Hey, if I make it happen, I'm sure you can. It's really hard, but you just gotta get used to it.It's also a matter of timing it right. I'm saving up for a good camera so that I can post to Youtube, I'll put on a video of my Der Riese train I was talking about. If nothing else, I'll get it for Christmas, it's hard trying to buy 3 games and a camera . I have to run LMGs with my trains because they do so much damage. I don't know the best way to train by the type 100 teleporter, you should something in your upcoming Der Riese video, because I don't think I'm the only guy Who likes the PaPed type 100, but thinks it doesn't have enough ammo. If you included somewhere in that area, you could run around and just buy more upgraded ammo off the wall. I hope you know something like that, I think it would be a good idea. That or by Thompson. Just an idea.