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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. Has there been any confirmation on how to do this? I hate having to leave a friend or two behind whenever I play zombies.
  2. Did I hear a french accent?
  3. What's funny is last night, the Avogadro kept spawning every 2 or 3 rounds and we had one hell of a time trying to keep him at bay alongside a huge horde of zombies. I did notice however that he usually spawns at the beginning of a round.
  4. Yep that is my point. I'm really hoping they add a private match option, or at least have a setting in Custom Games that would allow it to save to the leaderborads if you didn't change anything. My friends are sometimes unavailable and I can't really stand to play with randoms anymore.
  5. I'm loving it. And after I switched search preference to best, I've had virtually no problems short of people rage quitting (which there is a lot less of too).
  6. I don't think he actually knew anything, he just did a more in-depth analysis. Keep in mind he did make an entire video purely dedicated to suggestive pictures of Misty.
  7. I keep switching between blue eyes and the regular skull. I've had nothing but good matches, yet I keep going nowhere. I'm starting to believe it is almost completely random at this point.
  8. I've been predicting a Paris map since the day of the reveal trailer! It just has to happen!
  9. If this is true, it would mean Marlton may have been working at Area 51.
  10. I played a Custom Game on Nuketown with one other guy and we didn't change anything, we just left it as a regular old zombies match and then proceeded to make it to round 33. Everything but the round saved onto the leaderboards.
  11. I wonder if it has anything to do with what they showed in the reveal trailer, when it showed the bus traveling to the stops via a line on a map of Green Run where it showed each stop as one the ranks we are currently perplexed by. Maybe it has something to do with how well we perform in certain areas of the map, as we have yet to see this map they showed in the trailer in-game.
  12. If you was going through the tunnel you have to be careful when you are on the roof because there are signs that you have to sidestep, jump over and crouch under haha i found this out the hard way!. Also i proper laughed when the bus driver was like "your door rights have been fuc##ng revoked" But yeah i was thinking the same we may be able to control where he stops like if we want to get to town quicker keep knifing him or something there must be a pattern. Ive yet to encounter the avagadro in the bus yet (thankfully) but doesnt sound fun ha Dan No, I was looking forward and there weren't any signs ahead at all. It was right before we reached the Farm. I asked my friends who I had been playing with at the time and they said that they were in fact just standing there knifing him because there weren't any zombies at that point in the game. Oh and they also said the doors were locked and didn't open until I came and opened it for them.
  13. That explains why I was randomnly just crouching on the roof one time and I just went flying off all the sudden without even moving.
  14. There is definitely far more to the Tranzit EE than what we have figured out so far. I'm surprised no one is even discussing the fact that Maxis has quite a big presence in this game either. Don't give up hope just yet, our beloved crew will return.
  15. Was I the only one who noticed they worked in the titles of many past zombies songs into that?
  16. Now if we could just get that machete from the campaign...
  17. Kill_All_Monkeys


    I can tell you one thing about him, he is really annoying if you don't have the proper equipment to deal with it. Especially if he stops the bus and constantly zaps you with electricity with a horde of zombies breaking in, and yeah :|
  18. That makes sense. I don't get why they didn't add more though. Perhaps through patches and other updates we'll see the addition of more perks.
  19. That's what it seemed like as first, but the third and fourth perk didn't come until we got through that counter two or three times, and then they just stopped coming after PaP appeared. What especially confuses me about this is that in a previous game, PaP came right after the first perk came, and then another perk came after it. Unfortunately I died before the fourth perk arrived so I still don't know if it's limited to 4 perks or not. To give you a better idea of what it was like, by the end of the game, we had about 2000 kills between the two of us. But the perks stopped coming after about 800 kills total. I'm starting to think it's dependent on how many players there are in the match.
  20. So I just finished a 33 round match on Nuketown with one of my friends and I noticed that Perks and PaP would come every couple of rounds (with some possible correlation to the population counter, I'm not sure), after PaP appeared, no more perks came. It was just Jug, Speed Cola, Double Tap II, and Quick Revive. I know some perks did not return, but I still counted at least three more spots where perks could've spawned. My question is, how exactly do perks work in Nuketown zombies? Does it only randomly spawn in 4 per game? Or is it related to how many players there are? I would very much like to know.
  21. Surely this doesn't happen every time though? That would be statistically impossible. Oh and, welcome to the forum!
  22. Probably FIVE, that was the first map that really drew me in. Plus I still feel as if there's still something about that map we haven't quite discovered yet...
  23. You're not alone. :cry:
  24. I must say, that was actually pretty good.
  25. Just sent in my app for the PS3 clan.
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