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Everything posted by MNM1995

  1. I never meant to imply that it was fact, because of course it's not. I know it's actually a very good theory that has actual evidence to support it, and all i'm saying is that it's probably the best theory to his past at the moment. If I was trying to make it sound like fact then i'm sorry, but this is just a theoey that I believe quite strongly in and will continue to do so until more maps come out and prove otherwise.
  2. You say that if he was a scientist at Nuketown, then he would have die with everyone else, but why would that be? Just because most of them died doesn't mean there wouldn't be a survivor. We also know, and this IS fact, that Marlton had locked himself up inside a nuclear bunker sometime before we started playing Nuketown Zombies. We also know that the only people to visit Nuketown after the explosion were government scientists and agents, so how else would Marlton have ended up in the middle of a government experiment? Finally, at around Wave 6 on Nuketown Zombies the bus horn from TranZit can be heard. This could be one of the buses stopping locations or another bus from the same company, and it survives the explosion from the missiles and provides Marlton with an escape route from Nuketown. It would explain how he ended up in the bus depot with the other survivors, and we already know that he didn't know any of the other characters before the explosion. All this above is very good, solid evidence to support me and Zombo's claim that he iwas a Government Scientist and you have... Nothing. Nothing to back up your claims that we are somebow wrong here, all you're doing is disagreeing with us and not providing evidence as to why we're wrong, so you really have no legs to stand on here. And don't use the excuse that "There is no evidence" 'cos i'm pretty sure that there is something to suggest we are wrong (Anythig from his character model to quotes, he does have unique quotes in Nuketown Zombies that are quite inaudible you could try and figure out?), but until you have solid evidence to disprove our THEORY (bear in mind that's what it is), i'd appreciate it if you disn't try and ridicule the theory I have been working on for quite some time now, and putting a lot of effort and background research into.
  3. Exactly, knifing the door to the bunker in Nuketown Zombies will male Marlton say something (Often unhearable but you can still distinguish it's his voice). Also, holding 'Use' on a TV in the farm on Tranzit makes a message play, giving co-ordinates to a location just outside of Area 51 in Nevada, where Nuketown is set. Trust me man, I know my Zombies story.
  4. Completely agree. I to am guilty of listening to character quotes on Youtube but that's in part because I find them funny and in part because I want to know about how some quotes relate to easter eggs, and Inaldo agree with you that it is just a soundbite until we find cideo propf of it occuring in the map. For example, some of Richtofen's quotes I've never heard in game but they do appear somewhere in the Green Run maps, and it's just a case of having it happen to you in a game to confirm it for yourself.
  5. Exactly, and if I can suggest something that may help, I don't know how strong your knowledge of the Zombies Story is then I reccomend you research it an gain a better understanding of it. It's all fine and good knowing facts on the characters but you may not be able to understand some of these facts if you don't know the backstory i.e. Marlton worked for the government. FACT. He worked for the government as part of a group of scientists sent in to examine the results of the nule dropped on Nuketown, where a group of Zombies awoke and killed his entire research team, leaving him as the sole survivor and forcing him to hide in the bunker. BACKSTORY. I have researched oter peoples Zombie story theories and have now theorised my own version of the story, using ideas based on other peoples theories and my own and it really helps keep things going plus it means you can fully devote yourself to Nazi Zombies in general, as now I have a strong grasp of weapons to use and not use, which power-ups are effective when, each map's easter eggand how it affects the story overall and I find this info really helpful to use on this forum.
  6. Can we put the whole "bus driver's name' argument to rest now, and the validity of some sources argument too please. It's going to get us nowhere and I do feel (not just because it's my post) that the locations the driver mentions may actualy be relevant to where we may go in future maps. If he does indeed mention Top Secret government facilities, ten it's possible he's wired to access them an maybe later maps will in some way involve re-wiring him to take us there or something similar to that? It all seems to similar to be coincidence, and you guys should by now know Treyarch- they never do coincidence in Zombies. My only concern to the Top Secret base idea is that it's already been done in Moon, what with us starting off in Area 51, and another thing Treyarch's Zombie Team wouldn't do is re-use an idea from a previous zombies map (I mean as in locations and gameplay features, because of cours traps, Hellhounds, teleporters etc. Are all re-used, but you don't see us revisitng Siberia again or using the Hacker again do you?). Also, just for anyone who is curious, T.E.D.D. supposedly stands for "Technically Elaborate Driving Droid", but let that be the last mention of the whole 'what's the drivers name' argument please and thank you.
  7. Yes it may be but if you are playing aeveral games and gettig quite a few downs (excluding your game on Farm) then you may not be gaining ranks because of it. To properly gain a better KDR then why not do what i'm doing and play Survival games? Don't by Quick Revive and just play till you go down- you'll only need 200 kills without goin down (which is about wave 11) to get a 200 KDR every game- You should be there soon!
  8. Here's a link to a very interesting video by NGTZombies on the quotes Maxis says in TranZit whilst doing the easter egg: http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=plcp&v=ciUOKFj11AQ If you watch the video, you'll see that Spiderbite has no idea what the last three quotes could mean. Well, for two of them i've got an idea: The first, about "cargo on board that needs to be delivered" I believe may be when you are riding the bus woth the Avogadro latched on, as he is the 'cargo' and needs to be delicered to the spire. The second, about a place "that we may re-visit some day" and that is a "lovely place" I believe could be Macht Der Untoten, perhaps if you enter Nacht Der Untoten whilst doing his side of the ee. Also, before saying this he starts by saying that there is "Nothing to see in here", which is true for his side of the ee backing up this thought. The final quote, about needing to assemble the NAVCARD table and go and seek the right card I don't have much of a clue about, however I presume it's like Richtofen where you can't actually get the NAVCARD and maybe has somethig to do with DLC? What are your guys thoughts on these quotes or any other quotes in the video?
  9. Groom Lake is also in Nevada, not California. H.A.A.R.P Research Station is in Alaska. I'd recommend not going to his channel, and here instead: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=25277 His name may not be T.E.D.D. but I think it's safe to say everyone has taken to calling him it and i'll continue too Thanks for the corrections though, helpful. And decision time- Do I leave the power on and watch MrDalekJD's video or turn it off amd watch the video Tac linked me? I'll choose one eventually...
  10. Haha no problem mate, zombies is a learning curve. The only possibly gay character in zombies is Richtofen, who may or may not have a crush on Nikolai (seems like he does).
  11. That seems fair enough, plus I think Survival is the best way to rank up as you can only get a maximum of 4 downs and it's a lot easier to survive into the higher waves. I've been playing a lot of solo survival on Town recently and my KDR has shot up from around 65 or so to the 94 it is now. It's insane the difference playing survival makes, and I think I will just keep going on it until I hit my shotties (on knife now). Also, I think gettig too many downs in a game may negate your KDR, lemee tell you why: Me and my 2 friends (Skull with 4 tallies amd Skull with 2) were playin TranZit the other day survivng in Town. Now, it wasn't until about wave 26 that I had my first down, but they had both had 2-3 downs respectively by then. We all died on Wave 29, and by then we had hit over 1,000 kills each (can't remember their kills, but I know I had the highest with 1,169). I only had 4 downs theoughout the entire game, but they had around 11-13 downs each by the end and they came out woth no rank increase/ decrease at all. My friend then tried a solo game on Town earlier today and failed, only reaching Wave 3 and getting 19 kills to 1 down. However, he came put pf the game with a tally mark adde on. This poses the question: Does consecutive days earn you the tally marks or is it game play as well, as he claims he still had 2 Tally Marks before he went into the game. What are your thoughts guys?
  12. As me and SoM have already discussed, it matters little what wave you get too just the amount of kills you get to help improve you're KDR. Granted, it's likely you got a ton of zombies kills those high wave games and only a max of 4 downs, it's likely that if you always go down becuase you try to revive friends then that would really hurt your KDR, that's probably why you won't level up.
  13. Yeah and just adding on to that, Samuel isn't gay. Misty doesn't like Samuel and therefore mocks him by calling him gay, no-one (including Stuhlinger) says they are gay at any point. Don't take things so seriously mate :)
  14. Compltely agree. It seems as though the KDR is definately the most important factor taken into consideration here. Also, LADpoints for getting your gf involved haha :P
  15. The bus itself confirms that there is more than just him. When he is disabled by an EMP the bus notifies you to tell you he is currently incapacitated and a replacement driver should be with you "in the next 127 years... we're all fucked." so that much we can confirm.
  16. WelI I do know that TEDD also mentions the HAARP Research Facility, which if I remember right is also in Nevada, so maybe whatever government base we're visitin in the next map is in Nevada? But i'll have a look at the video when I can.
  17. Okay, here's all I have: Marlton Johnson: Marlton was part of a team of scientists sent to investigate the remains of Nuketown. However, the explosion seems to have awaken some undead (pwrhaps there was 115 nearby?) and they attacked the scientists. Marlton was the only survivor and hid himself in the Bunker to escape, where he was able to call for backup but apparently heard no response. A team of CIA and CDC operatives were sent to investigate but eventually succumbed to the zombie hoard, the whole time Marlton was in the nuclear bunker wiating for help which seemed to not be coming. The missiles from the Moon hit and eventually resurfaced to the new world- all the zombies had been killed by the missile however the planets surface had been decimated. Marlton eventually made it back to Hanford (where TranZit occurs) where he met with the other survivors as the undead rose from the ground once more... Samuel Stuhlinger: Samuel is extremely paranoid character, who is a conspiracy theory enthusiast and believes almost any bad thing that happens to be a conspiracy. This extreme state of mind has left him open to almost anything, which is most likely how Richtofen speaks to him. Richtofen himslef says that out of the group he is the only one able to hear him (Richtofen), implying Samuel may suffer from Schizofrenia (like Richtofen before him, who also had voices in his head from the aether). Abigail 'Misty' Briarton: Misty apparently grew upon a farm (maybe the one featured in TranZit?) and both her parents were killed by the zombies. She appears to be a typical case of having beauty and brains, as she clearly knows her stuff (like when she builda stuff and she says that to avoid hurting Marlton, the smart ones feeling she'll say she found the device). She apparently got her nickname 'Misty' as she ran a marathon through the mysterious mist surrounding her Town (according to Russman). She also has a crush on Marlton, who returns this crush. Russman: Finally Russman, who seems to have the least amount of background information on him. Asides from perhaps being a homeless person (evidenced by his look and several quotes) and maybe being an army veteran (again evidenced by quotes), there isn't much. He is the oldest of the group (older than Samuel amd the oldest Zombies character), and that's literally all I can remember but please feel free to add more anyone. Now, for the relationships between the group, so keep up!: Russman despises Marlton Samuel hates Marlton Misty has a crush Marlton Russman likes Samuel Marlton hates Samuel Misty despises Samuel Russman likes Misty Samuel despises Misty Marlton has a crush on Misty Misty likes Russman Samuel likes Russman Marlton despises Russman Hope that helps everyone :)
  18. This thought has just hit me. As many of you seasoned Zombie (or TranZit) players know, T.E.D.D. doesn't function properly, and often will call out bus stops that aren't actually on the route (i.e. Grand Canyon, Groom Lake, Bohemian Grove etc.). Now here's my idea... Are all these places actually hints from Treyarch as to where the next map(s) going to be? Most of the places listed are close by (i.e. Garnd Canyon is in Nevada, Behmian Grove and Groom Lake are in California etc.) The only exceptions are Grand Central Station in New York (Which is of course on te other side of the country) and the island of Hawaii (obviously not close by, also maybe a reference to Dead Island? That took place on Hawaii I think, and featured buildable objects? Just a thought). Could this mean that Treyarch has actually hinted at possible locations already? Also Pismo Beach is mentioned, again in California).
  19. This would explain why there's an Element 115 Rock just outside the Bus Depot though, or at least serve as aclue as to why there is, however it looks like that rock came down in a meteoritso maybe not.
  20. Yeah I just notice haha but I did just come out of a damn good game on Tranzit which bumped me up from 17,000 kills (I was playing earlier) to 18,118 an my kdr is now 94.71 so i'm kinda getting there :)
  21. Okay, so I have been playing zombies for days now trying to get myself into the position of testing and debunking/proving some of these theories. I have hit 15k points and am on the blue eyes with knife (about 15200 kills to 190 downs) so i'm going to try out the '15k min' kills theory for getting shotties, I can say that it seems to be kdr that affects it the most- every game I played before blue eyes and knife were high kills and very low downs (I mean about 800 kills and 2-3 downs) so I'd say that basically confirms that the kdr plays the biggest part in your level. I have been playing a mixture of all game modes and maps as well which may or may not have had an effect on it. Owever, as I mentioned before the main thing i'll be testing is getting the shotguns so i'll be playing it tommorow and seeing what I can do. I'll update when I have a result!
  22. I don't know how much you know of the story, but it's quite clear that by Shagri-La at the earliest, Nikolai hates Richtofen and their friendship is over. Richtofen however still admires Nikolai, perhaps even being in love with him, however that feeling is mutual. Also, it is known through Nuketown Zombies that Marlton waorked for the US government and was forced to lock himself inside the bunker in Nuketown due to an overwhelming amount of zombies coming from nearby Area 51 and attacking his research team, with him being the only survivor. Because of his links with the US government, I would think Marlton is perhaps more keen to study the creatures and would perhaps want to side with whoever will keep them alive (So probably Richtofen). Samuel can only hear Richtofen because he is extremely paranoid and possibly schizofrenic (Like Richtofen), so is more prone to hearing the creepy stuff again like Richtofen before him. Whilst you are right that Russman and Samuel are friends, they by no means wouldn't want to team up with Richtofen as he is largely responisble for what happened to the Earth. Same goes for Misty and Marlton, however I don't think any of the 4 new characters would want to team up with Maxis either as (if they knew this) her father launched the missiles. Also just worth mentioning Marlton appears to have a crush on Misty and vice versa so they are on more than speaking terms. In conclusion, I think our original characters will side with Maxis, the four new survivors will create a new team and Richtofen will have no supporters due to the events of Moon and TranZit. However, nome of this is relevant as i'm fairly sure they cannot be kicked out of the Aether and once they are in control they remain in control until someone boots them out (i.e. Richtofen to Samantha), or they are otherwise defeated.
  23. Now can someone answer me this cos i've been trying to figure it out but it's kind of bugging me: So, last weekend (Around 2 Saturday's ago) I finally ranked up from blue eyes to Dagger. I was over the Moon (Get it?) but starte playing clumsily and honestly a little cocky (The amount of friend requests and messages you get from people with blue eyes is insane!) and, inevitably, I was dropped back down to Skull Blue Eyes (Last Thursday). Now, after playing non-stop zombies (whenever I wasn't at School anyway) since then, I got my dagger back last night. Now here's the part that's bugging me- I played a solo game on Town Survival first, which I did pretty bad in (It was on Xbox Live but a custom game, got 300 and something kills and 3 downs), but then I played an even worse public game on TranZit afterwards (Around wave 16, only had 169 Kills and 3 downs! I was disgusted with myself honestly) and everyone left the game too (Turning it into a solo game obviously). Now, as soon as the last person left the scoreboard change and showed I had been demoted back to Blue Eyes Skull. I checked the theater mode- these two splitacreeners left first (I was trolling them by trapping thwm in the spawn room by keeping the final turbine piece on me so my own fault really), and I still had Knife Blue Eyes accordig to the scoreboard. Then, the other person went down in the Town and I couldn't reach them so they left (Still had Knife Blue Eyes), but as soon as I loaded the third video (Where it was a solo game), it showed I now possesed Blue Eyes Skull. This left me with a few questions: 1. Does your teammates leaving affect your level (implies you're a bad player?) 2. Can you lose levels mid game (Possible as the three times I wnet down were when the split screeners left, and It was just me and some randomer there)? 3. And is the syatem based mainly on Kills/ Downs ratio (I pulled a 169 to 3 kills/downs ratio, which if i had just tipped into Knife Blue Eyes range then would probably be bad enough to drag me down a level)? I'm going to sweat it out and try an play an ace game tommorow to test the third question (See if I level up with most kills to least downs i can possibly do) and i'll update this with results, but waht do you guys think about this?
  24. 1. Haven't tried it, I'll give it a shot. 2. Once you complete Richtofen's, after having completed Maxis', the beams turn blue. 3. Maybe, as I remember after completing Maxis' side, his transmission is cut short, and it kind of ends abruptly. Not sure, however it's still a good point. 4. You can't really do both sides of the ee in one game, unless you made a whole new profile. NGTZombies Spiderbite covers this throughout his TranZit easter egg guide series. 1. Let me know what happens (If anything). 2. Do you know whether this affects the location the beam can move too? 3. Yeah it's worth looking into. 4. I didn't mean to try and do both sides in one game, that'll be nigh on impossible I can imagine. I just meant to do both sides of the ee at some point and then see if there's a visual difference, which you've already confirmed as you say its turned blue so I don't know if this'll affect it all. I hope to get the ee done maybe this weekend (I have three more people willing to do it already so sorry if anyone saw that and wanted in)on Xbox so when it's done i'll be trying some of these theories out too.
  25. Okay couple of ideas here you guys that have done the easter egg(s) may want to mess about with: 1. Why not try shooting the locations the beam lands on/Goes through with Ray Gun/ EMP grenades(Okay throwing on in that case)/ Jet Gun (New wonder weapons normally play a part.). 2. Also, can someone who's done Maxis and Richtofen's side please confirm that they can see the red light still after completion of both ee's? 3. Also worth mentioning that when Richtofen's side has finished he thanks you for your help. However, Maxis says nothing, implying there could be more to it? 4. Finally, why not try doing both sides of the ee and if it the light is still there (as mentioned above) then try and see if it makes any visual difference/ any visual difference can be made to it. I do agree that this light is pribably telling players to do something, but for reason number 3 above I think it can only be done on Maxis's side of the ee. Thanks for reading and let us know if you can answer any of the four questions above!
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