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Tankeo Dempsaki

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Everything posted by Tankeo Dempsaki

  1. Just make sure the custom titles have enough room for me to write Lord of the Flies.
  2. Hello... James.
  3. This topic has been brought up a lot of times, even I posted it once. Anyway: Both of them suck. Also; I'm sure that they could have found many bands to write a song if they were fans of the game. Hell, even if they weren't, as long as they get paid.
  4. Well then someone fed me falsehoods.
  5. I'm getting sick and tired of people saying "if you son'y like it, don't play it, use it, do it," You can say that about anything. It's a cop out of the highest order.
  6. That made me laugh. Every Easter egg song is metalcore. It uses clean vocals intermixed with (god-awful) screaming. It has breakdowns and other elements of the genre as well. Avenged Sevenfold is one of the most popular (cried as I typed that) metalcore bands in existence. They are the very definition.
  7. No... There was a multiplayer one and a zombie one.
  8. One of the special editions gives you a unique zombie player card background. So it's confirmed right there. Also, kills should be at ridiculously high numbers. Like 1000000 kills for double PAP. The way Dunby has it set up most people would have double PAP within a day or week.
  9. I don't see why it's so hard to remember the word metalcore.
  10. In our defense, Murder, metalheads are almost never appealed to at all. I also H.A.T.E. when people say they dislike metal because it's loud. YOU DECIDE WHST DAMN VOLUME YOU LISTEN TO IT AT!
  11. I disagree murder, Abracadabre and Paredolia are two of my favourites. The drums on both songs are highlights, S well as the unique distortion used on some parts of Pareidolia. Coming Home I agree was awful. However it was also awesome. Elena sucks at screaming. This is a fact. The only time she sounded good was on BOA, and on there they distorted the screaming to make it sound better. However, Kevin is a musical genius.
  12. Why DOES anyone like dubstep? I won't accept "Everyone likes different things/ has different tastes" either. Because there has to be a reason you like it.
  13. Cajun Bacon? Haven't I seen you on YouTube? It was it CanadianBacon?
  14. *posuer.
  15. Can we ever has a discussion here where someone DOESN'T think everyone is being childish? People are slowed to express opinion. Except when it's a negative one. However, one negative opinion is usually dismissed and/or ignored. But WHENEVER the reaction to something is largely negative, everything has to be put to a stop. Look at what happened to Superhands's thread. Locked and unlocked three times because people were being negative. I'm sick and tired of any negative reaction being seen as argumentative and immature. If this continues, you can kiss me goodbye. Because I am not going to be part of something that only wlepcomes the opinions of a few individuals who decide what we can feel and what we can't.
  16. I am literally laughing right now. This is nowhere near death metal.
  17. I had around 720 brains. I think like 722 or something. So you have nowxcuse not to gig me back mine!
  18. Wait, Dubstep has their own elitism with "filthyness?" At least we relate in that regard. Honestly though, only about 5 percent of the people who like dubstep like it because it's a trend. They dkn't even own subwoofers. But I still don't see the appeal of it whatsoever. Every song uses the same noises and sounds like two (what I assume are to the people who listen to it) two "sexy robot babes" grinding against each other.
  19. "Wait will throw threads and stuff still be here?" He asked, knowing he sounded retarded.
  20. I think it's because the groups were: A: More noticeable B: More closely tied to your name/identity. C: It made you feel like you have "a specialty" D: There was a kind of "welcome to this group dude!" feeling when you first got it.
  21. The general opinion regarding medals seems to be either negative or not-caring. Then there's Jolt. Who furiously defends them at every turn. Brains however, were always loved.
  22. He's either trolling, or the game is done.
  23. I know this is the "dramatic pause-whoohoo moment", but did anyone reLly ask for medals back? :lol:
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