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Everything posted by Dandaman955

  1. I listed Ray Gun if you wanted a replacement. Even if you couldn't get the Thundergun, grab the Crossbow! Bah, it isn't the best of guns to use for a train. It's penetration is too low, and you're not gonna get anything in the later rounds. If you want a real zombie killer, stick with the AK and go for headshots. You can also grab the Commando and Galil because they whip ass as well. Yep, Moon's one of those mistake-prone maps; you go down and you're not getting it back cheap. It's one of those maps where Juggernog is a PITA to get, so you're going to go down a bit. I know, but there are still much better weapons. The Crossbow should be used on any set except Moons, as it is a literal lifesaver and doesn't take 3 seconds to prime, unlike Monkey Bombs. The QEDs are a deathtrap waiting to happen. I'd take 'em, but switch them out as soon as possible.
  2. Good list, but here are some edits that I would make, highlighted in RED! kino perks-jug,qr, Mule Kick, speed,(if rpk or hk then dt) Just buy them all. No reason not to. guns-ak74u or mp40,raygun (Only if the Thundergun is unavailable, as the Ray Gun is outclassed by it.) and Crossbow (If you have Mule Kick). monkeys bombs five perks-jug,mule kick,speed guns-awful lawton,winters howl Ak-74u, hk21 (BTW, only use the Winter's Fury in the earlier rounds, as it progressively gets worse. Ditch it around round 25.) monkey bombs ascension perks-buy jug,qr,flopper,mule kick (pending getting other perks by monkeys) guns-mustang and sally raide (Why on earth would you choose Raid? Use a Thundergun! :Z),lamination gersch devices call of the dead perks-jug,qr,flopper, mule kick (pending getting perks from george) guns-mustang and sally (Use a Crossbow in the later rounds) ,ak74u, vr-11 (Scavenger is also viable, as is the Wunderwaffe). dolls shangri-la perks-jug,qr,mule kick,flopper (pending perks from monkeys) gun-mustang and sally, (Use a Crossbow in the later rounds) ak74u,babyray monkeys moon perks-jug,flopper,speed,staminup (pending EE) (Find some room for Mule Kick) guns-mustang and sally,HACKED ak74fu2 (Be VERY careful if you decide to hack it...), Wave Gun. i like QEDS 8-) (Stay away, especially since there's Gersch Devices on the level. Use them instead.) nacht perks-mule kick ftw guns-thunder,ray,rpk (Better off using the Thompson, because of the two Wonder Weapons, and it's buy-able off the walls.) monekys verruckt perks-jug,qr,speed,mule kcick guns-raygun,winters how,mp40 monkeys shi no numa perks-jug,qr,speed, (You can use Mule Kick if you want to.) guns-wunderwaffle,rpk (Use as a tertiary weapon if you do decide to get MK. You're best off using the Thompson because it has a higher damage and ammo can be bought, unlike box weapons). monkeys der reise perks-jug,speed,qr guns-wunderwaffle,stg-44 (for strategy i do) (The Thompson, Type 100 and Crossbow work as well. I've seen some people buy the Trench Gun, go ahead if it floats your boat.) monkeys And that wraps up my edition of this list.
  3. The Wave Gun is an insta-kill with a splash, though. Anyways, what I'd like to see is a gravity gun. You shoot a bullet, creates a Gersch Device-ish black hole. Any zombie not sucked into the vortex after five seconds will be hit by the explosion. One in every chamber, comes with 9 reserves. PaP comes with 18.
  4. Is the Krauss Refibrillator classed as a weapon?
  5. If you're referring to the list, then Thundergun. Unlike the Wunderwaffe, it can clear more than 10 zombies and won't damage you. If not, then the Wave Gun, with the Thundergun in close second. Wave Gun can kill 24 zombies and has an insta-kill dual-wield.
  6. If I might add, what would be wrong with a ranking Zombies Mode? While yes, it'd be like MW3's Survival Mode how you can never get a game, but it also distinguishes who's worth playing with, and who's gonna steal my kills on the first few rounds, dies before round 10 and doesn't do anything for the team. Personally, I'd welcome it in open arms. That is, as long as you can rank in solo.
  7. What on earth happened to all the dogs? Is it that they don't spawn when you're on the stage?
  8. Interesting conspiracy. Here, take a [brains]
  9. Awesome! Welcome aboard.
  10. Thanks for the welcoming, folks.
  11. It'd be a good idea to stay in the first room anyway. As time progresses, they're gonna get harder to kill. You don't have PaP or traps to use since there's no power, so what do you do? Stay in the room with the only active trap. I'd try it myself, but I really don't enjoy playing solo.
  12. You know what I've always been waiting for? A zombies map set in a graveyard. C'mon, how awesome would that be?
  13. Thompson, MP40 and Type 100. Double Barrel and Trench Gun are also fun to use.
  14. I don't really see how it could be. The box hadn't been activated for three rounds. I know, the laugh usually happens when something screws up. That's why I'm not sure if it's a bug or not.
  15. Hello there, nice to meet you. My name's Dandaman955 and I've been lurking around the forums for some time. I'm 16 years old and I come from the UK. That's pretty much all I have to say.
  16. I was playing Five the other day. It was on round 18 and everyone else was down. It was near the end of the round, so I made around ten crawlers and headed for the small lift to get to the box. When I activated the lift, Samantha started laughing, and it kept looping over and over. My memory's a bit fuzzy, but I think it was playing over the lift jingle that usually plays. The laughing stopped when I left the lift, and after the game, the players told me they heard it too. What gives? Is it playing over the the jingle? Is it supposed to happen? Seems someone else has had the problem as well, as there's a YouTube video on it. For further details: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9PoZSDI8Ek
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