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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. I dislike this idea.. Mark my words, levels in zombies is a bad idea, that's the whole reason I never played multiplayer... It's just NOT a good mix... You can think it is, and you can make your "foolproof setup", but mark my words... It is a bad idea...
  2. There are two types of people in the world, those who see the good an occerance can bring, and those who see how bad a catastrophe it can form... I am not one to see the lighter side of things... While yes you can have new advantages, you may also find it brings out the cheaters, little kids that think their all bad because they bought the game a month before you did and are at level 34, and trolls that come in wager matches to ruin your levels...
  3. I'm ok with that, just as long as it doesn't effect gameplay!
  4. If that was the set up for Xbox e game would never end... And class set ups are the most dreaded thing in my mind... As bird man said, pistol and knife, work from there!
  5. I say it's more of a 8/9ths epic, 1/9 humorous, it's just not good balance... In my opinion...
  6. But let's be honest here... This is zombies! Theyre not soposed to be humorous, it should be epic!
  7. I may not be the only one to worry about this, but I am totally bitting my nails off at the idea of leveling up in zombies... In a bad way... I'm chill with a campaign and multiple modes of zombies, but leveling up is just not a good idea, in my opinion. Think about it, if we allow leveling up that means prestige, and that there may be some advantages to having a higher level... Then all the annoying kids will come in screaming: I got level 2 prestige why we were out doing our jobs... Plus it's just not in the zombie way to do things! Zombies should be ranked on how high you've gotten, not by xp gathered from shooting level 1 zombies over and over.. Point is, no level up ranking system, it's just not a good idea...
  8. I personally love the shangri la "in the jungle" trailer, cotd was good too, moon's was awful though...
  9. Seeing how the apperant zombies world wide trailer will be appearing in 7 days (it is seven days I'm not going crazier am I? ) I figured it would only be apropriate to countdown to a new zombies trailer by posting a old zombies trailer starting with Nacht and moving to moon... (note "five and DOA don't have trailers and won't count towards the count down) A new trailer will (hopefully) be linked to each day with a few facts about the particular map. Starting today with nact der untoten, the origional zombies map, one mystery box, a mysterious sniper cupboard, and the beginning of the zombies epic! Wonder weapons: ray gun, and the thunder gun if you are playing Black ops version...
  10. AhahahahahahaHAHAHA, of course I am, Probobly going to clear the campaign(you never know if they'll unlock some new goodies ex:"five") But I'm not going to play anything but zombies until the Easter egg is found!
  11. Absolutely VünderBar! Five stars on the mocking scale!
  12. I thought it was the same ending just different ways to get there? If there are multiple endings this would mean the last of the black ops(thank god we don't want it to end up like mw3) however if there are multiple paths to the same ending, it could (regrettingly) make a 3rd black ops... Just my thoughts...
  13. Sigh... Can't have your cake and eat it too... Oh well at least I get tons of cool stuff!
  14. i dont think thats like time correcting them, i think its just them naturally aging at what is probably a slightly accelerated rate due to exhaustion stress. Stress and exhaustion tend to visibly age a person. Not to mention we have no idea of the timespan between kino and Assension, shangri la and moon, and Assension and cotd... We do however know that shi no Numa went streight to der reise and der reise to kino, as well as cotd went streight to shangri la.
  15. All I can think about when I hear that is: this is going to take for Flipping ever to download...
  16. Seems a bit too cheep for me... I don't want some stupid 5 year old to get lucky and get the pack a punched wonder weapon from the box and refuse to put it down...
  17. 115 isn't vrill.... Vrill was invented and processed by the vrill-ya... 115 is a rare chemical found and can not be made....
  18. Seven weeks huh? Time needs to move faster!
  19. Maxis nuked earth, not richtofen. He nuked earth so that richtofen could only control zombies on the moon, greatly weakening his power over them. If maxis turned everyone into zombies it would make richtofen damn near invincible. Sorry but that idea makes literally no sense at all. Here Is a formula to help you remember. The "new" postulate 1-1-5 Richtofen=bad guy Maxis=good guy 115+earth=nothing maxis would ever want to happen Nukes+earth=weak richtofen Weak richtofen ISN'T MATH FUN!? Zombies is the only game where it makes sense that a guy that nuked the earth is a good guy... I say their all mad and that the only three people trying to do anything right are either furious, drunk, or hiding secerets( tank Nickolai and takeo respectively)
  20. If the brains system still worked,I'd give you 5+ I'd give him nothing... Hes being quite rude... Oh bloody hell who am I to talk ahahahahahahaHAHAHA HA!
  21. Der atzi made the challenge... You don't simply come up with a torchurous idea like this unless you've experienced it...
  22. I'm sorry I'm angry right now... Your post are just as good as mine tankeo....
  23. I'm hurt... Honestly... You've wounded me to my very core.. And takeo, he was making post far better then yours long before you showed up here.... I know because I worked with him on them... Before he went compleatly insane and stopped coming to the forums due to lack of actual zombie goodness...
  24. Trololololololo Let's see if anyone wants to try this again!
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