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Everything posted by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD

  1. That more or less confirms Reznov's inclusion in Blops 2, unless mason's head has been sorted out by that stage.
  2. Magna i could help you out if you add me. My gamertag is below
  3. That would be freaking sweet
  4. Sorry to hear you were sick, but atleast your better now. Welcome back Wolfie
  5. pokemon cards, rebellious????....... I dont think so. Yugi-oh is what all the cool kids are doing ,just remember dont inhale. Oh wait trading cards????
  6. It's always good to have more great players around here. Have some [brains] to start you off.
  7. AussieNitro came up with a similar idea a loooooooooooooong time ago.... His was more thought out and detailed. Im not saying yours is a bad idea, just Aussienitro has already come up with this idea.
  8. Maybe not "nazi" zombies, but i can definitly see a full zombies game in future years (probably when Cod's sales start dropping). 4v4 with zombies in the background would be epic. imagine using phd flopper on another player....*moist*
  9. @zombienationz don't rage too much mate, people will start to percieve you as a bit of a dick. This is a decent theory don't hate it just because it's not what you believe, escpecialy when your counter-arguement is not backed up with anything.
  10. Finally COD is taking a step in the right direction after becoming a bit stale over the past few years (apart from blops zombies). It looks like they are bringing some decent inovation to the franchise for the first time since COD4.
  11. Nicely done. Which map next?
  12. I dont mind him being there, I just wish it wasn't george. Not exactly my idea of a hardcore "superboss", more of a wasted oppertunity to have something alot cooler. I would have prefered the silverback (or even a giant teddy bear) over george any day.
  13. Well... actually the Pc mw3 crowd are still yet to recieve any dlc or elite, and because of this the community is shrinking. Cod is starting to be aimed more at ps3 and xbox these days. The only way its ever going to have partial equality (would never be total equality because elite is not free) is if elite is offered to all platforms, with dlc release dates that coincide with each other.
  14. I like the current formula. All i would really add is solo leaderboards.
  15. Well i guess that proves it 100%, The next game is going to be called Iron Wolf. jks
  16. If it had micheal from rooster teeth in it, i would probably be the one rage quiting..... he is probably a nice guy in real life, but i couldn't play a 5 hour game as him. I have a headache just thinking about it.
  17. What kind of video card do you have?
  18. Shiney space rock makes the dead return, and slap all of the remaining survivors to the ground.
  19. Maybe thats why the numbers that come out of a gersch also follow the pentagon theif/ yuri.... Just an idea
  20. I like it, It actually looks quicker than the alley. It is only effective after 40?
  21. Personally i believe shangri-la is in the modern day. Just take a look at the radios, they aren't the kind that would havd been around in the 60's. I think they travelled forwards in time during cotd and travelled to shangri-la during the same time period. I'm not quite sure about moon yet.
  22. Maybe it could just be a poll like the UOTM.... It would encourge other users to take the time and correct grammar.
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