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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. I would like a wider array of melee weapons. I thought the addition of the tomahawk and ballistic knife was brilliant, and they need to expand upon that. ¡Yo quiero un machete!
  2. I just want a map where all the wonder weapons (new and old) would be available. That would just be freakin sweet. Also, I actually like where they were going with zombies in terms of the napalm and shriekers. I would love to see them continue on with more zombies like that, specifically ones that don't steal perks.
  3. Yeah, just thought I would point that out.
  4. That was definitely more about what gamesradar wanted, not what is actually in the game. It also seems to me that they just want this to be another L4D game, too.
  5. I actually do agree with multiplayer being the biggest part of the game. I'm just saying that it would be nice to have that option for some of the more hardcore fans. Though I will say that if the current details about multiplayer are true, then it will be freaking amazing. I could see them doing DLC by having everything released separately, while also having a bundle pack. I will also say in zombies' defense that if all these new changes work out for the better in the zombies game mode, then I can see it's popularity skyrocketing. Particularly with the multiplayer integration.
  6. It's team deathmatch with 4 players against 4 players, with a horde of zombies thrown in the middle. Lamia has talked about this before.
  7. I do agree with the idea, but I've never seen the box bring up a weapon that the person is currently already carrying.
  8. I already remember hearing a while back that the attachment allowing you to see through walls was in fact a killstreak, so it's not something that would be readily available to you all the time. That could be their balance maybe? I also just read that when you charge it like that, it consumes more ammo. So if you fully charge it to level 5, it uses 5 bullets in one shot.
  9. No apologies necessary bro. I've found that not many people actually know that Dempsey was in Veruckt anyway. And they were sent in to save a spy named Peter, Dempsey was chosen to lead to rescue mission. As I recall, Peter was mentioned in the Cotd radios as well, with Richtofen also referring to him as a spy in them.
  10. Actually, three of the marines at Veruckt were killed and one of them was captured. That captured soldier was none other than Tank Dempsey. This is implied within the terminal on Black Ops at the main menu.
  11. No offense to anyone, but that was much better grammar than many other native English speakers I've seen, even on this site. Also, cool stuff man.
  12. Yeah, I don't think he was talking about ELITE when he mentioned zombie clans. He referred to them as something people already have, and unless I completely missed something in ELITE, I haven't seen anything about zombie clans.
  13. I just want zombie only DLC released side-by-side with the MP DLC. I didn't really care much for the DLC maps in multiplayer, though I'll still probably end up buying the new ones anyway. I just want the option to choose zombies first.
  14. I would agree with taking new ones over the old ones. But I do also think they will be included in there at some point, just for the sake of having even more maps. I know there are still people that haven't played many of them, the newer ones especially. But what I'm saying is that if these new game modes are playable in smaller maps, why not put them in there for the purpose of at least having somewhat of a variety instead only being able to play them on two or three maps on the game's release. Wouldn't that make sense to be the smart thing to do? Also I refuse to pay for them again unless they do come with the other DLC.
  15. I just think it's important because of the way Takeo said it. And it is still left almost entirely unexplained. All we know about it is that there are tons of zombies and hellhounds there, that's it.
  16. I would also like to point out that zombies may not necessarily take place in 2025, that's where the main focus of the campaign is, as well as multiplayer. The zombie team has pretty much been given free reign now with whatever they want to do with zombies. Just thought I should point that out since there is no confirmation on the time frame for zombies.
  17. If they kept those maps as they are in Black Ops, but ran them on the multiplayer engine, can you imagine how smooth that would run? I don't think even the high rounds would get that laggy anymore (depending on host). And they would have host migration. I sincerely hope all these maps are included with the release of the game. Some could even be used for these new game modes. Wouldn't that make sense? Instead of having to create several new maps right off the bat, they already have 10 at their disposal. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what Treyarch will do about this.
  18. It was the way he said it though, just very ominously. You just have to listen it to understand what I'm saying. And I'm not saying we'll see this as a map, just referenced again within the narrative. Area 51 seems to work better with the small dose we were given. I just believe that Area 51 was left way too open-ended, so much left unexplained.
  19. The multiplayer engine, as we have seen so far, has been able to handle at most 18 players. Now when you factor in double the usual amount of zombies (around 40+ or so), interactions with the environment (such as wall weapons, box, traps, perk machines, PaP, Landers, teleporters, geysers, barriers, windows, the list goes on) that's is a lot for a system to handle. The multiplayer engine has been able to handle more, but I don't think it could handle a map as big as what he's describing with all this and most likely more. Just saying.
  20. I don't know if this has been posted before, but I thought I would share it anyway. I was playing Moon recently trying to do the No Man's Land challenge, so naturally, I heard a lot of quotes regarding Area 51 from the characters. And I noticed a quote that Takeo sometimes says when the match starts. "I get it..... we are not supposed to be here" What does this mean? Does this mean we will be seeing Area 51 again? Maybe not as a map, but possibly mentioned or elaborated upon further in the story. Why is it absolutely swarming with zombies and hellhounds in the first place? Based on what Maxis said about there being a large supply of 115 at the American's Nevada base, I assume that's how the outbreak initially started. I just haven't seen many people talk about this and in lieu of the new game coming out, I believe this to be rather relevant now. Discuss [brains]
  21. I found some of his quotes in Ascension and beyond rather entertaining. "Confucius say, give me more bullets dammit!"
  22. I think the idea of a boss zombie like George would've worked much better if he came at a later round, like round 10 or something. Or perhaps after the power is turned on. Then, I think, we would've had more time to prepare for him and it would've added to the mystery of the map a little too. As Sarah says at the beginning of a match sometimes, "I wonder where George went?". Oh, he's right there. Cotd is already hard enough with the zombies spawning almost exclusively out of the ground in the spawn area. Throwing George in there right at the beginning just made it a bit too complicated.
  23. As for the perk location question, it would be cool to only have one perk available, like just quick revive for instance. Then, before each update release, they could have the community vote on which perk they wanted next. I would guess people would want Juggernog first, not Quick Revive. Also, I don't know if an open world would work with even 8 players though. A huge map like that would feel way too big for even 8 players, let alone 4. But I don't think they could support that many players/zombies/objects/all that fun crap. Plus that would be so different than what people are accustomed to, only having one map. It's all just so complicated.
  24. This is a neat idea, but one problem I see is that this would eventually become a gigantic map. People would also get bored with it eventually as well. Sure there would be new areas every once in a while, but it's still the same environment. Also, what would be available from the beginning in terms of weapons/perks/equipment/e.t.c.? Don't get me wrong, I do like this idea. It's just that I don't think a lot of other people would.
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