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Everything posted by Nemesis_96

  1. PHD IS IN THE FRST ELEVATOR!!!! Seriously, go down it in theatre, and you'll see a small room/ corridor with PhD at the end of it!! No idea how to reach it though, the lift moves too fast surely?!
  2. Im pretty sure he's talking about the TVs? They make random bleeping sounds every so often right? After all, Maxis uses electronic devices to communicate with the survivors. I haven't tried this yet though :oops: One thing I don't get is: why the SVU??? What's so special about it!?
  3. I can't say for sure, but I imagine Treyarch has got a lot of surprises in store, like the Peacekeeper and Turned mode! Don't forget, there's a DLC tab on weapon camos and calling cards
  4. Has anyone gotten a decent view of Green Run from up high, noclip and such? Then we could get a perfect scale image in order to continue this - I do like the iead of we have to activate specific nodes in order to reach a 'next step' As a side note, are the beams meant to shoot from the lamps every game after you've done the EE? Because I haven't seen them since the time I did it, and I miss them :?
  5. I agree I've recently gotten into going for high rounds on solo, after training in Grief for a couple weeks lol. I think Tranzit can get a little frustrating to go around and collect perks and things and then the bus leaves arrghhhh ahahaha, but other than that it's really amazing what they've done with the game mode IMO! As you say, survival maps are a little too tight for my liking, but then they did spend a lot of time on Green Run as a whole I'd think. I'm still hoping there is more to Nuketown, because it's a little quiet on the Easter egg front at the moment...
  6. Aw, I was hoping something might appear different in that state.. Would it be possible to do the Maxis EE like that? You could get points for EMPs from the bank. Don't know about the Avogadro spawning...
  7. Interesing idea. This reminds me that a few people have been referencing the Ascension EE part where you stand on the rocket pad for some time. If there was anything like that in tranzit, I would say the tower is the place for it to be done :idea:
  8. Well, I agree that it's something t do with being in contact with 115. However, the general consensus is that Stu has been eating zombie flesh. Hence all the quotes about food and eating zombies. "You're lunch meat!" "Now you're just maki me hungry"
  9. And this is why you were UOTM! Nice work mate Dunno if it's just a weird coincidence but the red canal map looks not too dissimilar from the green run map.
  10. So how d'ya think this works in game? It's quite impressive that we're able to get a formula from the signs and stuff, but I have no idea how we can use this in game.
  11. What if everyone downs themselves with tombstone? Just a wild guess!
  12. This! I've been wanting this since black ops. Also, I have diamond SMGs and Snipers, working towards diamond LMGs at the moment
  13. I love it! I think I'm going to be contacting people soon to get that 4 player coop one :D
  14. Definitely in game points I would say. This awful reminds me of the clocks; "wait appropriate time" strikes me as saying something about changing the time on the map. I know this has been debunked/ discussed a lot, but if he's saying we've not finished, then it's still a possibility. As to "continue work" probably means finish the EE once and for all!
  15. Haha thanks Lenne, Much appreciated :)
  16. Ahoy CoDz. Nemesis here. I've been around for a while, though not many people know me This is the main thing I'd like to be known for around here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 28&t=19557 I like designing things, playing stepmania and of course CoD! I'm not particularly good at zombies generally. The highest I've ever got is like 38ish on Ascension. Anyway, hi! Nemesis out. Now gimme introduction medal ahahaha :mrgreen:
  17. Perhaps you play as zombie Marlton like you can play as zombies in turned mode?
  18. You can't deny it would be epic to dive from the top door of an elevator shaft and explode a load of zombies at the bottom door! 8-)
  19. The quantum entanglement device in campaign is the celerium worm Menedez uses to hack the US's military network. I don't think it's related to zombies, Quantum entanglement is a common thing in quantum speak.
  20. My thoughts exactly. Unless they put in some buildable boots from portal which take fall damage!
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