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About Matryoshka

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  1. i hear this loud and clear. theres some real dumbasses on zombies ruining the game for respectful players who just want a decent match. thing that pisses me off the most is the amount of idiots using their headsets. gotta ask yourself how many people actually use their headsets on live to do anything other than talk shit, and yeah even on zombies. espicially the doucebags that expect you to do as they say , like trying to make you open doors and shit when the situation isn't nessecary. they'll talk like they know it all and you're just sitting there thinking how much stupider can this person get. i've also learnt to just quit imeditatly if i hear some kid on the mic. because 99% of the time its exactly what you'd expect, screaming and screeching down the mic the entire time, and muting isn't an option once you know who you're playing with. too many people shouldn't be allowed a mic
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