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Tankeo Dempsaki

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Everything posted by Tankeo Dempsaki

  1. Shangri-La wins without question? Don't you remember my thread? OP shouldn't you have made a poll?
  2. We might be onto something here. I'm going to ignore the fact that a seventh son of a seventh son is usually a Lycanthrope in folklore and go with your definition. The Vril-Ya could channel Vril through (or with?) their staffs to either heal or destroy. VR-11: Restore dead flesh and cause mass destruction. Wave Gun: Destroy flesh with microwave rays and... Do... Something... Move eggs off of satellites?
  3. Or a Raptor. I reached my 115th on my first day. You've got a long way to go. Nah. You're doin' good kid.
  4. I THINK Her voice only SEEMS (caps lock ftw) distorted due to the mics or whatever inside the helmets. Listen to what KIND of distortion it is. Not really demonic, as it used to be, just kinda crackly and low-fi. Of course, I haven't done it in a while. Also, no. If she had any power left she would have used it.
  5. Honestly dude, I don't see what you really did here. You relayed information that could be found in other threads.
  6. Let me explain a little something to you, if you haven't noticed there have not been many theory threads as they used to. Want to know why that is? Because no one is motivated too, no one has any reward to post any threads. See with brains and medals back, people will be more motivated to post better threads. So THAT is why medals aren't "pointless". Now as for premium, vBulletin costs around $200 for it, so obviously we need money to pay for that and the data plans for the site. So hopefully you can understand this, I know it is A LOT to take it right now. But trust me, you will get the hang of it. I don't understand why whenever someone says that medals are pointless they are also saying brains are pointless. Even when they don't say it at all. You don't get medals for good theories, younger brains. So your argument for medals having a point to them is null and void. Besides. There haven't been any theory threads because there's nothing to theorize about. So I double win.
  7. Also ZOTD, it's simply more of a motivation to donate. Plus, everyone does premium! Why not us?
  8. Probably because the map was so popular. That map was probably the most beloved map out of Black Ops period.
  9. They've certainly made zombies more mid-friendly now-a-days. Knife a guy in Der Riese? "**** you!" knife a guy in Moon? "Bad joke!"
  10. I think it's sad thatI have to bring this up, but be mindful that the majority of character lines would be an endless string of profanity. But it'd still be awesome. Make all your lines in death growls.
  11. I didn't mean it in a rude way.. I had an evil scientist voice in my head while I was writing it. Probably should've made it more clear that I was kidding, as you can't hear the voice something is said in or see a joking smile at the end of a statement on a board. In retrospect it was a pretty stupid move.
  12. Back again, Blamco's back, tell a friend.... I had to.
  13. Finally! Xbox people! GT's in the thing that says GT.
  14. Bonjour! It's a shame you don't have Xbox... PS3 stole another from me.
  15. After looking at Hammer Smashed Face's picture. One can see that Ricky's face is extremely gaunt, whereas Poster Boy's is quite round.
  16. Holy crap that fountain of youth part is interesting!
  17. Not just the man. The MEGA AFRO MAN.
  18. Pretty sure Voice files said the WW was originally in Kino. Anyway, I said canonicaly. Not gameplay-wise.
  19. Nope. Canonicly they had the WW with them since Numa. They have it to the COTD crew.
  20. But king, I have almost 2000 posts and I'm on your side!
  21. Someone theorized that the grate where we spawn is a drain that we crawled out of. I girds that works here...
  22. I thought I'd find more on him. Especially on CODZ. Or maybe it's just buried too far back.
  23. We need to find anyone that had any affiliation with the Wave gun (porter) and the Thundergun.
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