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Kreative Killah

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Everything posted by Kreative Killah

  1. also in theater mode there is no sign of the orbs of light which is why I had to use my phone to take the picture. unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to show it on the box but take my word for it, It was there.
  2. I have noticed since I did the richtofen side of the easter egg I have been seeing a strange glowing orb on the redlight in town and on weapons coming out of the box (mine and other players weapons sometimes have this glow) but none of the other players in the match can see it. I took a picture of it on my phone and this is what it looks like. I asked the other players if they had done any of the easter eggs and they told me they hadn't. I have not ever done the maxis side. I have been messing with the guns that have the glow but none of them seem any different and of course I shot the red light with one but nothing happened. any clues????????
  3. I have done lots of research and this is what I have found. the tally marks indicate how often you play if you have blue eyes you have played 5 or more days in a row that is why if you stop playing for a day or two you will loose tally marks but if you start playing often again they will go back up quickly. as for the emblems they indicate your kill/down ratio. KILLS VS DOWNS ARE WHAT REALLY MATTER!!!! there are 5 levels the single bone means you get less than 10 kills per down. the 2 bones indicate you get between 10-25 kills per down. the skull indicates you get 25-50 kills per down. the skull with a knife indicates you get 50-150 kills per down and finally the skull with shotguns means you are a zombie master and you get more than 150 kills per down.
  4. i have a couple of ideas one is a perk that when you get it if you go down you dont loose any of your other perks.(kind of a sarcifice) . i have another one for a secondary granade that stops time for everything except the characters for 5 seconds (kind of fits with the whole time travel theories) and a katana melee weapon (fits because of takeo)that is upgadeable and becomes a jedi lightsaber. deployable sentry guns would be nice and mabey you could get an rc helicopter that flys around with a little mini gun helping you shoot zombies(kinda like chickens on dead ops)
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