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Everything posted by Thunderwaffe

  1. Pro perks would be too OP if they were bought. You should earn them through a challenge or two, because if you really want it, you would try for it. Here is a list of the perk, its challenge(s) and pro functions: Quick Revive: Regular: revive team mates faster (solo revive self, 3 uses) Challenge: revive 5 team mates (don't go down for 3 rounds) Pro: revive team mates in one tap of action button, they get their perks back (solo: keep perks when downed, pro perks downgrade) Juggernog Regular: 5 hits to down Challenge: take up to 3 hits at once 2 times No hits for 1 full round Pro: health regenerates faster, 2 meter motion sensor with mini-map (to see around corners) Speed Cola Regular: reload faster Challenge: kill 10 zombies, reloading between each kill Go 1 consecutive round without buying or using grenades or equipment Pro: switch weapons, prep grenades, and prep equipment faster Double Tap Root Beer Regular: bullets shoot 2x faster Challenge: avoid having less than 1 full mag left in your gun for one round Do not use grenades (lethal&tactical) for two consec rounds Pro: + 4 lethal + 1 tactical grenade, 2x reserved ammo (when pro is unlocked, it acts as a max ammo) Phd Flopper Regular: no fall, explosive, or splash damage, explosion upon dolphin dive impact Challenge: flop 50 zombies Hold a grenade and kill at least 1 zombie 5 times Run through one trap Pro: flop on flat surface, jump higher, immune to traps, danger close pro (MW2-explosives carry more damage) Stamin-Up Regular: Move faster, sprint longer Challenge: survive one round without sprinting kill 50 zombies crouched/proned sprint 1 mile Pro: become very thin ( to squeeze through tight spaces), eternal sprint, stand/crouch/prone faster Deadshot Daiquiri Regular: increased headshot accuracy while ADS, smaller crosshairs Challenge: headshot 50 zombies Hipfire kill 50 zombies kill 50 zombies while moving Pro: steady aim pro (BO)(recover from knife lunge quicker, bring weapon up faster after sprinting), hardened pro (BO)(bullets penetrate surfaces, no flinch when hit, reduced recoil), stalker (MW3)(move faster while ADS) Mule Kick Regular: wield three weapons Challenge: get 1 pro perk Pack-a-punch 3rd tier weapon Survive 1 round Pro: perk cap + 1, perks downgrade after downage (ex: flopper pro to flopper, juggernog to none) When Mule Kick is bought after respawn/revive, third gun is retrieved, upgraded, get back 5th perk (not pro) Pro names (in above order): Perk-o-later Circle Linebacker Sleight of Man Ammo Magazine Subscription Dr. Phlopper, MD Wait Watchers Steady shot stackery Back-a-Bunch Rhyming names (for fun): Richt's alive! Hug her frog Weed stola Bubble Snap Boot Rear She hates me, Cropper Flamin cup Head shot smackerie Stool Trick
  2. Sorry for my codz forum noobiness idk how use a quote from a user. Previous quote from me was from perfectlemonade. Sorry bout that.
  3. Tactical Grenade: Time-Freezer quick prep time, freezes everything but the players. Can reload, revive, hack, buy stuff, rebuild barriers. Weapons and equipment have no effect on zombies. Perfect for that sticky situation
  4. Maybe it could make a whirlpool and it would pull the user toward it but last for idk 2 secs. Sort of similar to Gersch, but in the underwater environment.
  5. Hello, I've been reading these forums since Call of the Dead speculations, and now i finally decided to make an account, because now is the most tense point in the zombie storyline, and i'm full of awesome ideas. I hope to be somewhat active in this forum, but i won't post too much. I dont know we'll see in the future. I'm true to the PS3, which everyone else looks down upon, but we don't have to pay for our service. I have a passion for zombies and love the concept of the game, which was introduced to me on the World at War Zombies app, two years ago. P.S. how do i insert my highest round thingy?
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