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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Wait... Is dr Salim.... Dr. Crain?

  2. I'm still holding the wolfenstein type theory where WW2 carried on into the 70s
  3. I suppose fighting Italians furring WW2 would be different from normal WW 2 games where the main enemy's are Japanese and German...
  4. You sure it wasn't just cut off? If it was the NEXT snap could pick up from the end of this snap with a continuation of "our own doubts...." Regardless I think we're approaching the end of our campaign teasers!
  5. You've got to get the others to do what you tell them, that's what working together is!

  6. In the first hotfix, the B was taken out of ballista, as well as the 4 from An-94 and a 1 from somewhere else. Put that together to get a B-41: The most powerful nuclear weapon developed by the US in the 1960s. Perhaps the latest hotfix has a similar clue.
  7. Any news on if anythings been found about the hot-fix? Maybe a ghost has changed? Maybe the Zombie message of the day has changed...
  8. I like the idea: You don't now you're the monster! Very SOTC....
  9. I liked the idea of buried's buildables all in one area. But that shouldnt be the same for most maps as it ruins the point of buildables. It was clever to open the door to be able to build at any of 4 tables around the map. The Galil is an MG technically... It's a small machine gun. (SMG) Permanent perks are a nice addition, if used correctly. Bo2 had every permaperk available and it didn't effect anything if you had it or not. Some of these perks were nice little buffs like iron barriers and half-price during double points. However others were game breaking like perma-jug and the whole headshot-multiplier thing. I think that there needs to be 3 types of permaperks that a player CHOSES to equip: Mini: Causes little to no difference in gameplay: Iron barriers, mystery box bear, and other tiny things. Normal: Which causes small buffs in gameplay but nothing too game-changing: Red instakill, perma-flopper. Ultra: Causes big buffs in gameplay: Perma-jug, headshot multiplier, ect. Mini permaperks would cause your XP to be multiplied by .99, normal by .80 and ultra by .50 so using these perks is unwanted. Custom matches and private matches are not the same thing. Plus its much more easy to communicate to the masses that private matches count and custom matches don't rather then custom matches count as long as you don't change anything. And finally: Traditional COD would be fun, but you'd need to bring in epic things like tanks and planes. If you give the average multiplayer player a chance to spawn in as a tank or plane, and that really shakes up the game!
  10. No I like having characters and since they havent done it before I dont think they will do it now. Extinction had that and I think it put them off the idea as technically the whole of Extinction retcons itself. They did it in both Ghosts and AW's multiplayer. I feel exo zombies would allow it, should it be available to play as someone who isn't a main character. The CDC and CIA groups are so bland and I feel they can be improved. Of course story maps would keep their characters, as they are too important.
  11. You think there will be a character customization option for zombies? I'd like that for non-story characters.
  12. Ahem: ANY zombies info would be a plus.
  13. In the latest vid. There appears to be an X in the last frame of the video in the upper left hand quadrant of the screen.
  14. Treyarch listens to the community, so it's not out of the question one or the other would happen...
  15. Wait... Wait....WAIT there are LETTERS in those numbers in the background!
  16. Snapchat gives justification for using very small teasers! Twitter or instavine would complain about small amounts of material.
  17. Theoretically you could put an image in there, but it would require a LOT of skill.
  18. At this point were just getting teased for the campaign, look under multiplayer to find the new one. @MrMichelin46 : Where'd you get that? As for the trident, I doubt it will be linked to a sunny drink producer...
  19. I see it too... But alas... An iPad 1 just won't let me alter the filters...
  20. I really don't want a new story to sprout from Origins. I didn't like it to begin with, and I feel the events of buried need continuation.
  21. Perhaps MK-Ultra is being used by the bad guys well into the 70-80s? They found the technology, as provided by that one quote from Harper in BO2 when they're spying on manendaz, and are now re-using it for their own nefarious purposes.
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