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Everything posted by ZombieFan4Life
TranZit 4 are Dead, Original 4 will return next map
ZombieFan4Life replied to FatedTitan's topic in Buried
If we were to play as the O4 in the next map, shouldn't we start like we did back on Moon ? By this, I mean start in a "Revamped No Mans Land" and hop in to a teleporter which would then transport us at the center of the Earth ! We would play in Argatha, as the O4. Everyone would be happy.. Right ? I mean, we all still love the O4 over the N4.. How about they make a Grief map like they did in Buried, play as O4 and N4 in this twisted playing field called Argatha. Thoughts ? **EDIT**: Forgot to mention we start off on the Earth and not on the Moon. I have no idea where the starting location would be on Earth. -
Possibly the NavCards being inserted into their respective tables ? I didn't have this "tombstone" before placing the buried navcard into Tranzits' table and Die Rises' into Burieds'. I mean, there should be a reward for completing the navcard tables and placing the respective cards in them, other than the two EPIC easter egg endings in Buried. Food for thought :)
Hi guys, I've just recently seen the song trailer for the map buried. Here is the link to the trailer in question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwU7FR0u ... e=youtu.be Something caught my eye. It would seem that there is indeed a way of getting back to spawn, but this time, UPSTAIRS. Yep, in this trailer, at exactly 1 min in (1:00), you see Stuhlinger dolphin diving from the spawn into the hole in the ground that leads to the buried city. Now look closely, notice anything strange ?? He is jumping from the catwalk, and what is he holding ???? A RAY GUN MARK II. We know we can come back to spawn using the teleport found inside the maze, but we haven't been able to climb up(to the ramp/catwalk whatever you call it). I know this IS a TRAILER, so it is possible it's simply Treyarc trolling us, but I have a feeling that as more time passes by, more secrets are uncovered. We may discover this hidden method of going UP in the days to come, if even possible. Thank you for reading, leave a comment expressing your opinion on this possibility :)
Apparently Treyarc fixed it one way or the other, because I can now freely build the buildables at any work bench I want it to be placed. Furthermore, I think you should maybe add little tips or "know hows", like where to conveniently place your trample steam, how the Head-Chopper works and how you can place it (On the ground and on walls), etc. **Trample Steam Tip: Place your trample steam facing Speed Cola, near the roof of the house where a work bench is located near Juggernaut. This is good if attempting to complete the achievement Awaken Gazebo.**
Yeah, well I've tried that before, and it always says "Incorrect part" or "additional parts required" even though there are no parts there. For example, I once wanted to make the Trample Steam at the Saloon, but it wouldn't let me, even though I only had a part of the Trample Steam on me at the time. Maybe it's just my imagination letting me down, I'll come back and see what happens this time around. Thanks BS !
How to build buildables at different work benches ? I know this could seem to be a silly question, but I've never been able to build the buildables at different locations that I currently know of, mine are as followed. Head-Chopper: Church Turbine: Building near Juggernaut Trample Steam: Saloon Subsurface Resonator: Courtyard If you know of a video or anything visual that can help explaining, please post it. Thanks !
But how do you deal with the ghosts ? To take your points, they don't even need to hit you, they just need to be within melee distance range of you.. I've tried countless times meleeing trying to see if there was a way to time it right to no avail, and I hardly think you can get time bomb AND decent weapon out of box on round 1.
The Head-Chopper is the buildable I had in mind; Where can I get its parts and is it like the Trample steam as in you can use it anytime ? Thx for info
In the Church, the building where the new Vulture-Aid Perk is located inside, there is a buildable. I was close to finishing the item, but was one part short before dying on round 18. My questions are : - What is the name of this item ? - What does it do and what it's best suited for ? - Pros and Cons of the item (ex: needs turbine) I cannot play at the moment, reason for this post, but to also help others who haven't seen this and/or haven't finished building it. Thanks in advance ! :D
ZombieFan4Life replied to ZombieFan4Life's topic in General Zombies Discussion
On a non-related note, I was thinking with my brother about the upcoming zombies map Buried. We were both thinking that the starting area would be like Area 51 the Moon map. Reason for this is because the achievement says to PaP in round 1 without using the bank and/or the Weapon Locker. So there are 3 definite key things in the starting room: PaP, Bank and Wep Locker. Zombies will probably spawn in like they did in No Man's Land, infinite number of zombies, but the round counter will still carry-on, hence the emphasis on "Pap a weapon in round 1". How will this be introduced.. No Idea. Also, there is a maze of some sorts in the map. Will we start out in this Maze ? Maybe if we explore deep enough this maze, we could find free 1000 points powerups, Double Points, things that could potentially help us with gathering enough points to PaP at round 1. There are so many ways Treyarc could implement these ideas without making them either too easy or too hard, like for example accessible Quick Sand traps. Speaking of buried, I strongly believe the new Wonder Weapon/Buildable is likely to be a HandGun because the map is believed to be set in Western times, a time where HandGuns were popular amongst CowBoys and others. -
ZombieFan4Life replied to ZombieFan4Life's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Ok, but would the teddy bear disapearing without using the box be a clear indicator of whether or not you have the persistant perk ? I promise that is the last question ! :) -
ZombieFan4Life replied to ZombieFan4Life's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Thanks for the explanation, but I have two questions: - I obtained the perk at the start of round 3, I lost it at round 6. I knew I had lost it at that time because I hadn't hit the box, I was in town. I couldn't have lost anything else either because I had perma-jugg and head-popper, which I had kept after close observations. My question: Is this also a time-related perma-perk. If I don't use the box or anything else that is related to this particular perma-perk, Do I lose it ? -Why did it get it in the first place ? Was it effected by the fact that I got a lucky spin and got the Galil ? The fact that I also have it in my Weapon Locker ? -
Ok so I'm currently playing on Tranzit, I hit the box two times. It's round 3. All of my team members have recently left the game. On my first box try, I get the war machine; Yay ..! On my second hit, this gets interresting. I get the Galil, great, right ? Well I also get a "perma-perk", a green burst of light emitted from the box, I looked around and sure enough, my character had a dialogue although i cannot fully remember. I look at the box, there is a teddy bear sitting on it. Any thoughts ? I still have this game up and I'm planning on waiting before I continue playing, maybe do a few tests that you guys would suggest doing. Has anyone encountered this ? Now I know there is already a thread made about this, although I didn't find it. i found this however: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=32998 People think it's a way of getting better weapons out of the box or something along thos lines. EDIT: THE GUN I GOT WHEN GETTING THE PERMA-PERK WAS THE GALIL, I HAVE A GALIL IN THE WEAPON LOCKER. That can possibly hint towards the weapon locker seeing the perma-perk recently got added with the addition of the weapon locker in Die Rise, Am I Wrong ? EDIT#2: I was in town and heard the sound of a perma-perk loss. I was shooting zombies in the head so it couldn't be the head-popper..
Yeah my bad, I just saw the achievements a few seconds ago, I saw the site come back and wanted to share my theory with you all. Guess I sort of expected it to come back in the next map. Mod: Can you delete this topic or bury it ?
In tranzit and Die Rise, there is the fridge, which lets us replace our current weapon with one in the fridge we have stored either another game or earlier the same game. With the addition of the fridge in Die Rise lately, could the fridge and/or bank make a return in the new map Buried ? In any case, I advise you guys to store a good Pap weapon in it, for safe keeping ;)
First offi want to make it clear that I do not know EVERY RADIO and EVERY quote and EVERY small detail in the Zombies Storyline ranging from WaW to Blops II. So without further ado, I present to you my theory: The man in the labs in Black ops I !!! I believe he's the one who actually created or participated in the Zombies creation (Not copying from someone else). Why ? My suspicions towards him because he's a vaguely known character. Some say he's in the campaign from black ops I, some say he's just a random scientist. I know he appears in the black ops I mission (Ascencion?) which later is made a Zombie map. Like the mystery man from Nacht Der Untoten and other pictures (Mystery portrait in Kino), we always see only a shadow from this man. Furthermore, Mason (person strapped to a chair in Black ops I animated scene) seems to start getting brainwashed by that mystery man, being asked so many questions and such (I know this links with the campaign). The TV's wouldn't play a part in the interrogation part of the campaign, but rather in brainwashing, zombiefying Mason. Mason could very well be in that specific scene being either Zombiefied or Dezombiefied because of him being strapped to a chair. Hopefully this is somewhat a good theory, if not, feel free to bash it with full evidence, as the one I have a pure assumptions and no REAL proof apart from in game scenes that 3Arc could've easily put in there to fool people like me. Let me know what you think down below
I honestly just think this "warden" will play ATLEAST in the cinematic as the game begins (like in CotD) just from the way his whole body and face looks, especially the camera zoom, I doubt a boss would be walking around or even spawn in like THAT. It has a more cinematic feel to it. Doesn't mean it can not be the boss, nothing comfirms/debunks this thought.. Who knows, only time will tell
Buying Die Rise and other
ZombieFan4Life replied to ZombieFan4Life's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Ah ok, thanks for the info, i just couldn't find the map pack tuesday so I figured I couldn't download it.. -
To put it simple: I don't have Gold membership for my Xbox Live account. What I wanted to know was that if I put my 1400 MS points to my current account, will I be able to buy Die Rise map pack and other maps regardless of whether or not I have Gold membership ?? Thanks in advance ! I just dont feel like spending 60$ + 20$ just to get one map if I can get it for only 20$..
If I remember correctly, you can simply press Start and choose "Lower Difficulty", although I could be wrong, but I do remember seeing changing the difficulty option when you choose "Replay Mission" and you get to choose a mission of your liking, you click on one and you should have the choice to choose the difficulty you like. Hope it helps !
I haven't tried this cause I dont have Gold membership for a while now.. All you truly need: - 4 Turrrets - 4 Electric Traps - 2 Turbines at least - Long Lasting weapons (LMG's and Raygun ideally) - Double Tap II if you're running bullet guns and all your other perks - Monkey Bombs recommended Now, the spot ? Easily enough, the PaP Vault Door CLOSED, I repeat, CLOSED ! What you want to do is place the electric traps in a way to block the front entrance of the vault doors inside the bank. Place them evenly, but not too thin as this will cause the zombies to easily break into your close quarters bunker. Next up, you pull up your 4 turrets, dispatch them starting in front of the barrier besides store up until the PaP door. Next, put a Turbine down in the middle of the room, that way it reaches to ALL of the traps/turrets. Next step, you'll might want to be inside the second vault room, waiting with your powerful LMG's and Rayguns and whatnot. Spray and Pray Happy Zombie Camping ! Hope you understood the concept.. Feel free to change anything in order to adapt to your style of playing, or to adapt to the tight space inside the vaults. As I said, I haven't gotten the chance to try this, but I'm sure it works up until mid round 20's until late 30's..
If you're in the team of zombies versus the lone human survivor and you're team have great communication (obviously have a mic).. Then the human would be done for tbh.. We've seen from the preview trailer that Zombies have this new vision; "Zombie Vision" that lets them see through walls. Now, with that in mind, I'm sure zombie players won't be going in RAMBO onto the human player, if at all, they would lurk silently in the corner, waiting for the human player to get out of his "shelter of protection" to go seek out zombie players who are trying to grief the player out On that note, what would be he advantages/disadvantages from being a Zombie ? Of course, you would have limited range of attack, but you COULD POSSIBLE HAVE THE ABILITY TO SPRINT LIKE USAIN BOLT ! Keep in mind, since Human players don't seem to have this "Zombie Vision", I'd be scarred of turning around a corner, having that fear that a zombie is just waiting for me to get out and double swipe.. Would Zombies have Double swipe ability if it weren't a OHK for zombies ? Also, I doubt Human would have infinite mag size on their Olimpia, which seems logical to be the only weapon. I almost forgot ! What if the human guns would be "Gun Game" sort of way. After a limited amount of zombie kills, you would have a gun which's damage would be LOWER and have LESS mag size than the previous one. That would make it fair in games where the Human is invicible.. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS ! (Sorry for long post there, I got carried away D: )
Before I get slammed by mods, I want to let you ALL know that in one of the latest videos (can't remember exactly which one), the developpers talk about "Turned", the game mode. They explain it in a general way so to speak. I remember them saying "For each time you kill a zombie-fied player, you gain points" Now, what caught my "eye" was the word "Points". How could points be implemented this the Ranking System is my question. Would it even AFFECT the ranking system at best ? Or would it just be a "Non-Ranked" game mode that we'd play just for fun. But when you think about it that way, it seems logical that there wouldn't be Leaderboards for it, which doesn't make much sense. How would "Turned" change the ranking system/ Leaderboards is what I've been wondering.. So yeah, basically if mods still want to lock this thread up, by all means do it. Just bear in mind that this theory is well thought-out so to say, which could open a lot of ideas for discussion for the upcoming Game Mode and it's inevitable changes in Leaderboard tracking and such. Good Day ! Leave me your thoughts.. You can bash me if i'm really thinking too deep in to this or if whatever I said was just pure nonsense
Who's to say "Round 1" ? As far as we know, there could be NO rounds at all. Afterall, it is a type of "survival" variant, as in the human has to survive through infinite mumbers of zombies. My question though; will there be an ammo count ? By this I mean needing to RELOAD AND MAX AMMO, sort of like in waw hacks, where you had infinite bullets in ONE clip. Thoughts ?
So me and my brother were trying to play Local Zombies on TranZit, our account is on a GOLD TRIAL, the 2 day trial you get in every copy of Black Ops 2. We can play multiplayer online when logged on to that account but for some reason we can't play LOCAL without having a "Valid Membership". Of course, the other controller is signed in as "Guest". My friend who has active membership for Gold (he payed), he can play split-screen Online and Local with no problem. Obviously trying to play this doesn't work for Zombies Online n'or Multiplayer. In other words, have I been scammed ? It says "LOCAL" for a reason ! I can play alone on Local, but when I try with 2 controllers, it says that my Guest has an Invalid Membership. What's the point of having Local then ? obviously for people who dont have Gold membership. But it just so happens I can't play with TWO Silver Accounts ? Anyone have a solution to my problem or do I have to pay 60$ just to play splitscreen ??
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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