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Everything posted by TheBigBenn1

  1. as much i would love that i would rather have a cod once in 2 years first year is for example boII dlc and the next year is development for the nex cod
  2. maybe they will implement it like the origin of the original characters and some more backstory but i just think that they will only do a story mode with the maps of black ops and WAW but definatly not the new ones
  3. And treyarch is like crap they found our secret.
  4. I'm expecting ALOT of prototype weapons! THIS IS A JOKE yeah consuming zombies and taking their form or use the claws to tore them up
  5. the message woods says isn't complete i actually think the full sentence is "People think i'm dead besides of the fact that i'm still alive none of this surprises me" or someting along those lines
  6. They should keep the original four and phd and then the switch the remaining perks every game you play
  7. I really want to know what the next update on callofduty.com is its 12 pm over here in like half an hour
  8. first wave of zombies get your m1911 ready :D
  9. Yeah the strange thing is that the coordinate keep changing at first it was the staples center then the convention center and now the middle of the street i might have mixed the first 2 up
  10. Yes i know that i was talking about wat i am richtofen about the numbers meaning death and bad luck. but i didn't say witch one i meant
  11. Bare with me here for a second. The timer in the bottom left corner stops at 4:13. The number 4 in many East Asian countries is considered unlucky because it sounds very similar to their word for "death". The number 13 has a smiler meaning here in America, as many people consider it unlucky as well. And according to Chinese numerology the number 413 means "death throughout lifetime." Just something I thought was interesting. Thats is very interesting i think that it can mean 2 things. 1. a reference to zombies as the are all dead that rose. 2. a sign that the campaign happens in asia and war obviously means death as well
  12. maybe yuri is stealing the weapons in an attempt to steal wonderweapons to restore all the damage that is done by TACITUS just a theory
  13. maybe "Can the zombies ever be stopped" my answer would be no because zombies will continue forever :D
  14. But why would there be a classified picture with todays date on it if what you say is true? Well maybe they are just trying to make us wait.... :L could be but imagine the rage of people waiting the entire day for the picture just to find out that there was no picture at all.
  15. But why would there be a classified picture with todays date on it if what you say is true?
  16. o i didn't know that as my laptop is connected to the internet whenever i use it
  17. Well for me the clock is already 0597355.00 and so on. So I don't thing it uses special number of seconds to reveal things. didn't know that i live in holland and it will be 600000.00 sec in like 10 minutes over here
  18. i have a feeling that the next picture will go up on exactly 600000.00 seconds
  19. I think its just me but i think that that logo bears some kind of resemblance to the treyarch logo
  20. I don't know if this has been brought up already but if go to the call of duty website and klik on the image of the quadrotor it will show fpsrussia's video about it so this may mean that if we don't find it it will show up the next day. Or it may be there because we already found it.
  21. Maybe the nuclear plant used 115 for power but it caused too mich energie causing the meltdown
  22. Samanta: " But I didn't eat my veggie's" *laughs*
  23. just so you know the SNN out of map glitch still exists it happened yesterday someone glitched out of the map at the stg44 i just quit i can't even see why they would do that i thought this game was for fun the only reason i wan't to ger to high rounds is because it gets really intense and it is really fun to play with your friends on round 30 on moon ascension or der riese I generally glitch in solo only,were it hurts no one and and can be enjoyable I like to see the outside of the map and just look at all the things treyarch put in the map...only for show and as said above,it's impossible to fix every single glitch 1) some glitches you just can't fix 2) it would take a lot of patches,because it seems that every day there's a new glitch,and treyarch would spend more time fixing black ops than working on its new game yeah those are the moments that glitches are fun to use and to explore more than the map itself as long as it doesn't show up on the leaderboards i'm happy with it
  24. just so you know the SNN out of map glitch still exists it happened yesterday someone glitched out of the map at the stg44 i just quit i can't even see why they would do that i thought this game was for fun the only reason i wan't to ger to high rounds is because it gets really intense and it is really fun to play with your friends on round 30 on moon ascension or der riese
  25. "That's it? Seriously? All that work, and all we did was blow up the Earth? What the f*ck." - Tank, Moon. Even a squerel gets raped twice a day. Tank, kino
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