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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Sounds like the hunter's shed in tranzit… but what could be running there? A machine? The cabin is the only hunter-like place IN BO2… Or ANY zombies match so far… If there is some more secrets currently being added in (but don't get your hopes up, it ain't likely), I would be SUPER HYPED for said things!
  2. So here's load of words in a row: What if we got the tomahawk from the box. It starts off simple enough, replacing the ballistic knives. Push RT to throw in a line for good damage or melee damage. However when upgraded it becomes the hell's redeemer (double upgraded it becomes the hell's retriever. Not much to this one. Tell me what you think.
  3. So… Today.. I decided to make my lil sis's birthday spectacular by blowing up 100 balloons to stuff in her bedroom… I'm on 25 AND i have to run cross country today… I'm going to DIE…

  4. @BestOfAllTime Read up on this and tell me if this is what you're looking for: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177212-next-ranking-system-tree-of-tears/ -Character customisation -Box customisation -Perma-perk customisation -Advancement in levels via achievements and goals rather then KD.
  5. Just played it yesterday… I decided to head to power on the bus while everyone else wanted their precious galvas. I end up going down with the avagadro attacking the bus mid-way between the power and town (No jug yet see). I respawn and do what they're doing: Getting galvas. I earn the money and as SOON as I get the knuckles, all three decide to get on the bus last minute. I run to join them only to fall off the ladder because dumb-ass on top was in the way, I fell strait into the lava and zombies. Goes down instantly, no one tries to revive….. When I respawn again I'm in the TOWN after waiting for the lot to PAP. I swallow my pride and use the bank and get jug. It's insta-kill and I only have 100 points so I start using my M1911 as well as I can… I get caught on a pair of zombies leaving the bar just an insta-kill ends and got down… NO ONE is willing to leave PAP and get me… Not that it mattered…. I respawn again and I get jug with bank $ again, this time I go into the fog and end up at the dinner via teleports. Everyone else gets over run and dies. I manage to get through the round, so I go decide to get the box which is at the depot. While shifting through lampposts there's some guy with a TRAIN of zombies in the freaking cornfield area. I'm instantly surrounded and downed as he leaves the field via teleporter. WHEN I RESPAWN AGAIN, I am AGAIN in town, I get jug and I run for the power station because that's where the box is. I stop at the cabin and buy the bowie knife, BIG help as I jump through to the denizen-area. It's then that I see some guy has gone down at the power station hitting the box. I revive him only to discover his friend is upstairs with a boatload of zombies. I survive with a red screen only to miss a jump to the bus and get downed… even worse I'm stuck in front of the bus and are currently being dragged THROUGH the fog until I get to the lamp-post and away from two team-mates…. That time everyone died and the nightmare was over. Long story short: SCREW TRANZIT!
  6. My idea of who's who 2: Taste: Always fresh and new! Effects: Unlike regular who's who, THIS perk gives the player a new body IMMEDIATELY, actually, your clone slowly loses your materials one perk every 10 seconds and one gun every 30. Once all the weapons and perks are gone you are free to build a new set-up immediately. When you bleed out in your new body you auto-ressurect in your old one!
  7. Honestly no, you're not. The storyline up til we push that STUPID button made perfect sense… Then everything got weird and multidimensional…. Also sorry for double posting.
  8. That was the idea with BO2 mate…. Like… By definition… We don't want that again….
  9. When you get down to it… You realize that maxis is controlling richtofen, whom is controlling samantha's body, whom is controlling the zombies, the box, and drops, which are motivating the player….
  10. 100% Finnish this story. Origins was not finishing this story. Also the eel took my vote…. ( >" )> And I emoted kirby attempting to make an appropriate emote with the eel issue….

  12. … You do realize that a multiverse connection IS just slight links correct?
  13. Madness… Every story in life depicts a different measurement of madness.
  14. REALLY want to play tranzit with professionals for some reason…

  15. The blue ones are likely american.. But the orange ones might be the griffin station logo…
  16. I think buried was a great-looking map… I don't know what you're talking about voyager… But yes, the cooler and smoother looking the map the better. Anyone up for a steam-punk city?
  17. I love that idea. The ricochet bullets thing. It would add an all new experience in killing. Double Tap 3.0 anyone? More like deadshot 2.0!
  18. Even so, you would need the maxis or richtofen build, the turbine, the resonator, the tramplesteam, and the head chopper. THEN you would still need to hold booze and chalk and candy beneath. The hold-all-items system should stay with the lesser-builds maps, and the hold-one type should stay with the more-build's maps. Yes it is more convenient to hold all parts but it makes things easier as well, if we could just pick up all the parts we needed, we'd only have to pass through each area of tranzit once…
  19. I think we can all agree that the origins "ending" is the most unwanted and out-of-place thing in zombies to date….
  20. Well… Looks like I've found a new nightmare to haunt my dreams….
  21. So many lobbies… So little people I want to play with…

  22. I think extinction is a multi-verse link to the zombies world. Just my 2 cents.
  23. Push left: Shoots acid bombs! I should mention this as well: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177212-next-ranking-system-tree-of-tears/ That is my ultimate idea for a ranking system, create-a-box system, character customization, and other what--nots. Now for an even better idea: What if the main menu was nact?
  24. That still would take a lot of space for each individual item, example buried: -Chalks -Subsurface resonator -turbine -tramplesteam -headchopper -maxis build -richtofen build -booze -candy -infinity round switch -lantern The select screen would still be jacked full, even just with the 4 regular builds.
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