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Everything posted by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD

  1. i'll have a large dempsey please
  2. A massive solo easter egg instead of just half of the co op one.
  3. just wait and see what the mods come up with. i dont think it will be as bad as everyone thinks
  4. I have complete faith you guys will carry the forum in the right direction.
  5. I love playing zombies after a few drinks, infact some of my fondest memories are of playing with mates while drunk/stoned out of my mind. The only problem with drinking is all of the extra toliet breaks everyone needs.
  6. i loved it untill ascension was released (phd and staminup ftw). Still a thousand times better than deadshot which is a waste a perk IMO .
  7. imo survival got stale about a week after the release of mw3. It could be vastly improved in the next IW game but i doubt it will be as good as zombies anytime soon.
  8. congrats man. Your a machine
  9. wow... iron sky looks epic
  10. great post tom. My biggest problem with moon was i didnt think i could get more than 4 perks on solo but now i know there is a chance (even if it is miniscle) it is something new for be to try out. [brains]
  11. Theory: Hammerface's counter-earth Guides: Anything by Tom852
  12. has anyone heard this while in game?
  13. nice form infront of a new member guys.. Save it for pm
  14. i have never heard a kookaburra on snn. It has a really distintive sound that could not be mistaken for any other kkind of bird.... Can someone link the sound file??? I keen on hearing it
  15. it could be done easily, why not just have the remaining humans fighting each other?? and before any one says there isnt enough people left.. how could we really know that? surely there are armies and soldiers left in some secret bases around the world
  16. great theory and its backed up by the sexy azn girls in your sig. have some brains [brains]
  17. people will always abuse this kind of thing.. mw3 is slightly worse for it but for everytime something like this happens it evens out while i rain down firey hell from my reaper drone on unsuspecting fools
  18. get to wave 30 then put both of your guns into pap and dont pick them up.................................. then only use the traps and get to 50.... on five
  19. im mainly a solo player because i can pause and chill out and have a ciggerette mid game
  20. only things i really want from blops 2 are more zombies and solo leaderboards
  21. how'd you get my personal pic???? jks
  22. :shock: :shock: :shock: Well, unfortunately not only randoms think they need to get 200 kills down there... Don't ask me why it has such an attraction. I hate it too. I just stay on the tele, light up a smoke, and chill around till they come on the pad. Think I got used to it. not a bad idea.... i normally wait till they want to do the easter egg
  23. well activision probably wont allow any more time on the game now that it has STOPPED MAKING MONEY /end rant ..... arrow to the knee
  24. Can they even do that though? The name and everything to do with Zombies would all belong to Activision I'm guessing? activision own it all... it is inevitiable that activision will kill it if they keep up the yearly updates. its just a matter of time before something better comes along that offers more or atleast a new experince and cod will be doomed to the bargin bins (probably not for a few years). alot of people are already leaving the franchise because it rarely changes while other games wait until there is a decent upgrade before making a new game. I, myself will probably not buy the next cod game unless it has zombies (if it does have zombies i will buy it) im just kind of over the whole just getting new perks and guns thingo. i was not a huge treyarch fan at first (cod 3 was my first one) i have come to love them because they actually try to change it up abit... and given the small amount of time they are allowed to make the game they do a decent job. PLZZZ ACTIVISION DONT KILL OFF COD BECAUSE OF GREED it has made you a lot of money. /end rant... arrow to the knee
  25. i doubt they will cut out MP... but im hopefull there will atleast be zombie themed MP. i can imagine getting a x4 flopper kill feed
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