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Everything posted by Wonderwaffe

  1. And hoping the grenades land where you can throw them back.
  2. So, I got bored recently, so I tried playing the WaW campaign on veteran. It is the hardest campaign I've ever played. The first few levels are alright. Then I got to "Burn 'em out" I spent hours on that, snipers in the trees, getting spammed by an infinite amount of grenades from every feasible direction. So I finally get past that, get halfway past the next mission "relentless" and now I can't go any further. I can't stay in one spot because of infinite enemies/grenades. And I can't push up because my allies are about as much use as a lead cough sweet and I get machine gunned from the invisible man. Any help would be appreciated. Oh and I know the two hardest missions are apparently blowtorch and corkscrew and heart of the Reich, so I'm not looking forward to those.
  3. I'm not sure if they can control the time travel to an exact point. Wasn't it a surprise to Richtofen when they travelled to the future after Der Riese? So, they couldn't just "go back in time" unless they could control it, which would make the story almost pointless because there's an easy solution.
  4. This post has no relevance to the thread. But anyway, I'm surprised nobody has jumped on this idea yet, it probably could bring about a lot of money. Or it could be a complete flop and only a minority will buy them... I'd be in that minority.
  5. They think it's all over I shall finish that sentence when zombies ends. Anyway if there isn't zombies in the next game I won't buy it, I find multiplayer very boring and the story isn't worth buying the game for. But I can't imagine them taking it out, it's too popular and everyone loves it.
  6. I see a copyright on that.
  7. I wish they hadn't killed Dimitri, he was my favourite character, but Reznov sounds good too.
  8. Presumably it would be Samantha in Richtofens body which would be the same as it was after the EE in moon, which I've never done so I have no idea what it's like.
  9. You could have the plant, or the nearby town of Pripyat. Everyone there had to be evacuated (obviously) and the graveyard there is highly radioactive and has buried pieces of Soviet helicopter. In Pripyat there's the swimming pool and everything, and maybe you could have a radiation based wonder weapon. Or they could merge the two together and you need a suit to go into the plant, but not to go around the town.
  10. A nice, plausible return to Nazi Zombies. My favourite type of zombies. I think there might be a few too many box weapons though. Might be nice to have a few small easter eggs as well.
  11. I think that they went a bit crazy with the zombie storyline, at the end of WaW it was still reasonably plausible and I suppose up until Shangri-la. But the Shangri-la thing just seemed rediculous, it didn't really make a lot of sense. Also the game felt less eerie, earie, eery, erie, eeri. However the hell you spell it at the end of it all. I found it quite scary up until ascension, but now it's not.
  12. It isn't overpowered, it's difficult to keep the damn thing still. I try to aim at a guy 50 yards away the gun traces his outline, still love it though.
  13. Tank if possible. Really fun even if I'm not killing people in it. Otherwise I keep low and out of sight.
  14. Oh god where to start... Well once I was playing, well a few times actually. I was playing and this blow up sex doll started flying about the map randomly, I was sitting in a tank when suddenly I get attacked by the Anne Summers catalogue... Oh and I see bars of soaps next to them randomly. Oh and another time on cliffside some hacker made us all fly into the air when we jumped, we could all still shoot eachother so we were dogfighting without the planes. Oh and there was this guy with infinite rifle grenades that were just spamming my tank, causing no damage whatsoever. Then there's infinite artilleries, super speed, turning maps into ice rinks so you slide all over the place, the list is endless. Also the messages they spam on the screen can be quite funny.
  15. I play with randoms consistently and I've only seen 1 glitcher. That was on moon and I'm pretty sure it was accidental as he kept going down and wasn't bothered when we let him die. But it is annoying when you look at the guy second on moon high scores with 0 kills.
  16. I was playing with a few randomers the other day, guarding the barrier up the stairs next to phd and firing down, I saw a powerup, so I jumped down with jugs, and instead of hurting me, downing me or something, it killed me. It just went straight to spectating. Any reason for this?
  17. I'm still waiting for my fucking emblem. I've been waiting 2 months for it, I get 1000 kills with a gun I want a fucking emblem for it.
  18. Kino with two friends. Both of them had gone down, I had the MP40 and a skullcrusher and jugg... At least, I thought I had jugg... Yeah you see where thats going.
  19. No idea if this is the right section but anyway. What do you think is better? Having the most kills or the least downs. I think it's the least downs, it means you're better at surviving and therefore you should get to higher rounds easier. With the most kills it's all about having a powerful weapon. If someone had the most kills but the most downs I wouldn't consider him/her to be the better player.
  20. My favourite has to be the FG42 it has an insane rate of fire. The noise it makes means you can't distinguishe one bullet from another, it just sounds like a continuous buzz.
  21. I love the MP40 whenever I play verruckt I just buy that, speed cola and double tap and I have a brilliant weapon. I double my points virtually every round.
  22. Anyhow, I am MegaAfroMan as you might have gathered. I welcome you here to our humble abode, feel free to look around and enjoy yourself, and if you have any questions, just ask me in a PM or ask anyone really. Just ask. Have a pleasant stay! Until then, happy slaying! Also your 24 in Verruckt puts my 21 to shame.
  23. 1. Don't play Shi No Numa that often but and educated guess might be the wunderwaffe? 2. 3 I think. 3. Depends if you count dead ops arcade. 11 with DOA 10 without. 4. Ludwig Maxis 5. No idea. 6. Nacht der untoten and Shangrila 7. Der Riese 8. Never heard the song. 9. Ray Gun, no idea who invented it though. I'm presuming someone from 935 though. 10. A
  24. Some nice welcomes there, I have to say the guides are absolutely fantastic.
  25. I've been scouring these forums for a bit and I joined yesterday. Something I've noticed is that everyone on these forums is better than me so a few tips on anything would be useful. :)
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