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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. I have to agree with the above statement, I freakin hated those damn crawlers. Other than that, I agree with most of what you said, but I guess you can't please everybody. I would be fine with all of that being in the game, anyway.
  2. Does that mean it would be it's own 24/7 playlist until it was made available to everyone else? Hell yes!
  3. You may not care about the trolls, but believe me, thousands of other people will. If anybody wanted a good spot on the leaderboard they would have to set everything to the max settings just to compete with others. Somebody mentioned above about using a point system where you had like 10 points or something to customize a gun for PaP. I believe this would be a fair trade-off to your idea. Also when he was talking about clip size, I think he meant it would be unfair if people would be able to increase the amount of ammo the gun can carry. They couldn't have a gun where there would be no reserve ammo otherwise max ammos would be useless on them as well. As for semi-auto to full-auto, PaP already kind of did that anyway.
  4. Yeah, I thought that was a grenade launcher, not a physical hand grenade?
  5. Sounds to me it will work very much like the game Marvel Ultimate Alliance, where there were many choices throughout the game, but it didn't affect the gameplay all too much but instead had several cut scenes after the end of the game explaining the results of these choices in the Marvel Universe.
  6. I understand that, but it could give a slight advantage to some people over others in terms of achieving high rounds where people are competing against each other. And what if PaP is involved into these new game modes where it is player v player? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, it's just that there are many trolls out there (especially in cod) that would absolutely take advantage of this.
  7. I like the idea but people would abuse this out the wazoo. Everyone would just set it to the max settings and put as many attachments as they could on it. I agree that it is much better suited to private matches where rounds don't count.
  8. I would much rather have a comic than a fake little medal or "personal handbook" (whatever that was that came with MW3).
  9. Because change is imminent, and sometimes people don't like change. I for one am very looking forward to it, so you're not alone, and I'm sure there are many more out there that feel the same. Don't worry, zombies this time around will blow us all out of the water.
  10. This is a brilliant idea. Brains to you [brains]
  11. I think it would be cool if they had a comic book packaged with the hardened/prestige edition(s). Me being a huge comic book geek, this would be awesome.
  12. In the new zombies mode there wont be that problem because i think it was in E3 that treyarch said that they were moving Zombies from the Campaign engine to the Multiplayer engine. this allows host migration in zombies. Like if the host leaves then it will go to host migration find a new host and continue the game from the exact same place. I think he meant no hosts what-so-ever, like completely removing the host system altogether. I believe that would be rather difficult to accomplish though even with the game still several months out.
  13. If they add the nine-bang, I think it should be equipment. It's to powerful to be a tac nade. That sounds reasonable.
  14. I agree with the emblem idea, and that could be extended to unlocking emblems and titles/backgrounds that are zombie related for use in multiplayer. Or maybe even for these new modes they're implementing? I just want a ranking system for zombies. Some other things these points could be spent on are maybe increasing the amount of perks you're able to carry, I've seen people mention the option of starting with other handguns, they could even be used to unlock stuff much like BO's multiplayer for the new zombie modes since they clearly appear to be going down the competitive route. I just want something that allows me to show off my zombies skills other than my high rounds. Maybe I've done some other awesome stuff in zombies that can't be shown through the leaderboards. I would love this.
  15. While I do remember James mentioning in one of the various interviews he's had that they work on the game like that almost right up to it's release, I do believe it is trailer we have already seen. It's part 2 of another video, so the trailer would've been released two weeks after whenever part 1 came out or whenever it was filmed. Because of the nature of the video (that fact that he's touring Treyarch's studio) I'm sure Activision probably didn't allow him to release it at least for a little while for legal reasons as well. It would be nice to see a new trailer, I'm just not going to get my hopes up on this one.
  16. I would personally like to see a 9-bang (or whatever they're called) make their way into multiplayer, though I know this would probably upset a lot of people and I don't think most people would use any other tactical grenade if they did decide to put it in there.
  17. I like the Box idea, but I have a thought about that I think would spice it up a bit more and add variety to all the maps. Say they actually did throw in every gun/weapon that's been in all their cod games. What if, instead of putting all of them into every map, that they have a mixture of the guns exclusive to only one map. That way, each map comes with a different set of weapons which would require completely different strategies for every map. And maybe, for the final map of the game, put into it all the most popular weapons from each map for an epic "season finale". I don't know about you but I would freakin love it if they did this.
  18. I think you have a good sounding voice if that's any consolation.
  19. NDU- antique Veruckt- teamwork SNN- enthralling Der Reise- renaissance Kino- circles Dead Ops- retro FIVE- conservative Ascension- MONKEYS!!! Cotd- trippy Shangri-La- tight Moon- omg
  20. If only my girlfriend didn't think cod was the devil's work for making me devote so much of my time to it....
  21. The teleporter at Kino seem to only have worked when they fired the DG-2 within it, which as Richtofen mentioned was incapacitated after doing so (In terms of time travel). So Richtofen takes the group to where he believed a teleporter that knew might allow them to time travel would be.
  22. "And they shall know only a fraction of the truth" -Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
  23. It is just his interpretation of the events. As for the man in the Shi No Numa radio who is talking about Peter, he is actually confirmed to be Cornelius Pernell, Peter's handler. EDIT: MexicanIlluminiati beat me Well then it looks like I learned something new today :D
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