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Everything posted by Moondance

  1. Does this mean I can finally meet Nikolai?? !
  2. I used to like it...well, LOVE it....but then... (I took an arrow to the knee.....jk) They changed it a lot, idk how, but It used to be a lot better!! It was always fun and I played it every. single. day. It seems it's harder to find survivors now, like they buffed them and their survivability in some shape or form.
  3. Call of Duty: Dinosaurs. JK!! Whatever they do, I hope they do it right >_> I personally loved the Modern Warfare franchise, I especially loved that they put Actor Craig Fairbrass in Every.Single.One of the MW games!!!!
  4. Yeah it is spelled Nikolai. It's very irritating to us Nikolai fans xD I think it's because Nikolai and Richtofen are soooooooo cyoooot together. That's a good theory that I support though, minus the illuminati. Nikolai isn't that evil.
  5. Interesting!!!! Why do you call yourself Killerussian?
  6. I like Rarity because she has a lot of the same problems I do, but my real favourite character is Minty from G3, but she's only found as a figurine and a future release doll in this new series....so Princess Luna/ NightMare Moon from G4 Like her, I feel misunderstood too. Glad to see more MLP fans though I'm glad to be your fellow Pegasister!! hehe Thanks for all of your warm welcomes :)
  7. I absolutely LOVE werewolves, but I'm not sure I'd like to see them in Call of Duty.
  8. I'd like a Nikolai and Richtofen statue
  9. Hello Comrades! I've been on these forums for a few months now, I didn't introduce myself before though. I'll start by saying who I am, how I got my first xbox/got into Cod, & how new I am to CoD. Somethings may drag on, but it's your choice to stop reading. My name is Robyn. I'm 19 and from Las Vegas, NV, USA. I got my first Xbox on Black Friday 2011. (Yeah, I have the MW3 Xbox too) My boyfriend came to visit me from Australia and he'd never experienced Black friday before so we spent thanksgiving evening and into the morning of black friday standing in lines and racing to get good deals. Eventually we told ourselves 'just one more' and opted for Kmart...anything at Kmart. Waited 6 hours in the cold, deciding what to get when my boyfriend suggested an Xbox, I was excited! I'd always been a hardcore Apple fangirl, but since Apple started to f*ck me over, my loyalty waned. I'd always wanted an Xbox since I heard my favourite childhood game 'Banjo Kazooie'would be playable on that system. Getting an Xbox would be a perfect way to stick it to Apple, well at least that's how I felt. Let me tell you, Kmart black friday lines are the most unorganized pieces of shit I've ever experienced. Disney's California Adventure's 'World of Color' has more organized lines than that!! (If you haven't been, the employees put you and hundreds of other people behind a rope, and expect you to WALK to viewing areas. 115% chance people RUN. Moving on with the story...Kmart was running out of Xbox's and the cashiers were ignoring the people who formed a line FIRST, we thought we'd be fucked out of 6 hours and an xbox, but people in another line badgered the cashier to acknowledge us and we got our Xbox! A couple of days later, I get a text from Superpawn about a free game token. When I get there I scope out the selection and see two interesting titles "Dead rising" (HATE IT!) and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Last I'd been to Australia, my boyfriend would play (in my words back then) "some stupid shooter game" (Which happened to be Battlefield, and Call of Duty) so I was familiar with the 'Call of Duty' name, as well as have regularly played the COD: WAW: Zombies app on my iPhone (that I one day found- when I was looking for Zombie games on my iPhone. But that's a whole different story in and of itself.) That moment I redeemed my free game token changed my life. 7 months later, CoD has dramatically changed who I am. - 7 (Well, 8) months ago, I would have NEVER bought a Microsoft product. 7 months ago, I used to think nothing of guns, today, I'm saving up to buy my very first gun- a SCAR-L. 7 months ago, I didn't think anything of wars or how people fight for our country overseas. I do now, and I'm fascinated with the Military. My uncle recently took my fascination with the Military seriously and passed down his BDUs (Battle Dress Uniforms) to me from his days as a Specialist in the army. 7 months ago, I never thought I'd ever feel unbearable weight brought down on me by being the leader of something... I am leader of a clan- The V0dka clan- https://elite.callofduty.com/connect/clan/view/1309838 A clan that was formed because of my love for Nikolai, the Zombie slaying, Vodka obsessed Russian I've never felt so proud of being the leader of anything, and because of the clan, and the CoD franchise, I've made so many great friends. Well, that's that I guess. I'm VitreousOcean on Xbox if you're ever up for some Zombies (MW3 Infected too!), Spec ops or Multiplayer, maybe even a chat, hit me up.
  10. I don't laugh at your opinions, I back you up when I can/when I agree with you. Hail Tankeo!
  11. That's why you don't [REDACTED] with anonymous. Seriously, how stupid can you be to pick a fight with people who are known to wreak havoc to servers and such? Why couldn't they just leave them alone..
  12. +Brains for the quotes xD, made my day!
  13. They'll really be catering to bronies/pegasisters :P
  14. Yeah, not nice at all. I did know Paradise was Shangri la but hey, it was a good theory.....thinking outside the box.
  15. NOPE. People are nuts not wanting Kevin and Elena back......they're destined to do work on Zombies
  16. [brains] for you!!! I totally think that's an awesome idea, I thought they didn't bring back infected mode because they're gonna have an actual zombies version of infected!!!
  17. Nikolai His accent is hawt After that it's Richtofen, he's so funny and I love how he has the most ridiculous things with the most hilarious voice! When I'm sad, I play Richtofen.
  18. Hi Welcome!!!
  19. All around the SNN Storage area, in the swamp, through the little house....I feel it's the most difficult new place I've learned to train.
  20. Yah, they confirmed BOII will be releasing on PS3, PC and the 360 so they have no plans to release on a Next Gen Console. Probably because they're isn't one. And it's waaay to early to be asking for Retail Pics my man. Wait a few months. Come summer we'll have more infos. Give it time... uhm..........ok?
  21. The caption for the picture in the twitter feed was "Grab your shotguns!...." So, that leads a lot of us to believe it's a shotgun.
  22. Maybe for the prestige edition we'll get something similar to the RC-XD, one of those little hover planes!! I hope we get all the blops/WAW maps on release as well. I think they haven't announced the different editions because the new xbox will be announced/released in time for the release.....meh, long shot but who knows? :D
  23. Good observation! Looks pretty close to me, +Brains
  24. As a female, I constantly wonder why there aren't more female characters in this franchise. I mean....who's it going to hurt? No one.
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