My journey from shitty to the shit?
Like you, Jay the boring guy, I started to watch Xcalizors play zombies way back when he posted his first Der Riese video, but the very first video I watched zombie wise was a video from Shaun0728 where he clutched round 17 on Shi no numa.
It was the very first time I actually paid attention to this magical game mode. I have seen how much fun people could have, but at the same time I was quite sad because of the fact that I couldn't play it due to me having the german version of WaW.
But I sure as hell watched a lot of videos from Xcal, Hutch and Blame Truth on this Nazi zombies mode. :3
Fast forward to the release of BO1. Now I finally could play zombies. I originally got it for PC because my PS3 was broken during that time. For some weird reason I could only play Five though (When I tried to play Kino I was stuck on an endless loading screen.) which was terribly hard for a newbie like me.
Then I brought my copy over to a friend's PC on which I and he could take turns on playing Kino der Toten. We were quite happy when we made it to round eight. After hours of sh*tting our pants. haha
After days of trying how to figure out how to do zombies I decided to watch Xcal's Kino der Toten tutorial. So after sucking up all the tipps he gave his viewership I went to round 16... by running across half the map. ^^ Shortly after that I made it to round 36 on that playthrough I also decided to stay on the stage to run a zombie train starting on round 30. It was a magical experience.
When I got a new PS3 I also decided to get BO for it because I did feel more comfortable on the PS3 I bought all of the map packs when they were released and grew as a player reaching round 30+ on a regular basis, but I felt like I could reach so much more.
In the first half of 2012 I decided to reach round 50 on some maps which were: KIno, Ascension and Der Riese. I was so proud of my achievements that I actually took a photo of my TV. haha
Now NML was something completely magical. Ever since I watched Relaxing End's videos on it I was hooked, but I was always stuck on 100 Kills because I bought Jugger before PaPing, but then I watched a video from Superhands where he used the cage grenade (I think he was the first one to add this to a NML strategy.) and after a bit of practicing I could actually PaP in 90-100 seconds which was huge for me. I did get 276 kills eventually and have been stuck on that for quite a while, then I came across a thread my good friend @perfectlemonade made in which he developed an "easy" 300 kills strategy. I basically hijacked the thread and it became a "Help Lenne getting 300 kills" thread. Even @ gave me some tipps. Then, after a lot of PMs with Andrew I finally reached exactly 300 Kills shortly before BO2 dropped.
This was my journey to being "the shit".
Then BO2 was released and I only bothered to play it hardcore for the first 2 months in which I reached round 48 on Tranzit and 43 (I believe) on Nuketown. Ever since then my skill declined and now I have to be carried by @Electric Jesus .
Here is hoping that one day I will actually bother to be good at zombies again.