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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. I doubt that tranzit will have dubstep, besides they have already confirmed that ax7 is the Easter egg song, theres no need to add any unwanded robot sex tapes....
  2. I too kind of miss tankeo.... He wasn't all bad... Just about 95%...
  3. No that's just the people who got the game early and are already editing their "awesome pawning of noob killcams" with dubstep....
  4. The final day of waiting? Ok....
  5. Oh.... How come he gets to break the rules? *Sniffle...
  6. Can't wait for new zombies! Pity we won't see our origional characters though.... Although I guess there could be an easter egg with them, and surely richtofen will talk durring his reign! *there is no leaked information this is all opinion and self speculation of data gathered legitly...
  7. http://cheezburger.com/6620556032 Us in about 3 days....
  8. Fine then.... I won't talk about it anymore.... I barely saw anything anyways.... :roll: Back to the topic at hand. I think the fog... You guys continue the rest because if I say anything youll accuse me of leaks....
  9. I could just spoil everything and get banned... Then what... The threads locked, and anyone who reads my post knows.... But I haven't, and I won't, because I'm a good person...
  10. I know, thats why I didn't say anything... Just that its awesome...
  11. Hmm... Guess we'll find out in about 34 hours.... Give or take 3 hours...
  12. Ok I saw some leaked game play (why not e game comes out tomorrow anyways) and don't worry im not going to spoil anything, but I will say this What... The... Hell... The fog will NO doubt fit right into the creepy deadly feeling of waw zombies, I can assure you of that. Other then that you guys will just have to wait....
  13. I doubt that, if you can do it in survival you should be able to do it in tranzit. Now, once you achieve an easter egg, wether in tranzit or survival, you may not have to do that step over again to get the big easter egg in transit.
  14. I hope not, that fog didn't make anything more Chalenging, it was just annoying....
  15. We already know the fog has a negative effect: it's much more dangerous and likely contains, lava, confusion, zombies, and lost teammates. Wow the trolling on this map is going to be either awful or amazing....
  16. Let's see if anyone knows what song I'm singing... And if they'll join in to add to the unity and joy already on this thread.... It's nine'o clock on a Saturday..... Regular crowd shuffles in....
  17. Ok so to get from each area of transit to another, you have to ride the bus? Correct? (maybe some other vehicles as well) But we also know you can move through a mysterious "fog" to get to an area... I don't know about you guys but that sounds creepy as DUCK! I'm just sitting here imagining being surrounded by thick fog and thinking, how is that going to work? Because if you think about it, you don't know where your going, zombies can come out of anywhere, and worst of all. How well can you see them? :shock: On the other hand there could be a hidden area somewhere in the fog. I noticed on the map in the trailer that the areas move around from the left border of the map, around the perimeter, and then stop at the top. I'm unsure if there are more areas in the top left corner, but it's likely just the bus stop. What REALY interest me is the middle of the map, we have no idea what's going on in there, but, it is just as near to all the other areas but we don't see the bus making a stop there... Is it possible that's a seceret area? Packapunch? Tower of babel? Electro-boss? Guess we'll find out in about 37hours, and 46minutes, give or take a few hours for time zones and downloading, and getting used to the map....
  18. I think the reason many of the games made today arnt as good as the ones I played when I was a child, is because the ones today I research and stalk, and more importantly spoil, where as when I was a kid I just saw a freind play it for 9seconds and loved it...
  19. Here come the political post!
  20. VünderBar E.J.!
  21. Yeah, my thoughts exactly, I wonder if Flopper will come back.... That was my second favorite perk...
  22. Ok I have a theory that before boarding the bus at the town(last) area you can do a optional objective and find an extra bus part, that will allow you to access a secret location: the tower of babel/electro boss/ pack a punch? Your ideas.... Let me have them!
  23. Hmmmm.... It is possible that the tower could be located in a part of the map we havent scene, we know of the bus stop, the farm, the diner, the garage, and the town, but there could be a 6th area dedicated specifically to the lightning boss/ tower that can only be reached by a specific type of vehicle... My head-gears are turning now.... Wunderbar!
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