So guy i have watching this video about the black ops zombies creators like they were telling people about what work went into the maps and when they developed the story and how they added on to it...well they said they look at these ALOT so i wanted to put in my sugestion ...they actually fix alot of stuff i thought they should add since i first started playing such as perks, upgrading,and going outside but recently they added alot just with the hacker sharing points,opening doors faster, and paying for max ammos HOWEVER most zombies player tht are good and can easily get past 30 just messing around start to get bored with everything the same through those rounds since its just the same thing over and over.... so i was think which this is going to be some what hard to explain have the maps connected by the easter if you do the easter eggs u step on a now active teleport/lander/whatever and it takes you to the next map in order of the maps but of coarse untill they makes maps after it. the teleport/lander/whateveris inactive also adds suspense for the next map. but as the map changed it stays the same round ,you keep the same guns,and perks and make it possible for one player on each map to get the wounder gun of that map.. oh and i deffinatly think they should keep Sam in edwards body