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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. It almost seems that what happened after origins was that the O4 somehow gained the memories of themselves at the end of moon.
  2. Sweet. Can't wait to actually play ascension and to play moon again. Just in time for christmas ^_^
  3. What I find odd is that there has yet to be a single reference to cuthulu in the game, but people still associate it with him. Don't get me wrong, it likely is cthulhu but asside from massive squid-billies nothings really been seen.
  4. I'm just wondering: I'm guessing our BO1 disk will work for the XB1, but what about DLC? If it's available would I have to buy it again or just transfer it over?
  5. You know little fu***rs are going to mess with this when you're just trying to have a normal game....
  6. Someone should check this out in theater mode.
  7. There were only two there, one in the same area near quick revive, and another in a different place entirely....
  8. Sorry that's the best image I could get, pause as the game starts. Now this IS weird... Because I do NOT know what these 4 places have in common... There's one near the typical jug spawn, one inside of the unaccessable area where zombies spawn near the entrance to teleporter A. There's one near the double barrel shotgun's area, and one near the typical quick revive spawn. Funny thing is, this isn't where the bears are, or anything for the hidden perk, or even any radios... Maybe we need to shoot these places with the annihilator?
  9. Ha. I was actually for the constantly resetting multiverse. Lol. Now the real questions can be answered: Is nuketown set in 2015 or 1960s? Answer: Both Does richtofen or maxis win? Answer: Both Did I get a monkey or a wonder waffe? Answer: Both Is the PPSH in der reise? Yes. Is the PPSH in the giant? Somehow no. Are der reise and the giant the same place? Fuck I've lost track everything's confusing and nothing makes sense. I'm just waiting for this matt-smith era to end so we can get onto capaldi and SENSE!
  10. Yeah... This is more of an Annihilation of a Beautiful song... My peeve is the "Death so close that I can taste it" at the end's been taken off...
  11. Or, I'ff you'll see the section bellow this one ("The giant") You'll see a post where I'm discussing this achievement possibly pointing towards the easter egg in "The giant" not being completed yet.
  12. Even in black ops 2 I had a lot of issues where sometimes the game would end if the host left and connection was already bad for him. Maybe it has something to do with being in a private match?
  13. This is actually quite popular on youtube now. Check out rofl waffles or Dalek JD. Waffles even accidentally activates it in his first game.
  14. Thank you DBZ, Now, back on topic, spoilers in the video:
  15. I'll do it because this is a hassle that's taking up my thread on a useless tangent, but come on. I'm specifically discussing the END of an easter egg. That would imply that I'd know the end and how to get there. You'd think someone who's looking for information on this game would be smarter then to click anything easter egg related if they wern't interested in the process of getting there.
  16. cour·te·sy ˈkərdəsē/ noun the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others. Adding a spoiler where not needed isn't helpful For example A picture of a zombie:
  17. I can't play. Which is really annoying to me, I have to settle for what I see from Mr. Dalek, Liam FTW, Tmartn, Dalek JD, NGT and several others. I hate it, especially sense this is the only two maps I'll even be able to play on time because Xbox... Also, it's not a courtesy, it's useless. It's like opening a page on porn hub but then seeing a parent filter. I'm not adding Spoilers.
  18. The topic is titled "I don't think the easter egg's done yet" implying I've reached the end of what I know about the easter egg. You clicking here is all the warning you get.
  19. Exhibit A: As you can see NUMEROUS points in the trailer were used for the opening cutscene, however many more were not. You don't just make all those extra scenes for nothing. I purpose the giant has a hidden easter egg ending or at least ending cutscene. Just a recap of what we know so far (easter egg steps): Furthermore, there's a way to unlock a secret perk, which will either be Deadshot Daquiri or Stamin up: (Steps to do so) This is odd, because I've seen games with both. However I've never seen 2 games where one was able to get a perk bottle from the mainframe and have both deadshot and staminup at the same time. There could be coding behind this, or there could be only one of those two perks on the map at one time, we don't know. There may be a way to unlock the other perk, but we don't know what it could be yet. All in all, I don't think Der Reise (The giant) is done yet. KEEP HUNTING FOLKS!
  20. Hey can someone with the giant Message me, I think I've found something that may be interesting...


    1. RZArazorSHARP20
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      NM Thought it was PHD, turns out it was a floodlight


    3. RZArazorSHARP20
  21. Fire works upgrade with the PAP is by far the most awesome thing treyarch's ever implemented into a game...

    1. RZArazorSHARP20


      No bull.  The thunder clap was pretty cool too

  22. Upon first glance, it appears that we're sacrificing people we've already killed, Nero's wife, Jessica's blackmailer, The cop's bribe-y, and the Boxer's opponent. Or at least thats what I figured happened. Upon seeing actual gameplay however, it appears we're actually sacrificing other people. Try it out, you use nero's alter and nero's object (Golden inkwell pen), but you don't sacrifice Nero's wife. I believe rather, you're sacrificing who enabled you to kill. The ref. was bribed into looking the other way, and he's who's sacrificed by the boxer in his ritual. This is the strongest evidence of this as the stripes in the mans shirt depicts that he is a ref. Nero's Lawyer gave nero the information about his life insurance policy. I can't be sure, but the man sacrificed by Jessica is not her blackmailer, as he is lacking glasses and weight, instead I believe this is actually her boss, the show manager, whom would fire her if he ever found out about those pictures. The cop, again, I can't be sure of, but if he's already killed the bribe-y, then perhaps the man being killed is the mayor who was cracking down on police corruption? Now, why would we sacrifice these people... It doesn't make much sense... These people are the reason will killed the other 4 victims. The whole point of killing them was to get them off their back....
  23. Just thank god you arn't arkham knight on PC....
  24. Ahhh... So buried IS relevant to the story...

  25. Well remember, richtofen also disagreed with maxis about teleportation.
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