Then I was thinking there could be a "party mode" alongside public match and private match, which sets up a group of custom games:
-Mystery Mode: Would send 4 players into a game mode with chosen custom changes (headshots only, perks disabled, first room only, ect.). To be played against each other. Of course, there wouldn't be a leaderboard for this.
-Tournament: Would be like Mystery mode, only using continuation it brings your group through 4 different games with different customizations. Each time a different player would pick the customizations:
Round 1: Host picks
Round 2: Blue picks
3 -> Yellow
4-> Green
Should a player leave or there only be 3 players, then the cycle simply starts again.
There would be 4 choseable options:
- To what round (this depicts how high the rounds go, after the desired round, it's game over) -10, 15, 20. If one was to have their whole team die out before that round, it'd make that round stop right there.
-A pick 3 drop ability (chosing 3 drops that will appear regardless of the map) _max amo, Carpenter, fire-sale, double points, instal-kill, nuke.
-Then 2 random options between:
-Perks disabled
-Wonderfizz disabled
-Box only
Box disabled.
No wonder weapons
No boss zombies
Headshots only.
No magic