Stop Mocking Me0
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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0
Der (not so Eisen) Drache:
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Stop Mocking Me0's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
I'm not sold on that point either as I stated. But it would explain the plane-massacre above us. -
Is there some little sh** in your game? Do you want to show him justice? Well NOW YOU CAN! With the latest in trolling technology: The spider cage! Have them go down to get a piece of the Masamune, THEN LEAVE THEM! Will NEVER come back up! Have fun!
Can't really supply an image but check out this video from the glitching queen, it comes into view:
BLOPS 3 - Zetsubou No Shima EE complete (SPOILERS)
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to AntBirch90's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
Actually it's a bit better really. Now we get excited halfway through the DLC releases. We didn't care at all when the DLC released on PS way back when, it was just about a month and a half of boredom before the next DLC info dropped. (not that we didn't care about the PS guys) -
BLOPS 3 - Zetsubou No Shima EE complete (SPOILERS)
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to AntBirch90's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
Woops, well it's still waiting until july for xbox and PC. -
News Article: Closed Alpha for PC Mod Tools has begun!
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Tac's topic in Site News
WOOHOO! Is there a legal-barrier here or can they strait up discuss what's included in the tools? -
BLOPS 3 - Zetsubou No Shima EE complete (SPOILERS)
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to AntBirch90's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
Yes. Not me. We've solved a lot of the ciphers and figured out the entire easter egg in 24 hours. Remember we aren't getting another map until July... Sure there's plenty of other questions to ask, but all in all, I feel like this map could use a little more content that MEANS something. -
Personally, I'm all for a harder map. Honestly, I'd love to play the map en-mass. However there are SEVERAL aspects of this map that concern me GREATLY. For starters, the easter egg. (Spoilers will be Spoilers) However, I did enjoy the cut-scene at the end. (Oh come on that's not a spoiler we all know there would be one). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's clear however, this map is either too highly textured, or too poorly tested. All around, entire perk machines VANISH before your eyes due to entity limits. Exposed death-barriers everywhere. It's really inexcusable. I'm all for a big map, but when you start to sacrifice quality for the sake of having a map with X number of plant possibilities being the same gimmick for everything, I begin to doubt the process. On the other hand, water in this map was incredible, love what they did with it. When the new mod tools come out, I'm going to see If I can't make an underwater box-map. I also REALLY liked the sheild and how you can now use it to periodically charge items, reducing their price. Obvious custom mapping tool is obvious. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The plant thing is a HUGE letdown. I hate having to water plants repeatedly to get a desired outcome. The biggest drag being having to keep up with it for 3 rounds. With 4 types of water, it just becomes a big fetch-quest, even with the golden bucket. The skull and the Massamune however, I loved. I never use the sword, Ragnaroks, or annihilator, but I will be using that skull to REIN HAVOC! And while the K-t4 isn't the most EFFECTIVE weapon, it's upgraded form is still acceptable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gobble gums this time around were actually pretty good. We got one that freezes zombies (USEFUL), one that keeps the teddybear from appearing (and I want to see if this also keeps the teddy-bear-bottle from appearing in the Wonder Fizz) which is KINDA useful, then we have the one that makes drops last longer, although I don't know if that means it keeps drops from disappearing or if it extends the use of drops like insta-kill and death machines. The only real let down was the secret shopper on. At first glance it appears you can buy ammo for ANY gun you're holding by buying ammo from any wall chalk. Not true, you can only use it on guns that were originally from walls. So the bows? Yeah can't get ammo for those. Masamune? Nope. AS? No-sir-ee. But nothing was as much of a let down as finding out that no new weapon kits were added. It's a shame I REALLY wanted to use the Marshal-16s in the giant... Maybe they'll be added in an update? All in all, I give this map a 6/10 right now. It could be so much better, but unless we start to find more stuff, it isn't looking too good.
ZNS Radios, Quotes, Ciphers, Scraps, etc.
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Tac's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
This may be a glitchy, poorly tested map with a shallow main easter egg, but these ciphers are AMAZE-BALLS! Gary, Gersh... What G will we find next!? -
BLOPS 3 - Zetsubou No Shima EE complete (SPOILERS)
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to AntBirch90's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
And the easter egg's been done... This is... Disappointing... -
Obvious spoilers are Obvious.
BLOPS 3 - Zetsubou No Shima EE complete (SPOILERS)
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to AntBirch90's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
Is... Is that it? Surely there's more. You don't sound like you've experienced this first-hand. -
ZNS Radios, Quotes, Ciphers, Scraps, etc.
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Tac's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
Could Gersh and Yuri be the Groph of this map? Or the next one? Gersh is PARTICULARLY interesting. He APPEARS to still be in an aetheric state... However this makes little sense. Samantha maxis was the direct cause of Yuri's insanity, which led to Yuri tricking Gersh into activating project Mercury, aka, the gersh device... However, we know samantha is no longer here in this timeline, therefore Yuri should still be of sound mind, and Gersh shouldn't be in the aether... Edit: Also another part of a cipher was found here: -
Are all the Thunder references leading to something?
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Tac's topic in Zetsubou No Shima
So. Yeah, thunder might also somehow connect to the dragons recently discovered in the map. I mean LOGICALLY that makes no sense, however, I can't shake the feeling that somehow Dragons=Thunder.... Idk...Maybe I just have Drache on the Gehirn... If I recall correctly, there was a cipher depicting the ramblings of Gersh in Zetsubou no Shima. It appears he's still bound to aetheric form... -
This may just be the coolest possible-glitch, possible-easter egg, I've EVER seen. The story here is that this person, one DanielChoTV,(no relation to Mike TV) was cornered and managed to use a gobble-gum before death: Anywhere But Here: AKA Teleport my butt out of here. Expecting to be teleported to a normal location, Mr. TV here some how managed to appear in a zombie-spawn zone (this is evident by the zombies flashing into existence shortly after he arrives). However, Imagine his surprise when he finds these odd dragon-esque objects scattered around the room: -A dragon's egg (or something that looks like one) :Left of the screen at 2:25 -A blueprint for what APPEARS to be a dragon. : Seen at 1:02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dragon's blueprints very clearly depict both a 935 and Div. 9 logo. I'm willing to bet the farm that this is a collaborative experiment by both groups. Likewise, the head is VERY reminesque of the Dragon heads at Der Eisendrache. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm going to jump ahead and guess that the thing on the other side of the room to the blueprint, is a Dragon Egg. Particularly a genetic super-being developed by the collaboration of 935 and Div. 9. Seeing as this base is clearly the home of many other genetic experiments with element 115, It's not out of the question that this is the final product, or prototype. The obvious implementations of a trained dragon to further 935/Div 9's goals are quiet simplistic, with the end goal being a super-creature for raining fire on enemies of the Nazi Party. The question really is: Did this experiment ever actually work? My initial thought? Yes it did... This is evident of there being 3 egg-vats, but only one egg. The next question being: What happened to subjects A and B? Did they hatch and rein havoc? Were they experimented on by the scientists? Could there be a dragon above us blasting planes out of the sky? That last one isn't exactly my first guess, however it WOULD explain the RIDICULOUS number of plane crashes around here... The massive hole torn in the wall here is concerning as well. While the rest of the map is horribly twisted by overgrown vegetation and flooding, I DON'T think there's anywhere with the walls just flat out pulled apart like it is here, apart from the walls exposed by the Skull of Nan Sapwe... but those might be for different reasons. Then again, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, don't hate me, remember I'm on Xbox and I don't have actual access to this map, I have scoured some footage I've found of Lab B, Lab A, and the Bunker, but I can't really find anywhere . This really furthers the Dragon Mystery started in Der Eisendrache. After all, those dragon heads are REAL. Why are they there? Why do they eat zombies then turn back to stone and break? Are they related at all to these dragons here in Zetsubou no Shima? Another question to ask is: Were these dragons MADE, or FOUND. The blueprint may very well just be an estimate of what the baby dragon could grow to be, well I guess in either case it's that really. However if Div. 9 MADE this creature from scratch DNA, what did they use? If they FOUND this creature's eggs somewhere... Where was that? That's all I can really speculate on this matter, and I really can't look through the map to find more clues, if anyone else can find anything else, feel free to comment it!
You respond to me being offended. By saying that what's offending me. IS justified. Because I suck. Wow. My posts are rushed.... Poorly executed.. Messy... I'm not trying to be the best... I'm trying to get people talking, because up til someone else mentions it... There is nothing... You state it right there. "THIS IS A COMMUNITY, I SUGGEST YOU LEARN TO RESPECT THE REST OF THE MEMBERS IN YOUR ACTIONS AND ATTITUDE. " So am I just not part of this community? I'm done NaBrHunter.... I'm just done....
Wow. Just. Wow. I am GREATLY offended by this. The boat isn't the one from COTD. OK. I get that point. I spent an hour trying to find a picture of the boat from COTD and the ones I did find TO ME looked like they were at least similar enough to QUESTION. Now on to why I'm Fucking Furious at this point: DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT A CLICKBAIT TITLE IS? A clickbait title is a title like : "YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT I FOUND!" or "EASTER EGG FOUND?" when the actual topic depicts nothing of the sorts. The title here very CLEARLY states "Boat from COTD?" Implying I want to discuss the POSSIBILITY that the BOAT is from COTD. IN FACT here's a DETAILED list of Threads I've created in the past few weeks and I want you to pick out WHICH ONES YOU THINK ARE FUCKING CLICK BAIT! - Origins Card: DISCUSSES THE TWEETED BIO OF THE ORIGINS MAP. (Which looks like a card) -Opinions of Zombies MP maps: Discusses the idea of Zombies maps being used as MP maps for later DLC. -Wager Matches LD: Discusses the idea of bringing Turned and Grief back as a way to implement a gambeling system for Liquid Divinium (LD) -Blood Vials Empty?: Discusses the trailer, which showed that the blood vials on Richtofen were clear/empty. WHICH THEY WERE. -Trailer Breakdown: Sadly, I was 4 minutes late on this one. But it's what the title says. -Theory on Lack of Map Footage: A theory (obviously) -What wonder weapon(s) will we see?: A legitamate question to ask the community about ZNS. -The Doctor's Punch (off topic): A set of Calculations I did on a certain DR. WHO episode. -BO3 Custom Map Idea: DANGANRONPA (Custom Mapping section): A custom map Idea I had I wanted to hear feedback on. Did I miss anything? Did any of this seem like clickbait? Now to this: This kind of behavior is offensive to the topic, and me. I ask a LEGITIMATE question. And I get this Bullshit! I expect this kind of remark from you Nabs, but: when this comes up as well? As if I spend my time spamming post after post of "Ridiculous threads". It's not honest to say I click bait. It's not even justified! IT'S JUST FLAT OUT RUDE AND OFFENSIVE TO ME! And don't act like this is the first occurrence of these accusations. Hell's Warrior and I had a bit of a chat about multiple accounts of people reporting me for "Spam Posts". Despite the fact both of us agreed it isn't spam if you're furthering the topic and discussion. I don't spam post. I post often. But never without legitimate purpose. If that angers you, please send me a message to tell me. I'll be glad to never post on your topics. Now. Can I get a Mod to lock this thread? It's clear the discussion is over and nothing else GOOD will come out of this.
Opinions of Zombie multiplayer maps?
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Stop Mocking Me0's topic in Multiplayer
You know that Verruct, Nacht, and Der reise are based on MP maps right? And Campaign maps? Nacht is Airfield, Verruct is Asylum, and Der Reise is Night fire. So... They've always been in the same boat... And who are you to judge if they're fun to play or not? I'd personally think it'd be great to Ruin-smash someone after being flung by a wondersphere. -
I've seen some spoilers but I still have these questions: -Is the drop from the trailer a seed? If so, is there only one type of seed and what does that seed do when planted? -The boss monster appears to be triggered (in the trailer) by a zombie. What are the specifics for this? -Who shot Mr. Burns? -Spiders able to slow players? If so, they're going to be more annoying then dogs!
Because then we'd have a whole litter of threads pertaining to the same subject which makes it harder to discuss between them.
Only I can't because I have no access to said things.
Opinions of Zombie multiplayer maps?
Stop Mocking Me0 replied to Stop Mocking Me0's topic in Multiplayer
They can be though. It wouldn't be hard. Not the giant particularly, but DE and SOE could work. -
I wouldn't think so, you could just infinitely collect scorestreaks like that.
Put yourself in my shoes. Things I know: -This isn't the original universe, this is a different one. In the ORIGINAL universe, this boat should not have sunk because the origins crew were never there to cause a ruckus. Without them there's no telling WHERE this boat would end up in 2011 (over 30 years from this point) -I know Div. 9's base is slowly being filled with scientists from 935, we know this from takeo's letters in Der Eisendrache. -I happen to be one of those people who think the summoning key is a version of the Moon artifact. For all we know that same boat could be ferrying cargo between here and the Siberian outpost, which would make sense considering it would have to float right by japan to get there. Now notice that you SWEAR you've seen that boat before, and as a matter of fact, you HAVE! It almost looks like the boat from COTD. Is there a connection there? I can't find any proper pictures of the COTD boat. How would I know? Would I shut up and wait for someone else with access to COTD to figure out the connection I might be seeing? Or do I post a thread infering not STATING that they might be the same boat. Likewise, I think that before you shoot down someone's post, maybe you should put some thought into why it shouldn't be up. This post, nein, this FORUM is here for DISCUSSION, not perfect proof of everything.
I actually take great offense to this. I don't post anything unless I think it's relevant. Likewise I think the boat with mulekick on it looks somewhat similar to this boat. There's more then that similarity as well, the boats/ships are similar in size and shape I believe. There is NO need to be this rude.
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