Stop Mocking Me0
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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0
Ok we all know about Nintendo's 3Ds, and we all know about cod black ops 2, how sick would it be if you could fight zombies in 3-d! Woh....just woh....
No they can't do that.... They would have to bring back all the old maps and make new ones...way too much drama, what they should do is after the last zombies map make a compleat zombies game with multiplayer being actual zombies and zombies being called humans and is actually multiplayer. The campaign would be tank in mason's place and telling his tale of how he came from nact to the last zombies map, and all the map would have been remade to allow a mission to take place, and once you finnished the mission the flashback would seise and the zombies would stop coming, the mystery box would be there of course and as you got to higher levels the zombies became more difficult.... And wall weapons would be there too with door you'd have to buy.... Ited be awesome! Then after all this they finally put zombies to rest.....
What Would Be Your Biggest Disappointment?
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Ehjookayted's topic in Single Player
My biggest disappointment would be that after moon they'd start a compleatly new zombies series and we'd never see the z-crew again, then they'd start a rank up system for zombies! That would be hell! -
I think they should only put in remastered nact, kino, call of the dead, shangri la, and moon, that's it! And cotd and shangri la have to be in there because their vital for the storyline.... If you want all the waw maps and blops maps buy blops!
What should the special gift be that comes from the pre-ordered blops 2? And what should you bring to receive it? (you know the whole nerfgun= shoot Justin beiber thing?) My thaughts on the prices: A eight pack of perk colas, filled with different types of sodas, inside a pap cooler....bring a bag of ice to receive this! A hacking device from moon, that holds three flash drives, one empty one holding the waw maps and one holding the blackops maps: kino, call of the dead,shangri la and moon for download to the new game,bring a copy of black ops to have a chance of winning it, to win it you have to take a test on how much you know about cod blops. Next is a model thunder gun/wonder waffe/ray gun/wave gun/claymore that isnt actually a real gun, but It look like it...to get it you have to bring a spetsaz or black ops flag to trade for it..... A replica of the moon-ball thing you knife into the pyramid on moon, it has the same purpose as a magic 8 ball. you get this from bringing a magic 8 ball to trade for it. And lastly: a claymore lunch box that you get for trading a regular lunch box... Any ideas of yours?
Zombies complete side handbook!
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Stop Mocking Me0's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Chapter 5 the zombies storyline: A plane carrying loads of element 115 crashes Near an abandon house.....four marines stranded as a horde of the undead emerges from the ground..... The madness has begun....Nact der untoten! Shortly after their first experience with the undead the four are moved to a Nazi asylum, shortly after arriving they are horrified to learn the nazis were using the sanitarium to research the undead, after being split up the crew becomes part of a massive outbreak and the power goes out, around the same time the forest is set fire to contain the outbreak....there trapped with hordes of the undead...verrućt ....around this time a certain crew from a small time paradox arrives here and gives a small fridged gun to his younger self, who happens to be in the sanatorium with the marines...while his elder self escapes the doc finds the marines...two are dead....the ones that remain are tank Dempsky and Peter....the nazi uses the freeze ray to evade the fire and escape to his labs in der reise, where he begins experimenting on tank, but finds he can't on Peter because he managed to pass himself off as a certified 935 scientist assistant, put in the marine force as a spy....a bit before this time, a special group of scientist from around the world had formed, group 935.Under the controle of Dr.ludwig maxis the science flureshed, one particular scientist had become overly successfull in inventing a special ray gun, a gun that eletricutes ten men to death at the pull of a trigger, a bomb that relinquishes space time property's......and the teleporter.....a magnificent triump! When maxis herd of this idea the scientist was appalled to hear that his ideas wouldnt be massed produced, he became fixated that maxis was about to steel his ideas.... He continued his work on the teleporter and made it safe for human teleportation, he decided to become the first test subject....after the switch was flipped he was shocked to find himself, not 30 ft away, but on the moon, in front of a magnificent pyramid....in his inspection of the pyramid he received a eletric shock and began hearing voices...a creature appeared in the back of the room and before he could conversate with it, he was teleported to a jungle, where he stayed for a month and became king of the tribe that lived there....just before his partner doctor shuster was about to pull the plug the man returned and started a secret project funded by the illuminati....A moon and jungle bace: griffen station, and shangri la...eventually maxis had begun to work on his version of the teleporter: the mtd.... Around this time the new leader of the seceret project, who by now we all know is Dr.Richtofen, had begun work on more test subjects then DEMPSKY: a Russian named Nickolai who nearly died of it wasn't for vodka, and a jap. That spoke only in small short sentences..... He also worked on a mexican, but he died, and the last subject was for his own personal goal: Samantha maxis, ludwigs daughter, she was an ideal test subject for children are more compatable with the pyramid then adults....he gave her a teddy as a discuissed vrill rod to channel her powers when he would force her into the pyramid later....little did he know, that soon maxis's own selfishness would cause his demise.....while experimenting with his daughters pregnant puppy samantha witnessed the first hell hound being born, in horror she ran into the chamber followed by maxis, once they were in with the creature richtofen locked the door, dooming the family.....until an unknown hand pulled the teleport switch...... Richtofen began a small trade influence with the Russians, and in tern they created new perk colas and many new weapons of mass distruction, and on the side a special Siberian outpost began work on the vrill rod, a complex devise that would take years to form...Although he believed them dead, Samantha had been saved by the teleporter and brought to griffen station, where there is no air.... She panicked and ran into the pyramid devise, which under the work of shuster and groph was working fantastically, she was put into cryo-stasis and became the subcontious demonic anouncer! She caused zombies From all the 935 stations to become angrier and more powerful then ever....they over ran the place just like verrućt....richtofen and his other subjects were at the shi no Numa bace at the time with Peter, Peter became infected with 115 and had to be hung by richtofen which he did willingly....that's when the outbreak started and the four started their journey, shi no Numa.... Eventually the four found a teleporter and made their way to der reise, they continued to fight and used the wonder waffe from shi no Numa to their advantage,der reise until richtofen started the flytrap and set off the horde of zombies, nikolai who was on the teleporter with the ray gun wider waffe dg3 jz monkey bombs, accidentally fired a wwdg3jz shot into the mtd teleporter....all the characters, perk machines, zombies and certain weapons were caught in a gigantic electrical blast of continuous energy that warped them all to an unknown time and place.... During the years that the four were gone groph and shuster had located maxis in shangri la, and brought him to moon, he managed to cope Sam out of the mpd(pyramid) but soon she was ordered by her father to "kill them all" And retreated back inside, maxis's soul was downloaded into griffen station and became a computer ai..... Also the Russians completed the golden rod but without richtofen they kept it hidden in the light house for his safe keeping, also Samantha had begun to bug dr Yuri who worked with the accession group with dr gersh as his superviser. He ended up finishing the gersh devise, and sending gersh to Arethur(where Sam is controlling the zombies from...) At last the z-crew returns, around the same time the pentagon theif had invaded the pentagon with his army,five... thankfully the winters Howel ray was there to assist the politicians in the fight.... Anyways, the zcrew has spawned in the abandon theater kino der toten, where they fraught the new nova 6 zombies kino der toten .... Later richtofen riged the teleporter to take the crew to the accession bace.... Where they freed Yuri, unbeknownst to the other three dr gersh had left a special gift for richtofen that he had confiscated from the pentagon theif:the winters Howel,Assension.... unfortunately for the z-crew a crude gersh devise plus a raygun shot sends the crew back in time to nact, where they fight again... While in verrućt for a second time richtofen gives his younger self the freeze ray...shi no Numa....and der reise where the crew hitches a ride with their first time travel and use it to send them forward to the year 2013...around this time george a Romero is filming a movie called Call of the dead, staring Sara michell teller, Danny trejo, michel rooker, and Robert englund....we all know what happens next: George is taken by the zombies who awoke during the teleportation of the z-crew,and the other four obtain the golden rod for richtofen, which is unfortunately missing a part, the focusing stone,Call of the dead.... he leaves the wonder waffe for the crew and heads for paridice aka shangri la.... In the jungle the mighty jungle the doctor helps Brock and Gary....in the jungle the (not so) piece full jungle the z-crew shoots a lot (of zombies) awingawet awingawet awingawet awingawet in the research center the quite research center takeo finds the jgb20-31....oh in the temple the spawning temple the z-crew pushes the buttons, and starts the Easter egg....afewsteps later afewsteps later afewsteps later the focusing ston the might focusing stone is in richtofens pockets ....Shangri la.... At long last we reach area 51 where the crew teleports to moon and goes through the ee and richtofen at long last fulfills his plan and swaps souls with Sam.....Sam, with the help of her dad's ai blows up the earth...and it is revealed that Sam wants her body back, and takeo was out to exterminate 935 from the beginning....... Whew....that's a rough version of call of duty zombies storyline.... What happens next? Idk....you tell me.... -
Ok, I'm going to issue a challenge, as stated earlier.... Goal: Activate all the radios in all maps! Rules: 1 must get to round 15 in all the maps, 2 must acquire all the radios: including the songs! In one go! So just a run down: Nact der untoten: radio in help room(only have to use it once) Verrućt: the toilet (WTF???...) Shi no Numa: the three in spawn and the many scattered about the map....need to have blops version!... Der reise: all radios and beauty of anialation.... Kino der toten: the radio on the far away building and the one in the chandelier, along with115 and the reel tapes.... Five: 3 phones Doa: just get to round 15 Accession: all 8 radios and the bears, and the matruahca dolls... Call of the dead: all radios and not ready to die from the meteors.... Shangri la: all radios, and sweet paridolia, you will need 4 people to do the Easter egg and get the radios on every step.... Moon: all radios, 3 teddy bears, and ax7s nightmare must play too! This shouldn't be too much trouble, till you hit shangri la....
Bua-ha-ha-HA! Like that? Oh yeah?...we all are the sickest most vile creatures on earth..... Do we get diplomas? OH MY GOD! I THINK THEY MAKE VODKA!!!!
No, just a madman ...
I need to find a character quote
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Chopper's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Now to charge up the casmire mechanism.... Just kidding, but it is pretty cool, look it up.... I made it....mystery solved.... OH MY GOD! I THINK IT MAKES VODKA!!!! Ninē take thy head shvine! I would say Bonzi! But ____ is not cleshe.... Richtofen! Make their legs stronger! Your terrible at this! Hope these are good.... -
5 letters: HARRP they didn't put that seceret note in shi no Numa for nothing
I dislike you.... So very much....
But have you completed all Easter eggs? That's the true question... To me....
Answers: 1: nope, HARRP 2:yes 3 3:yes 11 total 4:yep... 5:Richtofen from ? To moon 6:yes good job 7:yup nice one.... 8:eligna sigman: Samantha ax7:richtofen 9:yes ray gun, invented by richtofen, half a point off... 10: the answers in the question, or something like that.... 6/9 correct you know 66.66-% of what you'll learn here... Wunderbar!
Welcome to the madhouse! Oh wait... Most of these people are sane.... Hahahha... Very well! Welcome anyways! Big tip: know your undead freaks! People will take your idea and smash it if you don't have evidence! Little quiz I made for ya: 1) What device is mentioned in a seceret note in shi no Numa? 2) How many rockets destroyed the earth? 3) how many maps are there total? 4) Who shot Mr. Burns? Jk... Who was shot and downloaded into griffen stations ai system? 5) who was the first person to teleport? 6) what two maps has no claymores? Or bouncing Betty's? 7) when did the Bowie knife come into play? 8) Who does eleigna sigmen's song represent in zombies? Avenged sevenfold? 9) what wonder weapon is in all maps? Who invented it? 10) why so serious? A:shut up joker B:just cuz. C: I'm angery at everything!
Killed his ENTIRE family.....
Well think about this guys: the earth is kinda.... Unsafe for living... There are only a few survivers probably: I think that one map should have dr.shuster, dr.groph, dr.yuri, and Mabie Sophia working to fix the Harrp, and of course helping our favorite z-crew out from a cave or door or something, I also think that in one map there could be a school of survivers consisting of a science teacher a jock a nerd and an emo, who fight off a school of zombies! Lastly I think that we defiantly should keep tank Nickolai takeo richtofen and Sam, Oh and the guy who said something about kids... Tank and nickolai's kid would be in their 20s and takeo murdered his entire family....
I sen my thanks to perfectlemonade for help proofreading of chapter 1! Chapter One: Know Your Maps! Map 1- The original three-room map - Nacht der Untoten - (comes with WaW and with the Rezzurection map pack on Blops.) Map 2- The birth of Perk-a-Colas and the power switch - Verruckt - (comes with waw and with the Rezzurection map pack on Blops.) Map 3- Introducing our famous Z-Crew and the Wunderwaffe as well as the hell hounds and the first radios - Shi No Numa - (comes with waw and with the Rezzerection map pack on Blops.) Map 4- Bowie knife, Monkey bombs, teleporters and Pack A Punch, as well as the famous Flytrap all included in - Der Reise - (comes with waw and with the rezzerection map pack on blops.) Map 5- Nova six crawlers and the Thundergun make their debut here -Kino Der Toten - (included with Blops.) Map 6- New characters, weapons, and the Pentagon Thief come into play, but only for this map. However, the Winter's Howl can be found in the Blops version of Verruckt. - Five - (included at the end of Blops campaign.) Map 6.5- Completly new style of zombies as well as our favorite monkey: the Cosmic Silverback! Ladies and gentlemen - Dead Ops Arcade - (unlocked in blops at the terminal behind mason's chair.) Map 7- Hated by everyone: monkeys that steal perks—speaking of monkeys they included two new ones! Also the Bowie Knife is replaced with the Sickle and new lunar landers appear as well as the new Gersch Device and Matroyshka Dolls, as well as the first giant Easter egg(EE) - Ascension - (Blops First Strike map pack.) Map 8- Playing as four movie stars, prepare to fight the godfather of all zombies: George A. Romero! You can get a little help, though, with a new perk, two Wunder Weapons (Scavenger and VR11) and an ee that allows you to obtain the Wunder Waffe - Call Of The Dead! (COTD) - (blops Escalation map pack.) Map9- One of the greatest trailers of all time? Monkeys that steal and change drops? Spiked claymores and a shrink ray with a name I can never remember? Oh and screeching and flaming zombies? Along with one of the most challenging ee's ever? And run around with all perks?!? Coming right up! - Shangri La - (Blops Annihilation map pack.) Map10- Houston, we have a new perk for all maps, low gravity features, no mans land challenge, a giant Easter egg that requires both the COTD ee and the Shangri la ee, along with two duel-wield Zap Guns that can be combined into the Wave Gun as well as a new QED device that puts fate into your hands... We also have the Hacker, excavators, the MPD and much more. Houston? You still there? We have a zombie problem too....- Moon - (Blops Rezzurection map pack.) ____________________________________________________________ Chapter two-Know your characters! (seriously! Their important!) Z-crew Tank- a marrine that was part of the marine-team in the original nact der untoten, he moved from nact to verrućt and was taken hostage by Nazis and experimented on by dr. Edward richtofen, he became aggressive and lost his memory, he's slowly recovering it, as mentioned by takeo. He hates the doctor is discussed by Nickolai and finds takeo to be like a child, he has a nine year old child back at his home as mentioned on moon, he started out in shi no Numa and appeared in every map minus five, (in COTD he was a voice hidden from actual sight and behind a door). Tank tends to break the fourth wall a lot as well...(second picture from left) Nickolai- not Much is known about this drunk soviet, EXEPT for these facts: he has nine deceased wives, his favorite beverage is vodka, he is incredibly stupid, and we love him for it, he seams to honor the American and even richtofen isn't too bad in his book, but he has an undying hatred of takeo....(first picture from left) Takeo- our silent mysterious Japanese warrior, who feels pity for Nickolai respect(and later found out) hatred towards richtofen and finds the American to be "smelly", he also thinks of Sam as his own child and is very fond of her when she enters richtofens body...(last picture from left) Dr. Edward Richtofen- our favorite mad doctor, experimented on the entire z-crew and an unknown mexican, and heart fully hates tank and maxis....and Sam...and a lot of other characters... But makes up for it by falling in love with Nickolai, (a gay nazi?!? Yeah I'm debating weather or not the gayness was caused by the spark of voices) richtofen was one of the leading 935 scientist, and actually invented the origional ray gun, wunder waffe, qed,ect. and teleporter, speaking of witch in his first teleportation he became lost on moon where he received a shock from the mpd which was mysteriously built by an unknown,(probably imbenelovent) entity(I think it's aliens). Anywho he started hearing strange evil, yet inspiring voices in his head after the shock, similar to dr. Yuri. He was then transported to shangri la by an unknown creature and began production of griffen station, he later tried to kill maxis and his daughter but accidentally created the hell hounds in the process and left them in the teleporter to scatter and hide in unknown regions....(theird from left picture) Sam- isn't actually a playable character, Sam is the daughter of dr.maxis and ???, Samantha was tested on by richtofen and I believe gave her a teddy bear so it could be used as a conduit for the vrill power, later he tried to kill her as his final test, and she passed by escaping to griffen station, being frightened she unknowingly entered the mpd and became the demonic anouncer. Richtofen pondered what to do and formulated a plan to swap body's with Sam, at one point groph and shuster (learn about them later) got her out of the machine using dr maxis, but she soon re-entered and in the confusion maxis was shot and absorbed into the griffin station computer ai system....later on richtofen compleaTed his scheme and swapped body's with her, making him the demonic anouncer....his rein was short however because maxis and Sam blew up the freaking earth.... Yeah... I know... But for 100gs it's worth it! Sub characters- Dr.ludwig maxis- Samantha's dad and leader of group 935, he invented the shrink gun and many other products. He now lives in griffen stations ai system and recently blew up the earth, he hates richtofen and has a soft side towards his assistant. Before griffen station, he hid out in shangri la after being teleported in a unstable teleporter from der reise after nearly being as sainted by richtofen... His assistant- not much importance yet! However Sam wants her for some reason... (I can't remember her name) Dr.Shuster- helped in creating the mtd and studded the mpd, he found its power source while killing a rat.... Dr. Groph- head of griffen station, he worked on the mpd with shuster and brought maxis to the loading dock before he could use him as Samantha bate..... Dr.Yuri- worked at accession and became mad much like richtofen, but he compleatly lost it! He ended up using project mercury to teleport dr gersh to Arethur.... Dr.Gersh- no serprise he invented the gersh devise, what's not so obvious is that he helped create the thunder gun and is the mystery man on accession... cotd crew- were in the wrong place at the wrong time, unfortunate for them, fortunite for richtofen.... They deliver the golden vrill rod to richtofen.... Brock and Gary- two explorers in shangri la that are trapped in an infinite time paradox, and nomater how much the z-crew helps them in the past, the two constantly keep dying! Peter- the second marine in the marine crew, he is found hanging in shangri la and aperiantly is an American spy in group935 Five crew- politicians that were the only survivors of the zombie outbreak in the pentagon. Not much there, EXEPT that the pentagon had claimed a lot of nazi technology and reverse engineered it. Pentagon theif- after going mad after a test with 115 the theif became a genius zombie, and ended up going back in time and collecting zombies from nact to attack the scientist at the pentagon, he was stopped by JFK and his crew. fluffy- SAMs dog and the origional hell hound, gave birth to the common hell hound. 935- a group of nazi scientist intent on improving the human condition, it was corrupted single handedly by dr. Edward richtofen and his teleporter. 115- the amazing element that reanimates living tissue, and makes zombies! It is used to power many wonder weapons and the perk-a-colas marine 1and 2: nessisary extras that died in verrućt, no storyline. Mexican test subject- soposedly died during richtofens test when he removed his spleen. Voices- talk to the ones effected by vrill and are the words of an evil higher power (devil aliens ect.) Vrill-a special type of super physics used to work most of the unexplainable mecanisms in the storyline.... Harrp: a mecanism mentioned in a hidden note in shi no Numa. Kasmire mecanism- a type of portal to Arethur, were the secrets to all zombies world lies.....you'll likely die upon entering if not strong enough..... Argotha- an underground super civilization unknown to regular earthlings Arethur- a diminsion from which Sam/richtofen controls the zombies and creates perk drops and all kinds of other things.....wondrous..... _________________ Chapter three-Know your weapons! Snipers- terrible weapons, or at least for me, in nact you can sipe zombies from up stairs, but other than long distance shots I find them to be quite annoying. They do take away a good chunk of zombie health though, and it's good for headshots. Shotguns-better then snipers, but still not my choice weapon, their usefull for dog rounds, plowing through a mini horde, or as a back up weapon, this is one type of weapon one would prefer to shoot without aiming, the blast radious is larger. There is one big flaw however: reloading, it takes forever and you have to do each shot individualy. And they don't hold much amo. Pistols- always have a Spair pistol, when you go down it has a low amount, but some amo! It makes it so much easier to fight off the horde of zombies near the guy reviving you. czs arnt that bad of a weapon either on rounds 15-down, and the starter pistol becomes one of the greatest weapons in the game when PAP ed. Smgs- GOOD weapons, and easy to run with! They do have low amounts of amo however... It's best to apply headshots and use the least amount of amo possible. Not so s, Mgs- The rpk, the hk21, their all WONDERBAR! They REALY help with points and they kill zombies like no ones business! Always have a Spair.... Bombs- frags are ok, and Semtex help a lot when making crawlers, but unless you have a wonder bomb, having a wall bomb isn't that big of a deal... Equipment- claymores and bouncing Betty's, they explode when they see a zombie, go figure...not necessary and probably not worth it...unless you have the spike mores from shangri la.... Those are COOL! Knifes- Bowie, starter, ballistic, and sickle, these are all the knifes in the game, bowie and sickle are one knife kill to round 10, starter is one life kill on round one.... And ballistic knife is shoot-able and can be upgrade, but still not that great of a weapon. It can also revive partners from a distance.... Crossbow- its a crossbow, that explodes after a few secs, kinda usefull, but not truely....Upgraded it can detract zombies like the monkey bomb, Riffle- not a sniper, not a shotgun, not automatic.... What is this? It's the good weapon: the rifle... Launchers- .... Terible weapons in my vote, it hurts you a lot if caught in the blast and takes forever to reload.... The wonder weapons:fantastic super weapons everyone loves! 1:raygun-all maps-one of the most powerful weapons in zombies, it kills easily and even has splash damage, the downside? The splash can hurt you... Developed by richtofen, paped it's the porter x2 ray gun that works the same but fires a stronger red laser. Paped is developed by Dr. Porter(pistol easy to run with!) 2:wonder waffe DG2- SNN,DR,COTD- one of the greatest weapons of all time, the wonder waffe, pull the trigger and out sparks a deadly volt of energy that spreads around a group of up to 10 zombies and kills them instantly, get them from the box in SNN and DR, but in COTD you have to compleat the EE to acquire its magnificence. Developed by Dr richtofen and can only be PAPed in der reise, it becomes the wunder waffe dg3 jz and it works fantastic, (the bolt will change from blue to red)! The downside to both weapons? It can shock you too, and even take away the effects of your juggernog...(riffle-escue weapon, mid-easy to run with) 3:Thunder gun-KDT,NDU,A- code name project mercury, it uses a sonic boom to launch all the zombies on screen into oblivion! it does sometimes glitch however....and all the zombies won't die, but you can always hit them again....the downside? No drops from zombies if you use this..... Developed by the assension team,upgraded its the Zeus cannon which holds 4 shots instead of the regular two, also this is the only weapon you can't reload until its empty.(heavy weapon, hard to run) 4:The winters Howel-F,V- a freeze ray that slows zombies and kills some, it's a handy pistol you can run with too, making it more helpfull.Developed by the American reverse 115 engineers and when upgraded its the winters furry, which basicly holds more amo...(pistol easy to run) 5:Vr11-COTD- a mystal vrill powered machine that turns zombies into humans! It can also be used to cool off George, upgraded its the vr11 lazerith who can explode zombies sometimes... And send George packing in one aquatic hit! (hit him In water he disappears for a few rounds) hitting your partner will make him/her be invinsible for a short time, and make it a short insta kill bit for him as well... (smg weight, easy to run) 6-scavenger-COTD- a powerfull explosive sniper rifle, ne I say more, team it up with the upgraded vr11 for some serious death! It can hurt you though...(Heavy! Hard to run!) 7-jgb31-20(aka baby gun aka shrink ray)-shangri la- a gun that turns zombies into baby's and meteors into small rocks, it's got a lot of amo and is as usefull as a thunder gun, when a baby you can kill the zombie by walking into it! It wears off however! Developed by Dr.Maxis, paped it becomes the factualiser... (rifle weight, easy to run!) (my personal favorite weapon!) 8-Wave/deul wield zap guns-M- this gun is amazing! The deul wield pistol zappers kill a zombie instantly on any round, and you can put the gun TOGEATHER to make the wave gun which frays zombies like a toaster would, it does however require some aim and dosnt hold much amo till pack a punched...developed by Dr groph, paped it becomes the porter x2 zap guns and the max wave gun, which were developed by Dr porter....(light weight pistols) 9-monkey bomb-NDU,DR,KDT,F,A,S- this little cymbal monkey will attract all zombies and leave you alone, giving you time to revive your team...Developed by Dr maxis, it can be Baught from the furnace on der reise if you compleat the fly trap....(takes a bit longer then a frag to arm) 10-gersh devise-A,M- this cool thing will open a miniature black hole that sucks in and kills zombies, and turns everything purple! It's used commonly in ees and can actually teleport everyone to a different place on the map if you jump though the portal.....Use it to revive your teammates when their down...developed by the accession crew(takes less then a monkey, but more then a frag to arm) 11-mertushka dolls-A,COTD- these little pop dolls will fire into a zombie crowd and explode multiple times, I find them more anoyying then helpful truely....(takes about as long as a monkey to arm) 12-QEDs-M-the leap of faith, this bomb will do something! But there's no way of telling what! It can create a gersh, spawn more zombies, give out a rare bonus point drop, or the evil anti bonus point drop, as well as give you any random moon weapon....hard to throw....developed by Dr.Richtofen(bout as long as a monkey to arm...) Others: Haker-moon- lets you hack points from person to person (500 at a time), open doors for 200, although it takes longer, let's you hack the mystery box wherever you want it for an extra 300, let's you shut off or activate certain machines, let's you hack the box to give you another weapon or share it,it lets you do all this! Pes-m-: allows you to breath on the moon, nm else EXEPT it replaces the hacker.... S-wire-m- let's you activate the casmire mecanisms charge panels... Golden rod-m,s,COTD- grab it in COTD, put a rock in it in shangri la, and charge it up and put it in the pyramid of moon! Focusing stone-s-put it in the golden rod... Tapes-KDT,Moon- play tapes to revile storyline bits.... Perks: Start in verrućt 1-quick revive-revive your parner fast (in solo you can revive yourself once) 2- juggernog- makes you stronger,four hits instead of two... 3- speed cola- drink to reload faster 4- double tap rootbeer- drink to shoot faster start in Assension 5- PHD Flopper- prevents fall and splash damage from your own weapons, it also creates a mini nuke when you dolphin dive off a higher surface and land lower.... 6-stamin-up- makes you run longer... Starts in COTD Deadshot daiquiri- auto aims for the head....not much help.... Starts in Moon (and spreads to all maps!) Mule kick- hold 3 guns, go down, lose one gun unless you have all perks.... _____________________ Chapter 4 Stratigys: rape training, camping and point $&oring: In my day there are four types of stratigys that you can use to survive: only three of them work... 1: rape training/ training/circling, basicly what you do with this methood is find a large enough area to be able to manover your way around zombies, such as the bio dome (moon) the bace of the light house (COTD) or the courtyard (der reise). It is important that you never let yourself be caught! Being hit is ok(with jug) but in the earlier 1-20 rounds in is almost imposible to die unless you get caught! Especialy once you Know how zombies work and think! Recap: step one acquire jug,a light powerful weapon and a strong weapon, step two find a train-spot, step three:run In circles and figure eights until you have most of the zombies all lined up in a nice little row, step four, use your light weapon to avoid getting caught and your heavy weapon to take out the mass crowd....repeat until death... Make crawlers when necessary Side note- I wouldn't use this strategy in multiplayer unless your team is far away, they can mess with the zombie's patterns... 2: camping, simple enough, you find an area with no zombies coming from behind and shoot! I recommend this methood in the courtyard in der reise, the pyramid on moon, and the upstairs balcony in nact.... This methood actually works better the more people you have, and there are some areas like the bridge on shangri la that require split groups, two hold front two hold back. Recap: step1: acquire powerful weapons, (jug is not important until later rounds), step 2: kill, reload, kill, make crawler when nessiasary... 3: point $&oring / cashing : this is very important! ANd usefull! You can do this anywhere, but I don't recommend you do this when the zombies become 4knife kill...(round5) Recap: Step one: knife all zombies on round 1. Step two: knife the zombies two times on round two, Step 3: on round 3 combine the use of your pistol and knife and do the same on round four, Step 4: buy a better weapon and find a place to setle down and kill,via other methood.... Side note: let the zombies in on rounds 1-3 for double points, and max amo, I do not recommend getting insta kill or a nuke, they kill too quickly.... 4:DO NOT ATTEMPT!EVER!- this is called noobing, which is basicly running around the whole map in every possible room they can waisting points and shooting all the zombies, but not killing them, never rebuilding bariers, and causing all types of hell for the pros and mid-ways....this is the worst possible way to play and people will hate you for playing like this.... Don't try it! ________________________________ Chapter 5 the zombies storyline: A plane carrying loads of element 115 crashes Near an abandon house.....four marines stranded as a horde of the undead emerges from the ground..... The madness has begun....Nact der untoten! Shortly after their first experience with the undead the four are moved to a Nazi asylum, shortly after arriving they are horrified to learn the nazis were using the sanitarium to research the undead, after being split up the crew becomes part of a massive outbreak and the power goes out, around the same time the forest is set fire to contain the outbreak....there trapped with hordes of the undead...verrućt ....around this time a certain crew from a small time paradox arrives here and gives a small fridged gun to his younger self, who happens to be in the sanatorium with the marines...while his elder self escapes the doc finds the marines...two are dead....the ones that remain are tank Dempsky and Peter....the nazi uses the freeze ray to evade the fire and escape to his labs in der reise, where he begins experimenting on tank, but finds he can't on Peter because he managed to pass himself off as a certified 935 scientist assistant, put in the marine force as a spy....a bit before this time, a special group of scientist from around the world had formed, group 935. Under the controle of Dr.ludwig maxis the science flureshed, one particular scientist had become overly successfull in inventing a special ray gun, a gun that eletricutes ten men to death at the pull of a trigger, a bomb that relinquishes space time property's......and the teleporter.....a magnificent triump! When maxis herd of this idea the scientist was appalled to hear that his ideas wouldnt be massed produced, he became fixated that maxis was about to steel his ideas.... He continued his work on the teleporter and made it safe for human teleportation, he decided to become the first test subject....after the switch was flipped he was shocked to find himself, not 30 ft away, but on the moon, in front of a magnificent pyramid....in his inspection of the pyramid he received a eletric shock and began hearing voices...a creature appeared in the back of the room and before he could conversate with it, he was teleported to a jungle, where he stayed for a month and became king of the tribe that lived there.... just before his partner doctor shuster was about to pull the plug the man returned and started a secret project funded by the illuminati....A moon and jungle bace: griffen station, and shangri la...eventually maxis had begun to work on his version of the teleporter: the mtd.... Around this time the new leader of the seceret project, who by now we all know is Dr.Richtofen, had begun work on more test subjects then DEMPSKY: a Russian named Nickolai who nearly died of it wasn't for vodka, and a jap. That spoke only in small short sentences..... He also worked on a mexican, but he died. The last subject was for his own personal goal: Samantha maxis, ludwigs daughter, she was an ideal test subject for children are more compatable with the pyramid then adults....he gave her a teddy as a discuissed vrill rod to channel her powers when he would force her into the pyramid later....little did he know, that soon maxis's own selfishness would cause his demise.....while experimenting with his daughters pregnant puppy samantha witnessed the first hell hound being born, in horror she ran into the chamber followed by maxis, once they were in with the creature richtofen locked the door, dooming the family.....until an unknown hand pulled the teleport switch...... Richtofen began a small trade influence with the Russians, and in tern they created new perk colas and many new weapons of mass distruction, and on the side a special Siberian outpost began work on the vrill rod, a complex devise that would take years to form...Although he believed them dead, Samantha had been saved by the teleporter and brought to griffen station, where there is no air.... She panicked and ran into the pyramid devise, which under the work of shuster and groph was working fantastically, she was put into cryo-stasis and became the subcontious demonic anouncer! She caused zombies From all the 935 stations to become angrier and more powerful then ever....they over ran the place just like verrućt....richtofen and his other subjects were at the shi no Numa bace at the time with Peter, Peter became infected with 115 and had to be hung by richtofen which he did willingly....that's when the outbreak started and the four started their journey, shi no Numa.... Eventually the four found a teleporter and made their way to der reise, they continued to fight and used the wonder waffe from shi no Numa to their advantage, until richtofen started the flytrap and set off the horde of zombies, nikolai who was on the teleporter at the time with the ray gun wider waffe dg3 jz monkey bombs, accidentally fired a wwdg3jz shot into the mtd teleporter....all the characters, perk machines, zombies and certain weapons were caught in a gigantic electrical blast of continuous energy that warped them all to an unknown time and place.... During the years that the four were gone groph and shuster had located maxis in shangri la, and brought him to moon, he managed to cope Sam out of the mpd(pyramid) but soon she was ordered by her father to "kill them all" And retreated back inside, maxis's soul was downloaded into griffen station and became a computer ai..... Also the Russians completed the golden rod but without richtofen they kept it hidden in the light house for his safe keeping, also Samantha had begun to bug dr Yuri who worked with the accession group with dr gersh as his superviser. He ended up finishing the gersh devise, and sending gersh to Arethur(where Sam is controlling the zombies from...) At last the z-crew returns, around the same time the pentagon theif had invaded the pentagon with his army,five... thankfully the winters Howel ray was there to assist the politicians in the fight.... Anyways, the zcrew has spawned in the abandon theater kino der toten, where they fraught the new nova 6 zombies .... Later richtofen riged the teleporter to take the crew to the accession bace.... Where they freed Yuri, unbeknownst to the other three dr gersh had left a special gift for richtofen that he had confiscated from the pentagon theif:the winters Howel,Assension.... unfortunately for the z-crew a crude gersh devise plus a raygun shot sends the crew back in time to nact, where they fight again... While in verrućt for a second time richtofen gives his younger self the freeze ray...shi no Numa....and der reise where the crew hitches a ride with their first time travel and use it to send them forward to the year 2013...around this time George A Romero is filming a movie called Call of the dead, staring Sara Michell Geller, Danny Trejo, Michel Rooker, and Robert Englund....we all know what happens next: George is taken by the zombies who awoke during the teleportation of the z-crew,and the other four obtain the golden rod for richtofen, which is unfortunately missing a part, the focusing stone.... he leaves the wonder waffe for the crew and heads for paridice aka shangri la.... In the jungle the mighty jungle the doctor helps Brock and Gary....in the jungle the (not so) piece full jungle the z-crew shoots a lot (of zombies) awingawet awingawet awingawet awingawet in the research center the quite research center takeo finds the jgb20-31....oh in the temple the spawning temple the z-crew pushes the buttons, and starts the Easter egg....afewsteps later afewsteps later afewsteps later the focusing stone the mighty focusing stone is in richtofens pockets ....Shangri la.... I also should put in here that you HAVE to be committed to zombies if your trying to do the shangri la Easter egg... It is umbeleivably hard! I'll explane more later.... At long last we reach area 51 where the crew teleports to moon and goes through the ee and gets the gersh device and the QEDs and the wave gun, and richtofen at long last fulfills his plan by putting the focusing stone into the golden rod and putting the rod in the pyramid, and swaps souls with Sam.....Sam, with the help of her dad's ai blows up the earth...and it is revealed that Sam wants her body back, and takeo was out to exterminate 935 from the beginning....... Whew....that's a rough version of call of duty zombies storyline.... What happens next? Idk....you tell me....
No, could you imagine pro jug? Never die.....
I would love an under water map, you could use the zero gravity effect from moon under water and instead of a pes use scuba gear, and there would be fish zombies!
Yeah private matches arnt nessiasary... But guys! I think I found the key to activating excavator six! You have to turn the power on on round two and the person who does it has to be richtofen! It worked twice for me! In a row! It might just be a coincidence though....
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