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Everything posted by coolxboxpro

  1. what about: Nikla Tesla- makes many electricity references. did not die in 1943 but instead time traveled Antonio De Luca- Italian treasure hunter( Italian Indiana Jones) Charles White- English WW2 general Merenhor- Egyptian pharaoh (makes many references to Egyptian mythology) ( brought by Tesla's time-traveling experiments)
  2. the most awesome post I have ever seen. [brains] to you sir
  3. griffin station would have to be about 80 times bigger to be seen with the naked eye. plus the actual meter is purple but it amides a orange glow due to radiation. the light cannot travel from the moon to the earth without be very VERY faint. but griffin station might be in the center of all that element 115
  4. Thompson or double-barrow shotgun depends whether I have speed cola or not.
  5. hi everyone my name is Luigi, I'm 18 years old, and I live in Boston. I am a huge fan of zombies both storyline and gamemode(even though I'm not the greatest expert). My favorite map would be either Der Riese or Ascension. So...HI! :D
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