlers and phasers count, don't think they would but I'll add 'em just in case ;) There's also Hellhounds, Monkeys and the Pentagon Thief if you're looking for those answers.

    You are correct, all of them are what I was looking for. and the phasers and nova 6 counnt too

    Here's your brains [brains]

  2. Na all of these kinds of achievement have to be done in one match, I'm also unsure of whether you have to kick them after shrinking them.

    Well that's dumb. But I did do all 4 once in one match actually, (along with getting them in seperate games) and still didn't get the achievment

    Another question, can I make a Zombie explode using the regular V-R11. or do I have to pack a punch it?

  3. Hey, Ive used the Shrink Ray on all four zombies in Shangri-La (Napalm, Reg, Shrieker and Monkey) however the game hasen't given me the achievment yet (and I remember seeing a flaming Napalm baby, a shirker baby, and a monkey dissapering when I shot it with the Shrink Ray)

    What gives?

  4. Sure the spawn wasnt decompressed? The whole "losing breath" thing is a little subtle, especially when you dont have vibrate on.

    No it wasen't. Alest I don't think so. I checked all the windows when I went inside. none were broken. and I didn't hear Dempsey make any complaints about breath, or my controller vibrate. or anything like that. I just collapsed and died during the middle of the hack.

  5. Im working on the Ground Control Achievment on solo, I have two of them done (Tunnell 11, Biodome) Round 19, Tunnell 6 calls, I have a Pack a Punched HK21 and a MP5K btw. I kill zombies, and leave a crawler to go to hack the excavator. The crawler I left is in the biodome. very slow. I go to the hacker, and half way through hacking the excavator, I just drop dead. and there was no crawler in the room btw.

    I lost getting that damn pain in the ass achievment, urg.

  6. Superhands is correct, the answer is 9 "doors"

    The two in the beginging (2)

    the door to the Thompson Room (3)

    The Debries in the Thompson Room (4)

    The Door to the Trench Gun Building (5)

    The Debries in the Trench Gun Building (6)

    The Three Doors to the Teleporter Rooms (9)

    And I only played the map for the first time when Rezurrection came out ya know.

  7. So we have 2 Dr Richtofens on the forum now? I had no idea the MTDs could also make clones :o

    Lmfao!! :D

    I am the one and only Richtofen, the other one's a fake made by that American fool Dempsey


  8. Hello. I am the glorious Dr.Edward Richtofen, I have escaped my imprisonment on the moon in that little girl's body and found my way to this wunderfall site. it's better then my Hitler Youth Knife

    *Evil Laugh*

    I mean, oh look, a fourm.

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