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Mr. Jay

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Mr. Jay last won the day on November 8 2016

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About Mr. Jay

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  1. He did mention he was pursuing a career in journalism, or politics. Best of luck to him, I have always enjoyed him.
  2. Hi all, its been a long time.


    Im kinda craving the original Five, and looking for serious distance runners to go 40+ tonight.


    I shall be on 12ish tonight EST, but will try to sooner.  My PSN is a12yr_old_virgin.   


    Hope to see you, someone, anyone.


    BTW good luck to everyone in 2018.

    1. anonymous


      No PS, but I wish you good luck. Five indeed is a map I should play again soon

  3. Hi, I'm Gaga M Jackson, for those who never seen me. Been playing NML lately, and let me set the scenes for you. You get all the right bounces and get 2200+ before the first buzzer. You get a few more bounces and get 4500+ after the first grenade and clean up, right at the the 3rd buzzer. Do you: A. Bitch I'm on a hot streak, let me be a bit more aggresive because this could potentially be the difference makerten do I get lucky like this? Why play it safe for another 200 game? B. Bitch you got a bit lucky, stay within yourself because you are already ahead. Be a bit more conservative and ride this out. Be greedy and you will end up six feet under. Play it like you have always played it. Whenever I do A: I knife that crawler when I knew shouldn't have, I shoot the M&S a bit too quick, I make that turn when I should have gone straight ahead, or I get a bit too blast heavy good chance to knife that crawler. After a beautiful start I somehow turn it into another 180-220 game. Frustrating, but that's NML. I wouldn't want it any other way. It's the ultimate challenge, like that hot blonde you always wanted to make out with. and die prematurely. Whenever I do B: After that great start I somehow decide to play like I'm pussy whipped. I make another loop just to make sure all spawns are in, I skip a good firing chance because I was swiped 6 seconds ago, I look left and look right then left then right and miss a good chance to knife that crawler. After a beautiful start I somehow turn it into another 180-220 game. Frustrating, but that's NML. I wouldn't want it any other way. It's the ultimate challenge, like that hot blonde you always wanted to make out with.
  4. I keep receiving notifications whenever Pinnaz and Naitrax post.  Cant get rid of the notifications and its filling my mailbox quick.  HELP!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Go to the person page, you'll see the following notice, click this and then change the notification settings.

      You can also unfollow them but changing the notification settings is the easier option if you want to keep in touch with what they are doing.

    3. PINNAZ


      Why are you following me Jay, Ya creep! :Throw A Kisss:

    4. Boom115


      It's a new feature from the all Nai and Pinnaz update. Pinnaz background coming soon.

  5. Who do I need to sleep with to get considerations?
  6. NML was arguably the greatest game mode ever created. I recall playing NML endlessly trying to get better, taking baby steps from PAP to jug to telepad. NML was the ultimate barometer for your zombie skills, with intensity from begining to end. NML prepares you for the actual game, and vice versa. With this, I will make effort to up my current score. NML lives on.
  7. Who do I need to sleep with to get considerations?? Or is it PayPal transaction?
  8. "I need to bully because I'm smarter than everyone else." "I can say what I want because I'm special." "Why can't you understand my point?" Bullying is the product of over confidence and sense of achievement. We all do it at some point, intentionally or not. There is also a fine line between horsing around, and bullying your friends. It is often unavoidable from the bully's point of view until someone mentions it. Its also subjective to the person being bullied. Friends can take name calling from one another, until it goes too far in the receiver's acceptance. Its mostly how you view it, and how others view it. New members, don't let the seniors bully you. Just because he or she has a shiny medal or affiliations with the site, doesn't mean you should bend over for them. But don't start a debate if you don't have the means to defend your ground, as you will likely be stampeded. If all else fails just tell everyone your dad works for Activision and your brother is a world class hacker.
  9. Just want to say hi. Have not played zombies for a while, thanks to Clash of Clans. I'm officialy addicted to it.

    1. creepertrent


      what is your clan?

  10. Not sure if I'm entertained or confused. Who the hell is what??????? My head is exploding

    1. ZombieOfTheDead


      Lol, that's the problem with setting this up.

    2. Lenne


      At least Last stand wasn't in MW3. :3

  11. Hard to disguise myself being ugly teal......

  12. Nice post dude, I'm glad to see you put much thought and effort into this idea. However, I get nervous when people use all cap, I feel like you are yelling at me. "WHAT IS THE NEXT RANK AFTER SHOTGUNS!!!!!"
  13. I'm sorry, but this is poorly organized and written. MOTD and Origins are by far the toughest maps in BO2. I say that because so much could go wrong before your ultimate set up. Is it a coincidence that those maps were done by the same team? I guess not.
  14. Mr. Jay


    I could not disagree more. As a killing weapon it may be the worst due to ammo amount, but as a training weapon and getting out of jams weapon it is far superior. In fact, I only use the wind staff in the earlier rounds, and move on to ice or fire once the spawns pick up.
  15. It's everything, really. A solid comparison would be movies. The best selling movies are often family oriented. If you include everyone in your plans, you will likely have better receptions. It's also the reason why the best movie ever made, Show Girls, was not rated high because it was made to satisfy a small group of the population. Treyarch knows they will need to please not only the gaming guys, but also the story guys and still have new features to draw the multiplayer people and the general gamers.
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