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Everything posted by bbobs2

  1. ^Great find!!! At 2:30 ish we see Raul near fire... what if he faked his death or even attempted suicide! Maybe one of the reasons he's 'disappeared'? Also I'm pretty surprised with how much detail the game has this time.
  2. HELLO!!! Welcome to CODz!!! Enjoy yourself. :D
  3. DOLPHIN DIVE!!!!!!! MUST COME BACK. I always do this, especially in zombies Personally I have no problem with the knife. Yeah the animation is annoying (you literally bounce towards to person, very quick) but I like it. Maybe because I tend to get a few kills with it per game(it feels good! :twisted: ) Like Gstroy said it is sort of like an excuse, it isn't like you can't dodge it & I quite like it. I would quite like something like the Cod points system they had in BO so there is something to play the matches for. I think they're doing something with tokens that give you use to get guns & perks. Only so many tokens are allowed per class or something like that....
  4. I also have had a hunch that it is just Elena Siegmen but hey, it's always good at other theories. If it is Sophia though, THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!! Also with it being Sophia (I'm improvising) that may possibly explain the 1221 (I think) on the hat. Maybe a new group? Like 935! but made from the survivors...
  5. I do agree with this and zombies should become smarter (BRILL idea BTW) but I'm not sure that from a programming/gaming point of view that them coming from infront is possible without their being a triggered event (so you walk through that door and there is a zombie leaping at you) or as part of a cutscene. If this did happen it would probably lead to the same strategy we have now. Move out the way and make them follow us. In a way at the moment the zombies are meant to be flanking us but all we do is stop them flanking us (by moving out the way) and then 'playing' with the programming making them follow us. I do like the idea of them coming from behind but the need to be fast enough/quiet enough to do this. They could always do more teleporting zombies to flank us. Them annoying transporting crawlers in Moon are one of my main reasons for going down because they are unpredictable. This is one of the reasons I think Treyarch have put in zombies crawling out of the floor or from the ceiling & the excavators on moon in a way these 'flank' us making us change strategy extremely quickly and this has caused a lot of criticism because of this. I would like zombies AI to be changed in some way but for me it is actually the events and map structure that I want to see the biggest change to. Every map has enabled training of some sort whether that's a whole map one of just a quick run around. Maybe have an ever changing maze map (I've put it in another topic) so basically you have no idea what's going to happen/sudden changes to map & our play style. Also like Fishbertus said there ALWAYS needs to be a challenge in zombies. Whether it's round 1-1000 there needs to be something. (putting in things we can't control e.g. changes in map/weapons maybe a completely new map layout (change of layout) whenever you start a new game.) Anyway. With 4v4 modes we shouldn't get the time to train around. AI could be changed in some way but the main difference should be in the map structure and possibly adding different map/time events that can effect the way the map is played. PS sorry for a big read....
  6. I think that zombies will be fed to us in little chunks, so little hints to what we should expect. Even though I say this I'm not 100% sure as zombies is going to be bigger this time around so there is still a possibility that there could be a full blown trailer to really show that everything in this game is better than Black Ops including the introduction to zombie modes.
  7. HUDSON. That's good!!! This story seems to be becoming more & more engrossing by the trailers. It has a storyline for a Hollywood blockbuster... I like it :D
  8. I'm pretty sure I posted here earlier stupid IE.... Anyway I myself train/kit and do find that it is a lot easier but because of kiting it does take away the whole SURVIVAL aspect of the game. Basically once you've mastered the map you run around until you slip up or just get bored. This is one of the reasons why I think Treyarch are going with the whole 4v4 idea. That way you can't really kit and fight another team. You haven't got the time to do that, you need to get those points quickly. From Kino-Ascension it was pretty easy to train the zombies around areas but COTD-Moon I think Treyarch are trying to stop us kiting (or reduce the effects) and trying to make the game harder with all the different zombies & zero gravity. I wouldn't say that kiting/training makes someone a bad player, that's like saying rushers are bad because they run around the map or campers just sit there. It's a gaming strategy that quite a lot of people have mastered and I myself use a lot. Mind you I prefer training in Verruckt and NDU where the spaces are small and it makes for a great adrenaline rush (for me anyway) and at anytime you can go down. If the maps do get bigger (which they are) I do hope something either changes to REDUCE the kiting ability (not to get rid of it just something to make it that much harder) so getting to a round means something more than just running around. This is one of the reasons (I SORRY PEOPLE FOR SAYING THIS AGAIN AND AGAIN) I want luck and chance to be put in. You know like the QED. There have been many places I've put luck ideas up like Black Box, Luck Ray and a few game modes. Yet again I'm not saying that kiting is bad, just that I think something needs to be done about it so zombies doesn't become a whole 'follow the leader' game.
  9. Maybe this sounds crazy but what if the end of Black Ops actually wasn't the end of black ops? As we know Mason was brainwashed and was believed different things e.g. Victor Reznov was with him... maybe the last mission or so in black ops was actually an projection of what could have happened/what we thought happened? Now we're playing the consequences. Perhaps this is Mason!!! (ok maybe this does sound a little crazy it would be a good twist though). Cause flashbacks are only what that person makes of them, so they could've been altered in Masons mind, we played was Mason thought perhaps not what really happened MIND BLOWN!
  10. Personally I REALLY like this idea. Something to get the zombies away and slowly crushes them!!! I would like a forcefield sort of weapon. When shot this will fire a beam that will knock the zombies back giving you that extra few seconds to revive. This will fire at about a 90-180degree radius (image a circle around you, 90-180 of that) When not upgraded it will only knock them back slightly. When upgraded it will be a big pulse (that takes up the whole circle) that knocks all enemies (& possibly players/side effect, apart from downed players) away! I'd also like the lucky ray. Based on the QED this can literally do anything. Magazine sizes are 15-30 per round and has a total of 200 bullets. Each magazine does a different thing, maybe this could be all wonder weapons in one for the final map (if it ever does come). You could shoot ray gun rays. Electricity from the Wunderwaffle, Freeze, Shrink, etc. or just normal bullets. I love luck and I would love this weapon!!!
  11. *Edit: Firstly sorry for this VERY long part down the bottom but I've just seen the it can be both a Novel or a poem. These have both been put down below. So why do you think we'll be needing it: Just been looking at Ulysses can be a Novel & a poem: Novel: Ulysses is one day in the life of two men, Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus. The two men will cross paths many times during the day, but will only meet each other toward the end of the book. It's basically "about" life, like many novels. Joyce tried to cram in everything he knew about human nature into one book, so there's sex, marriage, religion, politics, philosophy, literature, Jews and Greeks as cultural types. It's a big book that muses on the big themes of life. But the plot isn't really what you read it for. You read it to witness Joyce and his utter command of the English language. He changes styles often, some sections are written in a stream-of-consciousness style, others as a play, or newspaper headlines, one section is written only in questions and answers. It's the stream-of-consciousness parts that most people remember; he puts you in the head of the characters so thoroughly that you will know them as well as your friends by the end. (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 415AAiLjxt) Poem: It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travel; I will drink Life to the lees. All times I have enjoy'd Greatly, have suffer'd greatly, both with those That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when Thro' scudding drifts the rainy Hyades Vext the dim sea. I am become a name; For always roaming with a hungry heart Much have I seen and known,-- cities of men And manners, climates, councils, governments, Myself not least, but honor'd of them all,-- And drunk delight of battle with my peers, Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy. I am a part of all that I have met; Yet all experience is an arch wherethro' Gleams that untravell'd world whose margin fades For ever and for ever when I move. How dull it is to pause, to make an end, To rust unburnish'd, not to shine in use! As tho' to breathe were life! Life piled on life Were all too little, and of one to me Little remains; but every hour is saved >From that eternal silence, something more, A bringer of new things; and vile it were For some three suns to store and hoard myself, And this gray spirit yearning in desire To follow knowledge like a sinking star, Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. This is my son, mine own Telemachus, to whom I leave the sceptre and the isle,-- Well-loved of me, discerning to fulfill This labor, by slow prudence to make mild A rugged people, and thro' soft degrees Subdue them to the useful and the good. Most blameless is he, centred in the sphere Of common duties, decent not to fail In offices of tenderness, and pay Meet adoration to my household gods, When I am gone. He works his work, I mine. There lies the port; the vessel puffs her sail; There gloom the dark, broad seas. My mariners, Souls that have toil'd, and wrought, and thought with me,-- That ever with a frolic welcome took The thunder and the sunshine, and opposed Free hearts, free foreheads,-- you and I are old; Old age hath yet his honor and his toil. Death closes all; but something ere the end, Some work of noble note, may yet be done, Not unbecoming men that strove with Gods. The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks; The long day wanes; the slow moon climbs; the deep Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends. 'T is not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down; It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles, And see the great Achilles, whom we knew. Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho' We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,-- One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. (http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/ulysses-2/)
  12. The write and director of Black Ops 2 Dave Anthony has tweeted the following: "Raul Menendez says "brush up on Ulysses, you'll be needing it"" https://twitter.com/PrisonerKAR120C Well then what do you guys think of this.... Also just to say that this was re-tweeted by Treyarch Studios so I am pretty sure that this is legit. ALSO as said in this post viewtopic.php?f=81&t=23063&p=221970&hilit=Ulysses#p221970 Raul mentions in the New World vid a proverb from the Ulysses Poem so I am starting to think this has a HUGE part to do with the story, maybe we have seen Raul before..... :o
  13. I find it hard to even get enough people to attempt to do a four player EE. With 8 it would be VERY difficult. I would do it if there was a big motive, maybe you unlock a new map? The whole unlimited perks & DM gets old after a while.
  14. I think I'll play campaign along with zombies first (you know, whenever I want to play zombies I will), I'll play multiplayer when I've done the campaign. Like 'The Courtesy Caller' said I also like to play games (like AC) for the story and want to know what happens.
  15. I have a feeling that Raul killed someone to get the pendant, this could be a high end figure like a president, Masons wife? OR even A. Mason. If I'm right (from what people have said + memory) Mason had a daughter with a young woman. Maybe this pendant is of them? Cause we have no idea what these two have been through as of yet (have we?). Cause there are a lot of possibilities but I like this idea that it started the war. The 1%s leader (A.Mason) has been killed leading to an outrage or something. Thing is I want to know what the whole 99% thing is about.
  16. I LOVE all of these ideas but especially the moving of items!!! This would sure mess with my head. Also I would like the map to change (sort of like your enviromental hazards idea), like I've said in other posts I would like a map that changes routes. Sort of like that pressure plate thing in Shangri-La but bigger & with no way out, dead ends or sudden turns, spawn points mayhem, tight areaas with no idea of where things are (perks, box, PAP etc. & maybe they'll change places!), you'll just have to be lucky (something else I love!) giving you a high adrenaline rush running into the unknown & ever changing map that may or may not be kind :twisted: [brains] Although one things you must bear in mind, if Richtofen is controlling things would he be as demonic (I think he would but I'm not sure). Brilliant post though!
  17. ^Thanks, that's a silly mistake to make To me the date on the magazine looks like August 15th, 2021. So at the time 2025 he should be about 64/65 at the times we play the game?
  18. GUYS IT HAS BEEN (IMO) COMFIRMED!!!! That person is Raul Menendez. http://www.youtube.com/user/cordiisdie?feature=results_main Above is a URL to Cordis Dies Youtube Channel with a video. That has already been said but on the right there is also a Twitter link "The Key is here". Pressing this takes you https://twitter.com/CordiisDie with a tweet saying "Its never late" Sorry just had to put it here. The location is also: Nicaragua, not sure if that means anything? I have no idea what the numbers mean though (in the video), what is it with Treyarch and numbers? *EDIT- On the viral video (that has also been put on the forum somewhere) there have been comments from Cordis Die: The keys are in good hands my friends. CordiisDie 15 hours ago 9 this channel is gay get a life devone928 16 hours ago *(In response to comment above) Life is long my friend 10 minutes is nothing. CordiisDie in reply to devone928 16 hours ago 19 Sorry to keep editing, prefer that rather than posting a new reply!!!
  19. Well as many have said the pendant does seem like great importance but if you look closely at the pendant You can see that it looks like two figures looking at each other, both female & I think the one on the right looks older. Maybe they're Woods's family, sister, mother, grandmother or someone that he is close to. Maybe the villain killed Mason? Maybe it was Masons and he's giving him the consolation prize? "Now it begins" I must say the trailer looked amazing, the lighting really has come through, I thought that the guy at the beginning was real!! Anywho we also saw some new features like Jetpacks that we/they were flying down from, maybe we'll get to use them . At the moment the campaign itself is worth £35 for me. Let alone everything else.
  20. bbobs2

    im new

    Hello new I'm bbobs2! Welcome and have fun.
  21. HELLO commander2716!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the Call Of Duty Zombies Forum!!! Make sure you check out the code of conduct which is conveniently placed below: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=19980#p186550 and make sure you don't out any leaked info & that's about it. You will have a great time!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D Enjoy your ride on the zombie train that never stops!
  22. I suppose thinking about implementations that can be included like this. I would say the sky is the limit but we've already been to the moon. I do think that this can be a HUGE money maker for Treyarch (hopefully it won't be that way as in DLC). Anything can happen and I can see them asking for suggestions or looking at forums for great ideas like these! Competition, Survival. I haven't been keen of it in the past but I'm thinking of a zombie game in the next 5 years. There are so many ideas it may well end up like it! Although on thing is I don't want it to be like other zombie games, this needs to be unique, but great idea. Like it!
  23. ^ Thank you very much!!!! I suppose when you put it like that it makes sense. I think I'll pre-order very soon!! Thanks :D
  24. Tough choice..... I've never had any experience with the V-R11, Scavenger or the Shrink Gun so I can't put them in.... Also would you count the QED as a wonder weapon? If so then this would probably be it, I always go on about luck in zombies and this is exactly it unfortunately it is on the map that I can't do much on (don't really like moon (personal preference)) so I don't get to use it often. This also goes for the gersh, I love it but just don't get to use it much. I think the DG-2 will always be a favourite, you can just turn around and see the zombies slowly sulk down, I prefer it when others use it and the turn around and you see the zombies crawl down and I can't help but laugh! Ray Gun is also on of my favs but it just irritates me somehow "OH LOOK RAYGUN ZOMG EFSDFOSDFNSDNFDSKNJRKAJEKA YAY !" really? Too much hype maybe? I'm not sure, maybe it's too over rated or I'm just missing the trick. The thunder gun doesn't have that "WOW THAT FELT AMAZING THAT ZOMBIE JUST FLEW", some fly and some just fall over, I don't get it, what is it meant to do fling them or drop them? I would like more blow awayness (is that a word?). Finally the Wave gun, this was a very nice addition to moon and I actually really like it as it does something new and is a good laugh to see the zombie float and explode. If I had to choose I would have to pick the DG-2!!!!! or the QED
  25. Hello everyone!!!! Firstly I just want to say that I am from England and I'm a little confused about COD Black Ops II pre ordering system this year. In the US you have Gamestop which has four waves of bonuses if you pre-order, firstly the prestige token :/ and now Nuketown 2025. So does this effect the UK because I tend to follow the US when looking at games. All I know is that Game is offering Nuketown 2025 and did offer a prestige token so is the UK effected by these waves and I'm just wondering do you think I should Pre-order now to make sure I get Nuketown (and possibly other bonuses if UK is following US bonuses)or wait until the hardened/prestige editions come out? PS I actually wasn't sure where to put this so I've put in in multiplayer because that will probably be what the exclusives are aimed at. Thanks!!!!! Any input is very much appreciated!!!! (As you can probably tell by the writing I am slightly confused about it all).
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