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Posts posted by Stucklikechuck305

  1. I like all the conspiracy theories, they're cool and some seem far fetched but i won't judge, but now I have stuff to look up on my own, even though I might just shrug it off because I'm like that sometimes, I will keep the info in my brain and I will always question that event. But I do agree that every government has an agenda that we don't know about because they think society couldn't handle what it consists of, and they are right to do so. If they released everything that you guys talk about, people would 1) not believe it and 2) it would drive most people would go insane because it would ruin the sheltered live's that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, lives in(so is theorized by many, and is a common theme in movies like the most recent Indiana Jones film). They wouldn't be able to handle that kind of information. And that is why governments do what they do. some things, like going to war in Iraq because of oil can be handled by the public, but other things they keep secret from all of society for reasons that make sense, they do what they do so life in the world can stay the way it is supposed to be, and anyone that digs deeper is imprisoned or allowed to function in society as long as they keep quite.

    And this is why the saying "Ignorance is bliss" exists, because it is, if you don't know then you don't care, and if you don't care than it's one less thing you have to worry about.

    That quote was obviously invented by someone who deals with the kind of information you talk about. Look at the game "Assassin's Creed", The assassins worked to stop an organization from taking advantage of societies ignorance, but they never once compromised it, why? Because if they did people would not understand and it would unravel society as we knew it, that is why their "motto" is

    "We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins. nothing is true, everything is permitted"

    The first part is what I'm talking about, they work under a shroud so no one sees what goes on, and because of it society stays in a very important balance. Now, I personally think that people should open their eyes, but they won't, at least not all of them, will and they, we, are known as conspiracy theorists and society frowns upon us, why? Because we break the norm of ignorance that the rest of the world has in it's own little twisted way, people that suffer in china are as ignorant as the rich and middle class here in america, but in a different way.

    One of you mentioned the NSA, then you have to remember,"Curiosity killed the cat."

  2. I know I'm new to the page but you guys were following all of this info the best and I wanted to know more so I came here, but i wanted to talk about "pie". It's just a thought, but he could be talking about the number Pi(3.14159265).

    I don't know how it would be used, but it is a possibility, I just wanted to bring it up because no one else had.

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