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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. Okay gotta be honest your post made me laugh. (In a good way) Posting this unusally long introduction and then end it with a team mate finder type of post. ^^ Hopefully you will find some folk to play with and check this site out while having lots of fun of course. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. :>
  2. As someone who loves Nuketown zombies with a passion I do not understand why some of you guys get into a thread about the third mp Nuketown map and give out jabs at NTZ. Maybe because you are just scrubby noobs if Juggernog isn't the first, second or third perk that drops. @GRILL @Nightmare Voyager @TimelordAlex #shotsfired #comeatmebros #wannafightmeIRL? Just kidding. Seriously though. This fan favourite BS needs to stop, because for the most part the CoD fans have a terrible taste.
  3. My dutch heart... it is bleeding. ;_;

  4. Hey, hey, hey. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. If you have any questions be sure to ask them. My thoughts on exo zombies? Let's put it this way: I should have only bought the first map. I disliked the 2nd and the third one a lot.
  5. Oh boy Nuk3town confirmed. <.< >.> ...
  6. The alternative would be ghost town lobbies. I rather take this than a boring 3 vs 6 match.
  7. Since we have already seen that smash thing I already forgotten the name of in the SoE trailer I think it is pretty safe to assume that we will get something like specials in zombies.
  8. Lenne


    <3 Although I didn't get a notification that I donated, which makes me sad. : ( never mind. Good guy HW edits his posts like a champ. Danke vielmals. :3 Hopefully we will reach the goal. :3 Now gimme that dutch usergroup.
  9. For me nothing will ever beat War from WaW. xP
  10. Moon remake called "Mond" confirmed? :D :P
  11. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :)
  12. A zombie design for my PS4? Yes please!!! :3

  13. I have now played like 4 rounds of mp and I gotta say it is some good crazy fun. From what I can tell the maps are okay, definitely a step up from the last two games, but still not on Crash/Strike level. The pointstreak rewards don't seem to be too powerful at least from what I have played, but there is constantly something up in the air. The ARK, the only primary gun I have used so far, looks and sounds nice and packs a punch. The whole game sounds and looks nice I mean it is not the best looking game out their, but definitely doesn't have to hide. The spawns are silly, as always in a cod game. :P The pace is a tad bit too fast but damn near perfect in my opinion. I have hated Killstreak rewards ever since MW2, so if they would get rid of it, I would probably spend a lot of time in this mp. It is a good effort, Treyarch and I am curious to see what you will do post launch, but I will use BO III for zombies and maybe the occasional mp round. If I still had time during the week though I would try to balance it out. That is how much fun I had in those few games. :) Now I gotta take a break for my PS4 before it begins to melt cause this dl took like 13 hours in total. Ö_Ö
  14. Lenne


    One question I would like to have answered before I donate for this is this one: How is this better than the team mate finder sections/Status updates? Oh and another one: Why is it sooooo expensive?
  15. Can this (BO III Beta) download take any longer? >: (

    1. Matuzz


      Took me only 9 hours!

  16. Sucks to read about your misadventure on WAW. Regardless I hope you will have fun on here and be sure to ask questions if you have them.
  17. Welcome to the site, Nikson. Would like to hear from you which you like more: BO1 Zombies or BO2 Zombies? :P Hopefully you will enjoy your stay and if you have any questions be sure to ask them?
  18. Hellööööööööö Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. Hopefully you will have lots of fun.
  19. Will come back, I just need to work on how best to implement brains and likes, the reputaiton system for likes is brains as it was before the upgrade. Whether we have both or we have just brains and I'm not sure but looking into it. I assume @PINNAZ just means that he wants the icon back as an emoticon.
  20. @Slade How is our early access zombie mmo going? I need some of that infinite money.
  21. Codz's favourite Pokemon is hopefully not gone for good, right? : (
  22. You have a lot of work to do starting next week, @Nightmare Voyager . :P
  23. Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay if you have any questions be sure to ask them. :3 Oh and I would not recommend Exo zombies unless they release a cheap dlc bundle in the future.
  24. I say let's just hope they get the two maps that are announced so far right. Of course a third map would be cool, but I kinda doubt it. And now I can only be pleasantly surprised.
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