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Posts posted by Dylan

  1. In the next Treyarch game I want combat training to make a return, and I want the ability to play in ALL game modes including search/domination. I also would like the ability to prestige in combat training.

  2. My zombie map ideas would include Theme Park, Paradise, Ghostown, Sub-base, Quarrenty, Vorkuta. Just the idea of playing zombies in a theme park with all the rides and carnival stands gets me really exited. Theme park would be a outside map, and all the lights would light up once the power would be turned on. In Theme park you would also be allowed to go in several of the rides.

    Since Paradise is mentioned so many times though out black ops zombies it would be disappointing not to see that map. Paradise would include lots of palm trees and ruins of asian like temples. Ghostown is the aftermath of when the bomb hit in nuketown. The map would show the outside of nuketown and let you travel in a majority of the houses. Sub-base is my fav map idea so far, just because it is underwater. The map would look much like rapture from bioshock with glass walls so you could see the underwater creatures swim by as you kill zombies. Most zombies in Sub-base would look like they were mutated with fish, they would have fins and look totally awesome.

    Quarrenty would be a zombie LAB. It would include things like zombies in water tanks hooked up to tubes (for viewing purposes) and a GIANT creepy/scary zombie chained up in one room. Quarrenty is just a lab were they tested zombies to find a cure but everything just went bad. Vorkuta would be from the black ops campaign mission. It would include zombies in prison uniforms and jail cells. You could also travel in the mines of the map. One neat idea for zombies is a gun cammo machine, much like the pack-a-punch you would put your gun in and get a random cammo (gold would be rare to get).

    In the multiplier i would like to see higher kill streaks (13-18). Some killstreak idea would be a chemical airstrike, it would spray the map with nova gas (the tactical mask perk would reduce the effects). I would also like dogs to make a return but spice it up and make some dogs a different breed (in snow maps the dogs would be huskeys).

    For multiplier maps their would be SeaLand, Boarder, Africa, Rome, Stadium, little venice. SeaLand would be a sea zoo, you could observe the animals and take cover in the cages like the penguin pen (the animals would run away when hearing gunfire). You could also go into the aquarium and get kills underwater. Boarder would be the Mexican boarder. This would be a small map and offer two sides to it (Mexican side and American side) much like berlin wall from black ops, except the two sides would have very different feels to them. Africa would have exotic animals running through the jungle area and have a GIANT tree in the middle of the map. Rome is a cool idea just because Treyarch can include monumental areas like the Vatican. Stadium would be a football stadium but you would be INSIDE the stadium and could go ON THE FIELD and IN THE CONSETION STANDS. Little Venice is a neat idea just because you can see the river road and see all the monumental places though out Venice.

    For the game modes thes are my suggestions.

    High Explosive: Deathmatch with explosives only. You start out with a Thumper with 20 grenades and an RPG with 4 rockets. You also have Frags, Semtex, C4, and Claymores. The killstreaks are limited to just Attack Helicopter, Sentry Gun, and Airstrike. You can unlock Temporary Perks, such as "Unlimited ammo for 30 seconds".

    DSM Load: One team covers a DSM file loader while it loads the files, and the other tries to destroy it. The DSM takes 5 minutes to load all of the information. The loading will be slowed-down if shot at by the offensive team.

    Nuclear Warfare: There is a nuclear bomb in the center of the map. Two teams race to the bomb. The first team who gets to it will arm it, and then defend it. The other team has the remainder of the match to defuse it before it goes off. One team member(the one who arms the bomb) will have to hold the timer for the bomb. If he dies, another person must hold it. This encorages teamwork throughout the match.

  3. Zombies is the best thing about black ops and world at war, and im looking forward to playing it next year. In the new Zombies I want a mode were i can try out making my own maps, and altering my speed, height of jump, ect, ect. I also want every zombie map to have a giant easter egg that will give more information about the storyline of zombies. I would like to see a map called ''paradise'' since it is mentioned multiple times in black ops zombies. The map would have a tropical feel to it and include things like palm trees and ruins. Another idea for a map is a carnival. Just the idea of killing zombies in a theme park gets me exited, and when you turn on the power the rides start to work, and the park is filled with colorful lights. My favorite idea for a zombie map is under water, so a map called sub-base would be perfect. Much like the hell hound in kino, sub-base would have fish-like zombies as bosses. I would also like a camo station for your guns, its a cool little touch and killing zombies with a gold gun would be awesome. A neat idea is Ghostown. This will show a GIANT version of nuke-town after the bomb hit, and zombies would be crawling everywhere. The final map i have in mind would be Vorkuda. This map will offer big zombies in prison uniforms. You can also travel through the mines of the jail.

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