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Everything posted by Roach0909

  1. Maybe its around table discussion being televised and maybe where going to get a quote from like a military type to go with are politician and media worker types. I can see that being part of the trailer explaining up how what ever is happening started.
  2. Okay well to me the red and green look like parts to a vehicle maybe a shuttle or something while the yellow and orange look like different stage engines and the pink or the railing looks to me to be something holding it at a dock or something so like others said a rocket or something like it but im kinda leaning more toward the artillery thing my self.
  3. I too was thinking that, maybe turning the letters into numbers and trying ot make some Coords out of them?? I tried but i didnt know what i was doing :roll: but i got mexico twice im pretty sure that was off
  4. Well when i first saw that dot i didn't take it in to much consideration. I just thought it is like ash moving as the image was taken. I'm also curious will they go just far enough to make up a fake war breaking out or being averted by our actions? like "the enemy could be anywhere and it could be anyone" combined with "The future is not as far off as people think - we're not ready for it" I was thinking maybe china has caught up to the U.S. Technologically and in preparation for war sent in sleeper units. The U.S. could of dropped the ball completely with its intelligence and didn't notice the technological advances they made to their fighting force. That would cover both quotes with one conflict while making sense at least to me.
  5. I understand that my brothers always says something about new tech when he sees it and its usually along the lines of "black ops teams been using it for at least ten years." I agree with that i was just wondering if he was told to specify the time period as a clue to when it is. It could actually be present day but considering the franchise i dont think they come back to this time period of course ww2 came back alot. all i wanted to get across was chances are its a whole knew cast with throw backs to black ops like they did with waw's characters being in the game. i mean even if they did set it now the characters would be right around there 80's. I just wanna find out who we're fighting other then the undead!
  6. Okay this is a bit farfeched but lets say the Quote "the enemy could be anywhere and it could be anyone" combined with the multiple drone pictures = a drone system set up to watch high threat zones or even every where. at some point something caused terrorist to be a bigger problem every where. The solution Drone army to track, human soldiers to take care of targets. i dont know it came together out of no where in my head. i really really only skimmed the darpa tactis document what if there is AIs on the drones and tactis makes and programs them.
  7. Okay nothing we know yet can truly be proven but i don't see most of the characters showing up, unless in like flash backs like future to past and mixing the two in one story. Only reason i believe this is in the quadrotor video he says the tech is a decade from being common which to implies near future. Well i have no idea of the age of the main characters in black ops but given id guess a majority were over 30 given ten years from 2012 so around 2022 if the decade was really a hint of the in game time period. The math is kinda easy go from 1960 to 2022 their age would be to much for any field work meaning i don't think we play as any of the old characters (unless my time switching idea is right.) They may still appear as support roles or giving you mission briefings or something like that.
  8. I don't think its going to be direct FPSRussian said in the video its like 10 15 years of tech before its regularly fielded so im guessing its going to be farther future then modern warfare. I'm just curious will they stay true to life or will they follow modern warfare's ww3 scenario as the history of the world. that and in the screens ive seen in behind the sense making of pics of the drone they had in game reference pics with osperys in the back ground so another reason i dont think its going to be in the past.
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