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Everything posted by Lenne

  1. Wouldn't you rather be yellow? I think it is pretty safe to say that there will be a new thread about what exactly has been discussed at the meeting. So I am asking if we could get a list of the staff which has been a part of it? That would be nice. :3
  2. Are you sure that they talked about that? I personally do not recall something along those lines.
  3. I hope that we will get a 50:50 mix of the past and the future. It would satisfy the whole fanbase at least theoretically. We would also get the biggest gun variety in zombies ever. :3
  4. Hello Jay. Here is mine. Favourite map: Shangri la Favourite map with randoms: Call of the dead Favourite weapon: Mustang and Sally Highest round solo: 51 on Der Riese Highest round co-op: 36 Der Riese (Split screen) NML: 310
  5. The sound makes me giggle like a little school girl aka @Electric Jesus . That is always a win in my book. :3
  6. One strategy I feel comfortable with is buying the MPL and camping at power for the first couple of rounds then I go for Jug first. I do not even buy the sickle that often.
  7. Lenne


    Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. :3
  8. Black ops 1 Simply because I love my simple Der Riese clones and because of the fact that it doesn't take 500 hours to get set up. Black ops 2 is just a mess of forced teamwork which takes a billion hours and I despise that. :C
  9. #DutchUsergroup2014

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slade


      "Nederland is een provincie en Kopenhagen is een land :)" - USA

    3. Undead
    4. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I'll have an order of your finest clogs.

  10. Oh and add a new usergroup please. @Slade and @ know what I am talking about. :3 On a more serious note (notice that I am saying "more" I am actually serious about the dutch usergroup. ) can we make the graveyard public again? It was always nice to check on it from time to time, but maybe make it so that we can't reply to dead topics?
  11. Are you considering to remove this feature, or what? That would make me a bit sad. Since it is fun to use if you ask me.
  12. Just click on this link. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/146967-medal-request-thread/page-64
  13. Hellöööööö and welcome to the site. If you have any questions be sure to ask them! Have fun. :3
  14. Because the ranking system isn't a classic one.
  15. Don't forget to talk about the medals. Am I right, @ ?
  16. Hello and welcome to the site. Fun fact: My highest round on Shang is 45 too. haha If you have any questions be sure to ask them.
  17. Fun fact: On CoD4 for PS3 they never turned double xp off since the last double xp weekend before MW2 was released. haha I mean it doesn't really matter since you get in a challenge lobby more often than not if you play some domination but oh well.
  18. That is even better. Make us orange and the new guys pink. haha
  19. Can we now talk about the special "Lenne Usergroup"? I want to see my name in the same colors like in WaW when you put "Rain" as your clantag. Now that would be fancy.
  20. There already is a thread on this. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177512-zombies-possibly-in-aw-photo-evidence-included/?view=getnewpost
  21. M$ simply buys Tomb Raider. Thanks a lot... bunch of jerks. <.>

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tasha


      What a straight-up middlefinger to the fans. :/ "we're not walking away from our PS4/PC fans" up yours !

    3. Delta


      @Slade GG, guys, it's over.

    4. Lenne


      It has now been confirmed that it is only a time exclusive deal.

  22. Welcome to the site. :3
  23. Just tried to play the Nuketown playlist and god it is painful on your own. "Getting spawn trapped and sh*t 24/7" is what the playlist should be called.
  24. Only 15 months to go.
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