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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. I remember Lamia stating in an interview with gamespot or something that strikeforce was strictly single player.
  2. Very true. Black Ops II isn't even in the far future, only about 13 years or so ahead. Lamia even said that the technology they will have is stuff that we could see become a reality within the next decade or so, and one of the main things about the game, too, is that it's suppose to point out the dangers cyber terrorism can really present and how much of reality this really is. If anything, this game could possibly even be labeled as realistic, or at least after a few years or so it can. Now of course, the whole combat system is a bit exaggerated and zombies is not even close to being plausible, at least not like that. But the point being, the new technology presented in this game is based off prototypes and designs currently out there (quadrotor anyone?) And we will most certainly be seeing an entire plethora of new games coming out in with very similar backrounds and story lines.
  3. I think the gradual progression of screaming within the songs was suppose to signify the tension building up in the story. I'm not the biggest fan of screaming, but I certain understand the artistic ability that it takes and represents. Not everyone is going to like the same song or type of music, if you change anything about how the songs are done, yes you'll please a few people, but you may also upset so many more fans. What they had for Black Ops was what I believe to be about the best middle ground we'll get. Also they only had different artist for the maps when we weren't playing as the original crew. Which I'm sure they will continue if they have any other maps with different people. This is also why I want some sort of playlist or whatever with several different songs to choose from, and the option to allow only whoever chose it to hear it.
  4. Brains! [brains] And I know I've seen many people ask for this before, but me being a pyromaniac, I feel as if it should be mentioned once more. I would love, and I mean LOVE, a flamethrower wonder weapon. I want to make those suckmonkeys burn!!! (In case you haven't noticed, I really hate those monkeys)
  5. I don't necessarily believe that the tweet means there will be nukes. There's just something far too odd about the 4-5-6 thing, and Treyarch has never used nukes as a killstreak of any sorts. Plus, that symbol could mean several other things too, radiation is rather integral to the workings of 115. I don't know, it just appears a little fishy to me.
  6. They haven't even shown gameplay yet. It really is too early to determine whether or not it's a disappointing game, all we've heard is little bits of info released by Treyarch. You are more than entitled to express the fact that you don't like the concept, but I don't think it's worth it to give it a shot. What if Treyarch makes a totally awesome game and really hits the whole futuristic nail right on the head? Just by assuming the game will suck already sets one's expectations low, and when you play it for the first time, you will go in with the mindset that you will not completely enjoy it, and so you won't. Is it too hard to keep an open mind? Who knows, it just may turn out to be a great game after all.
  7. I actually think they should have more unique weapons like the vr-11. While I personally didn't like the gun much myself, others did, and I think they should expand upon that more. The concept was interesting, and I think they need to make more wonder weapons with unique capabilities. The point is, they need more wonder weapons with powers that aren't quite just a brutal force instantly killing zombies, but also pair them up with other wonder weapons that are just total powerhouses (VR-11 and Scavenger). This was an ingenious idea presented in Cotd, and it was a shame they didn't continue that.
  8. Perhaps a mix of all? Since there's going to be multiple game modes, I believe this can be easily managed.
  9. As long as the classic maps have the weapons from their respective games, I'll be happy.
  10. Activision is not going to let what I'm sure will be the next best selling and record breaking game of all time get taken off the shelves, of that I'm sure.
  11. You are all very intelligent people, just thought I would say that.
  12. I recall seeing in the Gametrailers interview with Mark Lamia that someone posted in the zombies section that there was a point where a developer was working on the hand structure of someone holding something that looked a lot like a riot shield. He aslo talked about a scope for snipers being able to see through and also a capability to charge snipers to penetrate thicker surfaces, and this was around when he was talking about MP. He aslo ominously added "campers beware".
  13. They said there wouldn't be any for Black Ops, as they didn't like it in the first place, so I'm sure that will carry on to Black Ops II.
  14. Am I the only one that imagined this in his voice? I couldn't agree with you more. And no, you weren't the only one ;)
  15. If they have all the old maps in there, I would like to see the weapons from the game they originated within their respective maps. I know many others would agree.
  16. I'm guessing that's most likely a multiplayer map because of the other images they showed. But interesting find none the less.
  17. As someone pointed out in the comments of that article, it's not West and Zampella that have control over it, it's the current Infinty Ward that does, not Respawn. So I doubt this will turn into a real isssue, as I'm sure this was already worked out with Activision anyways or else they wouldn't have even let them announce it. Also how does this exactly relate to zombies?
  18. I've never had that happen, usually there is one guy that goes for all the doors. Of course that guy is typically me because I just like the get the ball rolling on things, perhaps that's why it's never happened to me.
  19. City map! Don't really get how that means there will be killstreaks in zombies though.
  20. I think we should just wait for Treyarch to give us official confirmation on a story mode before we just assume that it will suck. If there is one, who knows how they will do it apart from the developers themselves? There's nothing wrong with specualting on what it would be like though, it's just too early to say whether or not it meets expectations.
  21. Time Travel! They could easily travel to a point in which the Earth wasn't destroyed. But since Richtofen was the only one with experience in time traveling, their attempt could be shoddy, and they wouldn't really know where, or when, they're going. And this opens up so many possibilities. Anything could happen!
  22. Thanks for that link! All this time I've been sitting here thinking of all sorts of different explanations for the oddity. What about the whole M.P.D. device? Do you think that little pyramid device hints at aliens in the future? I sure think it does. Perhaps these new 'aliens' will play a role with the 2012 apocalypse thing. It's wouldn't be impossible, since Assassin's Creed is also assuming that it will happen and is including that in their storyline. I believe the M.P.D. device is the result of one of 3 things. 1)Aliens certainly could've left it there, as it does reside up in space and appears to have been there for a rather long time. Aliens have long been implied to have a slight hand in zombies (where do you think they got the idea to build the raygun? Die Glock!) Also the well known fact that 115 does not originate from Earth as well. 2)Ancient Civilizations. Heavily hinted at within Shang. And you could even throw in time travel to say that someone, or a group of people, went back in time from either the current timeline, or maybe even from the future (Black Ops II takes place in 2025) to began experimenting with certain things that have been lost or forgotten for a long time, and brought it back with them for whatever purpose they so desired. 3)Alternate Dimensions. It kind of came across to me, in the radio within Moon where Richtofen is sent to wherever the M.P.D. originated and began hearing the voices, that he may have traveled to a completely different dimension altogether, and brought some malevolent force back with him (the voices) and they use the pyramid as a form of channeling their will using a conduit (Sam/Richtofen) to carry out their own motives. I probably should've made a topic on this, but so many other people already have. Oh well. Anyways, I personally believe number 3 to be the most likely.
  23. Exactly. Personally, I don't really care about who is first, I just try my best to obtain a respectable score myself, and I do like being able to see how far the people I play with have gone as well as it usually tells me how the match will go. If I have made it to a really high round on a map, then I would certainly like to be able to show it off to other players. Not to gloat, but rather to show that I actually take this game seriously and will dedicate myslef to reaching higher rounds. The point is that it's more of a for personal use kind of thing.
  24. The Kino trailer was great, and it surprised me that they showed it practically a year after it should've been released, maybe not as good as the trailers before it, but the point is that these trailers were so awesome. I will admit that I loved the one they made for Cotd, mainly because it was such a callback to the grindhouse style, but after that, they just weren't the same. I do have a suspicion however, that the fact that already just outright confirmed zombies and some new features for it makes me think that, and especially with rumor of info being released "soon", that we will see a full blown trailer specifically for zombies, as it has it's own complete story that I think is now quite separated from campaign and is practically a whole game in itself. I very much look foward to the future of zombies.
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