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Everything posted by heillingalj

  1. I know - I just feel that survival's a bit more repetitive, as in Zombies you have to adapt to not getting the Max Ammos, having those pesky excavators attack etc.
  2. I suppose - but whatever happens, I still doubt (although also want) the Expendables idea will happen. More likely to be á la CotD with some quite well known people that are in someway appropriate for fighting off the undead...
  3. True, Activision has bucketloads of money. But I would rather see that spent on improved gameplay, better graphics where possible, more zombies and especially on better connection/servers
  4. I like them how they are - anything more and you're starting to turn it into MW3 survival, which for me is stupidly boring after the first 10 rounds.
  5. That would be awesome. Doubt it would happen though, simply because of how famous these guys are, so it would be pretty expensive to get one, let alone four of them, to do this.
  6. Nice intro. I'll drop you a friend request on Xbox some time (be a while tho cos of the mountain of exams I've got coming my way). GT: Watford 4EV3R. See you around
  7. Exactly Super. I don't think they should have a pause option when playing with randoms, otherwise whoever's host can basically control the match, pausing it when they need a break or to annoy everone else. In private matches though, this option should definitely be available.
  8. Nice re-intro Jay. And on the skype side of things - I don't have any clue whatsoever, it confuses me as well!
  9. I think it would be cool in one of the different game modes that Treyarch are coming up with, but would prefer to see them kept out of the main zombies storyline etc. Maybe have them in another CotD style thing perhaps?
  10. I would love something like this as long as it was done well and not just some rip off of games like L4D or Dead Rising - it needs to be original in some way. Oh, and welcome by the way!
  11. I can see what you're saying, but there are always times when people simply do not have 20+ hours for a high round run. And anyway, you should be able to do it on multiplayer else solo is so much easier due to being able to actually pause the game for as long as you want.
  12. Have all the maps - bit bored of Der Riese and Kino currently (just a phase I think, used to hate Shangri-la and now love it). Favourite maps are Verruckt, SNN, CotD and Moon. Probably best at Moon, SNN and CotD though.
  13. Guessing you've got all the maps right? Which one are you best at/enjoy most?
  14. Yep - be warned though, you'll probably hear my bro or sis shouting in the background, they're pretty much nuts
  15. heillingalj

    Its me

    Nice intro, and nice to meet you. Hope you'll become a regular again! See you around
  16. Would love to MLH, only prob is that I go to boarding school and have lots of exams for the next few weeks, so am unlikely to be anywhere near an Xbox, let alone zombies, until July-ish.
  17. Just saw a couple of others reintroducing themselves, and also thought it was a good time what witht the new format and all.
  18. Hey guys, Just thought I'd reintroduce myself, what with the amazing new layout/theme and everything. My name's Alex, I'm on Xbox and love zombies (even though I'm nowhere near as good as Chopper, Super etc)! See you around
  19. OMG OMG OMG Site is changing OMG OMG going crazy!!!!!!!!! Pretty cool way of revealing it to us guys (although it was really confusing for some us when others were racing on with ciphers etc).
  20. Firstly - play with people you know, this map isn't suited to high-round runs with randoms because everyone has a different preffered strategy. If anything, the map may be easier to do on solo once you get used to dealing with the spawns etc, simply because you have a clear idea of what you want to do and you know roughly where all the zombies will be. One strategy I have for playing with randoms or having fun with friends is camp by Double Tap with STG door closed so they only come from the stairs and the balcony window - can work quite well, epsecially with Mule Kick, having HKs, RPKs, Galils, AUGs etc and then MP40 as the Mule Kick gun for cheap ammo. It also pwns with Double Tap.
  21. This is very creepy. I'll do what I can to help solve, but have got some work to do (exams tomorrow, eek!), so might not be able to help that much.
  22. Welcome - need anything just ask pretty much anyone, they'll help you out. There's also some good articles around for newer users, so check them out if you feel like it. Would play a match with you, but I'm on Xbox, so whatever.
  23. Welcome! Glad to see you're pumped for BO 2. I know loads of people (not on CoDz) that have been giving it a lot of hate for trying to change, or even because it's a CoD game. Look forward to some theories
  24. Been on Moon with 2 friends, one goes to hack excavator, gets downed. So I run from the dome to try and get him, had to go through labs because of zombies out by Mule Kick. Get to power when my other friend downs in the dome. Meanwhile the zombies from spawn pour out from Tunnel 11 and into power. Had no points so couldn't open tunnel 6, so end up dodging to get the guy in spawn revived with seconds left, before then sprinting all the way back to the dome, past an astro and lots more zombies, to revive the guy in dome. Finished that match with about 18 revives and only got to round 25.
  25. George can be entertaining to use When on SNN, I'll lead my team towards Fishing Hut, but turn on the Flogger before they come through, which normally annoys them. On Five, use the lift before team mates get in, so they're trapped against the doors with zombies swarming in. Some of my friends have an obsession about picking up thrown grenades, even without PHD. So, cook a grenade or three and let the raging begin...
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